UK Repression Newswire Archive
S. Korea: Migrant Workers Struggle (updated)
01-03-2004 18:44

01-03-2004 15:27
Trinity students have voted by 1800 votes (aprox.) to 1600 votes aprox to boycott CokeJOIN THE PROTEST AGAINST INDISCRIMINATE REPRESSION OF SLOVAKIA'S 500,000 ROMA
29-02-2004 19:03
Currently a popular uprising is brewing in Slovakia amongst the Roma people. Latest reports speak of door-to-door raids, systematic beatings and electric-shock torture (over 100 to date). Rioting started when Roma, already jobless, had unemployment benefits cut by 50%. Join a picket on Tuesday at Noon in front of the Slovak Embassy to show opposition to the treatment of the Roma by the Slovak state.Latest News on Genoa G8
29-02-2004 16:38
Almost three years after the G8 in Genoa, the truth is starting to emerge on the tortures and beatings demonstrators were subjected to in Bolzaneto police station.Mobile phones – a threat and some solutions
28-02-2004 20:28
A guide to new threats from mobile phones and how to get around them and protect your anonymity.LAST MINUTE: Places on Medic Training Available
28-02-2004 20:07
A few places are available on Far From Help Medic Training, arranged by Earth First!ers, to be held in Nottingham March 5-7...New Lawson-Cruttenden email address
28-02-2004 19:43
Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, the lawyer mentioned previously on Indymedia for having done so much to trample over the basic human rights on the freedom to protest against multinationals with enough money to abuse the law has obviously become a very unpopular guy. At one stage he was recieving 2000 emails a day, many relating to his undemocratic antics in the courts. Now he has been reduced to using a simple dial up account and a new email address in an effort to hide from the angry hordes of civil libertarians....Creating a Genuine Policing System
28-02-2004 13:12
We know that the yobs are not genuine policemen. This is the time when we have the best cahnce of inventing and implememnting a genuine policing system, (one of whose functions will be to defend honest citizens from the paramilitaries) so here are some ideas which are being distributed to a number of concerned bodies and might be followed up over the next months and years.Police Harassment of DSEi meetings and future meetings
28-02-2004 12:12
Due to police harassment of DISARM DSEi meetings we are no longer advertising the London dates. However the meetings remain open and if people want to come along please email
Venezuela Offers Military Aid To Haiti Government Facing US Backed Coup
28-02-2004 01:48
Chavez may send troops as Bush refuses to stop the attack.URGENT CALL FOR SOLIDARITY VISIT IN TURKEY
27-02-2004 15:35

The Times (UK) denies defamation of Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)
27-02-2004 12:29
In respons to a complaint made by Swami DhyanGiten about the article "Little boy lost in the commune"
published in The Times january 19, 2004, Penny Wark,
associate editor of The Times, admits that Osho´s
(Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) reputation was damaged in the US,
but she denies that the article in The Times has defamed Osho.
Meeting on Colombia in Oxford
27-02-2004 11:27
Public Meeting on Colombia, 'Undoubtedly the most dangerous place in theworld to be a trade unionist'
Monday 1 March, 7.30 pm, Oxford Town Hall
International Women's Day Events Honour Women of Palestine
27-02-2004 11:15
Events for International Women's Day, from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. We invite a global exchange of solidarity message for Palestinian women between women's groups, individuals, and solidarity groups everywhere! If you would like to send a message to be read out on March 6 in London please feel welcome.China Labour Action Express No. 43
27-02-2004 11:00
Peaceful village election meeting broken up by more than 30 armed police in Dazhu Village, Ningbo, ChinaPublished by China Labour Bulletin
P.O. Box 11362, General Post Office, Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2359 4324 Tel: (852) 2780 2187 Email:


The White Anti-Racist is an Oxymoron: An Open Letter to "White Anti-Racists"
26-02-2004 20:22
I received an annoying e-mail about white people and their struggle to do anti-racist work. I keep reading and hearing white people talk about their struggle to do anti-racist organizing, and frankly it gets on my nerves. So I am writing this open letter to white people who engage in any activist work that involves or affects non-whites.You Don't Have to Be Smart to Be a Despot
26-02-2004 17:49
Leaders in the "coaltion to rule the world" use the same tactics as the common abuser. What they don't realize is that they will have a heavy price to pay.Free Burma Protest at STA TRAVEL - CAMBRIDGE
26-02-2004 15:55
It is sad and ironic that a student travel agency is supporting a regimethat murders students and routinely closes universities.
Just north of the Cambridge Market Square
12 NOON Monday 1st March
UK organisation desperate to control email
26-02-2004 13:57
At least one UK organisation (a popular science publisher)is participating in a desperate attempt to stop "leaks"
of information by email. I received a tag in a private email about a
perfectly non-secret subject which has extremely threatening
language. Suggested antidote: respond publicly without quoting the content.
Israeli army just killed 2 anti-wall demonstrators in Bidu!!
26-02-2004 11:55
The Israeli army has just killed two peaceful anti-wall demonstrators in Bidu, near Jerusalem.