Day of action - Freedom for Natalja! Freedom for all prisoners!
ABC Orkan | 22.01.2009 21:40 | Repression
we are strong! - no one can tell us we‘re wrong
On Saturday, February 9th 2008 Natalja was arrested during the yearly demonstration against the NATO-Security-Conference in Munich (Germany). They accused her of resisting violently against police measures. A warrant was issued against her and since then she is in Munich behind bars.
On Saturday, February 9th 2008 Natalja was arrested during the yearly demonstration against the NATO-Security-Conference in Munich (Germany). They accused her of resisting violently against police measures. A warrant was issued against her and since then she is in Munich behind bars.
Natalja already was arrested during the G8-summit at summer 2007 in Germany and was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment. Furthermore she has a third trial because of being arrested at a demonstration at may 1th at the same year.
„For me, the imprisonment started with a kind of shock which slowly vanished. It is replaced by a condition of permanent grief in the background covered by a lot of tiredness, boredom and exhaustion.“ (Natalja)
On March 30th 2008 the trial against Natalja at the district court of Munich took place. She got five months of imprisonment without probation. (Natalja already got a total penalty of eleven months in Rostock because of the G8-protest and resistance on may 1st 2007, besides she got two months of suspended sentence because of antifascist resistance in Gräfenberg, which she has to serve now, too). Meanwhile, her arrest was shortened by 28 days.
„However I request – it should not sound snooty – to formulate all this a bit combative / defiant / ‚more than ever‘, so that national intimidation propaganda is not spread inadvertently thereby. Nobody should be discouraged and certainly not ‚brainwashed‘ on my account.“ (Natalja)
The imprisonment was shaped by repression and harassment. Apart from the attempt of „infiltrating“ a plain-clothes policewomen in her cell, Natalja was refused to get her post because it had political contents. On December 11th 2008 she was forced to sample a DNA-assay by using violence.
Out of her imprisonment Natalja took part in different demonstrations and meetings like the demonstration under the slogan „The system is criminal and not the resistance!“ by speech contributions and texts.
„The prison is said to intimidate, reeducate, criminalise and exclude… - And it presents itself each day, how unfair, inhuman, discriminating and destructive the ruling system is […]
Did the prison-system would function only one day long without the forced under-lowest work of the prisoners in the institutes?
Would prisons be maintained without the command and - obedience hierarchy of the execution people, by whom the repression of the prisoners is practically converted by the state daily?
Did a fair, free society would need prisons at all as instrument of class rule and as means, in order to divide exploited social classes by criminalization?
The experience of repression may also be horrible, but the experience of solidarity is much impressing and encouraging! Both encourages me in the conviction: Resistance against the ruling system is necessary. Nevertheless nothing shows as clearly as the coveringness, brutality and presumptuous increase of national repression that the system obviously has much fear before the social movement and active entering against fascism, racism and war!“ (Natalja)
June 6th 2009 is a day Natalja surely longs for and not only she herself… Because on this day Natalja will finally released.
Up to then it is still a long time. The fights in the prisons must further be developed and supported. Masshungerstrikes in the prisons in Europe and an organizing of antiprison-structures outside are a beginning.
On weekend from February 6th until 8th days of action in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle will take place. It is the weekend of the resistance against the NATO-war-conference (officially called Security-Conference), the weekend when Natalja was arrested nearly one year ago.
„This is a meeting of political leaders, military representatives and members of the military lobby, who follows the invitation of the Quandt-Foundation. The Quandt family is the principal part owner of the BMW company, which manufactures motor vehicles, but also military equipment like vehicles and weapons. (The roots for their prosperity and influence are the chemical industry - including the exploitation of prisoners in the concentration camps during the 2nd World War). In spite of the ‚private‘ / ‚commercial‘ background of the conference, the people enjoy „the honour“ of a status as official guests of the Federal Republic of Germany. The German army (Bundeswehr) is responsible for the scene… “ (Natalja)
For all those who cannot participate in the protests against the Securityconference and the locally (Munich) organized actions in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle, there is a calling for a decentralized weekend of action.
