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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Anti Deportation Campaign: Keep Babi Safe in Cardiff

17-05-2008 21:46

Babi Badalov
A campaign has begun to stop the deportation of Cardiff based asylum seeker Babi Badalov

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Freedom To Protest Demo - Edinburgh - Tomorrow

17-05-2008 16:32

A peaceful demonstration is planned to assert our right to freely protest without fear. It will be held at 12pm on the 18th of May at Parliament Square, as a response to the campaign of harassment and intimidation which Lothian and Borders Police is directing at peaceful protesters in Edinburgh. Such repression violates human rights and, if it continues, it will stifle popular participation in civil society. The demonstration is also in solidarity with the dozens of working class people who are oppressed by the Edinburgh 'justice' system every day.

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Irish Redress Board just like 'Russian Show Trials'

17-05-2008 15:00

Could The Irish Residential Institutions Redress Board be remembered in history as being one of the most draconian institutions ever put together by the Irish Government ? Will the truth ever be known about its credibility and its ability to encourage unscrupulous people to lie,give false information and combine their statement and its office to destroy innocent men women and children ? Despite many obvious fundamental flaws enshrined in its makeup.Honorable people continue to work in and operate under a wall of protection, collusion,suspicion and secrecy.

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Sequani trial stitch up

16-05-2008 23:40

The vindictive state twists the knife.

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Rumsfeld: Why not another 9/11?

16-05-2008 21:31

In a newly-released tape of a 2006 neocon luncheon meeting featuring former War Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, attended by ex-military "message force multiplier" propaganda shills Lt. General Michael DeLong, David L. Grange, Donald W. Sheppard, James Marks, Rick Francona, Wayne Downing, Robert H. Scales and others, Rumsfeld declared that the American people lack "the maturity to recognize the seriousness of the ‘threats’" -- and need another 9/11.

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Anti-gypsy sentiments out of control in Italy

16-05-2008 21:15

The Roma in Italy are not criminals, they are families living in conditions of great hardship. Out of the 150,000 “gypsies” present in our country, 90,000 are children. The average life expectancy of the Roma in Italy is 35 years, compared to the 80 years of the other citizens.
Infant mortality among Roma children is 15 times higher than that of other children.

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Palestinian al-Nakbah at 60: the case of unrecognized villages

16-05-2008 17:07

Bedouin woman outside her home in Qiryeh al-Sir
Yom al-Nakbah on the 15th of May marks the Palestinian catastrophe in which 750,000 people were driven out of their homes 60 years ago. But for Palestinians living in villages that Israel refuses to recognize, the ethnic cleansing process continues to this day. The unrecognized Bedouin villages of the Negev continue to struggle against obliteration.

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Indymedia Ecuador communiques

16-05-2008 15:17

Indymedia Journalists Targeted in Ecuador. English translation of recent communiques:

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London Zoo outside City Hall

16-05-2008 15:12

On 2 May about 60 people gathered outside city hall to await the London election results and protest against the lack of choice generally and the BNP specifically.

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Pauline Campbell - lives remembered

16-05-2008 15:08

Audio Pauline Campbell, mother of Sarah Campbell who died in prison in Cheshire

Photographs of Pauline remembering some of the women who died in UK prisons in the last 5 years. The audio from the demonstration to remember Jamie Pearce, aged 24 who died at Holloway on December 10th 2007, includes an interview with Pauline.

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South Africa: Gangster landlord's intimidation of Shack Dweller movement

15-05-2008 22:11

The poor of Motala Heights, affiliated to Abahlali baseMjondolo since 2006, are fighting a bitter battle against eviction against a local gangster business man and the local state. There have recently been death threats and threats of arson and the local cops are acting as the gangsters' enforcers.

Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Release
Tuesday, 13 May 2008

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Pauline Campbell 1948-2008

15-05-2008 16:08

It is with great sadness that I report the death of Pauline Campbell whose body was found at the grave of her daughter Sarah this morning. She was an inspiration to all who knew her, both activists and journalists alike. She fought for years for the rights of those whom the government and society would try to forget. She was never afraid to put herself in the firing line and to this effect she was arrested 15 times though the state never succeeded in prosecuting her. To see her courageous action and eloquent speeches it was easy to forget that she fought a daily battle with her grief at losing her only daughter. Something she never really recovered from.

She leaves behind a proud legacy of tireless campaigning and direct action. Rest in peace Pauline. You will be remembered with great pride and affection by all of us who had the honour of knowing you.

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Ndeh Family Support Demonstration

15-05-2008 14:50

Audio Outside Sheffield Town Hall
Supporters of Claude Ndeh and his family demonstrate outside Sheffield Town Hall demanding that he and his family be allowed to stay in Sheffield.

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SOCPA: Rebalancing your rights, unravelling the "repeal"

15-05-2008 13:14

The government wants your help (well, mainly the police and MPs, but it looks better this way) to restrict freedom to protest in new soundbite friendly ways, in particular to "prevent permanent demonstrations in Parliament Square":


The two Houses of Parliament have established a Joint Committee to examine and
report on the Government’s Draft Constitutional Renewal Bill (Cm 7342) published
on 25 March 2008. The committee has been ordered to report by 18 July.

At its first meeting on 7 May the Committee elected Michael Jabez Foster MP as
Members’ declared interests are available on the Committee’s website:
The Committee expects to take oral evidence up to mid-June."

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Over 115 public figures join the call to recognise the Palestinian Nakba

15-05-2008 11:51

What do Archbishop Desmond Tutu and rock legend Roger Water of Pink Floyd have in common?

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San Francisco protest demands freedom for Dr. Binayak Sen

15-05-2008 00:51

Protest in front of the Consulate General of India in San Francisco
On the first anniversary of the incarceration of Indian human rights and public health activist, Dr. Binayak Sen, people gathered in front of the Consulate General of India in San Francisco to protest his continued imprisonment on fabricated charges. They presented a petition demanding, "Free Dr. Binayak Sen," to the Indian Consul General.

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60 years Israel Nothing to celebrate Remember the Naqba!

14-05-2008 23:52

In contrary to the outburst of festivities among zionists and their adherents, regarding the ´´celebration´´ of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, for the Palestinian victims of the etnic cleansings in 1948 and 1967 and the continuing occupation, there is nothing to celebrate
Remember the Naqba

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Sequani Trial Update - One Remanded - Three not guilty so far...

14-05-2008 22:45

One of our friends Sean Kirtley was remanded in custody today after a jury found him guilty of Conspiracy to interfere with contractual relationships so as to harm animal research organisation. Rose Golding, Gemma Astbury and Wendy Clark have been found not guilty. Pauline Burgess and Jo Goodyear should have a verdict tomorrow.
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