Let us organize in order to refuse the state including its prisons, cops, laws and military and to fight for a world without exploitation and oppression in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle!
Freedom for Natalja and all prisoners! No prison, no state!
Revolutionary solidarity! For anarchy! For the social revolution!
ABC-Orkan (Anarchist Black Cross – Gruppe Norddeutschland) and northern Anarchists
Anarchist Black Cross Berlin
Information and contact:
Solidarity means attack !
„For me, the imprisonment started with a kind of shock which slowly vanished. It is replaced by a condition of permanent grief in the background covered by a lot of tiredness, boredom and exhaustion.“ (Natalja)
On March 30th 2008 the trial against Natalja at the district court of Munich took place. She got five months of imprisonment without probation. (Natalja already got a total penalty of eleven months in Rostock because of the G8-protest and resistance on may 1st 2007, besides she got two months of suspended sentence because of antifascist resistance in Gräfenberg, which she has to serve now, too). Meanwhile, her arrest was shortened by 28 days.
„However I request – it should not sound snooty – to formulate all this a bit combative / defiant / ‚more than ever‘, so that national intimidation propaganda is not spread inadvertently thereby. Nobody should be discouraged and certainly not ‚brainwashed‘ on my account.“ (Natalja)
The imprisonment was shaped by repression and harassment. Apart from the attempt of „infiltrating“ a plain-clothes policewomen in her cell, Natalja was refused to get her post because it had political contents. On December 11th 2008 she was forced to sample a DNA-assay by using violence.
Out of her imprisonment Natalja took part in different demonstrations and meetings like the demonstration under the slogan „The system is criminal and not the resistance!“ by speech contributions and texts.
„The prison is said to intimidate, reeducate, criminalise and exclude… - And it presents itself each day, how unfair, inhuman, discriminating and destructive the ruling system is […]
Did the prison-system would function only one day long without the forced under-lowest work of the prisoners in the institutes?
Would prisons be maintained without the command and - obedience hierarchy of the execution people, by whom the repression of the prisoners is practically converted by the state daily?
Did a fair, free society would need prisons at all as instrument of class rule and as means, in order to divide exploited social classes by criminalization?
The experience of repression may also be horrible, but the experience of solidarity is much impressing and encouraging! Both encourages me in the conviction: Resistance against the ruling system is necessary. Nevertheless nothing shows as clearly as the coveringness, brutality and presumptuous increase of national repression that the system obviously has much fear before the social movement and active entering against fascism, racism and war!“ (Natalja)
June 6th 2009 is a day Natalja surely longs for and not only she herself… Because on this day Natalja will finally released.
Up to then it is still a long time. The fights in the prisons must further be developed and supported. Masshungerstrikes in the prisons in Europe and an organizing of antiprison-structures outside are a beginning.
On weekend from February 6th until 8th days of action in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle will take place. It is the weekend of the resistance against the NATO-war-conference (officially called Security-Conference), the weekend when Natalja was arrested nearly one year ago.
„This is a meeting of political leaders, military representatives and members of the military lobby, who follows the invitation of the Quandt-Foundation. The Quandt family is the principal part owner of the BMW company, which manufactures motor vehicles, but also military equipment like vehicles and weapons. (The roots for their prosperity and influence are the chemical industry - including the exploitation of prisoners in the concentration camps during the 2nd World War). In spite of the ‚private‘ / ‚commercial‘ background of the conference, the people enjoy „the honour“ of a status as official guests of the Federal Republic of Germany. The German army (Bundeswehr) is responsible for the scene… “ (Natalja)
For all those who cannot participate in the protests against the Securityconference and the locally (Munich) organized actions in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle, there is a calling for a decentralized weekend of action.
Let us organize in order to refuse the state including its prisons, cops, laws and military and to fight for a world without exploitation and oppression in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle!
Freedom for Natalja and all prisoners! No prison, no state!
Revolutionary solidarity! For anarchy! For the social revolution!
ABC-Orkan (Anarchist Black Cross – Gruppe Norddeutschland) and northern Anarchists

Anarchist Black Cross Berlin

Information and contact:
Solidarity means attack !
ABC Orkan