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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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post-G8: Hamburg against state repression

15-12-2007 21:23

Up to 5000 people, more than half of them classified as a "potentially violent" part of the 'Autonome' movement, have participated in a demonstration against "security madness and surveillance state". Clashes between riot police and protestor occured in the early evening hours.

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First woman convicted under Terrorism Act

15-12-2007 19:39

On December 6, Samina Malik, a 23-year-old from Southall, West London, became the first woman in the UK to be sentenced under the Terrorism Act 2000. Malik was sentenced to 9 months, suspended for 18 months, with the condition that she be supervised for the whole period and undertake unpaid work. She has already spent 5 months in custody and 1 month under house arrest after her conviction.

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Totalitarian Oil get out of Burma protest in Chiswick

15-12-2007 18:21

On Thursday 13th December, eight protesters campaigned at the Total Oil
station at 137 Chiswick High Road against Total's funding of the repressive
regime in Burma.

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Mel Broughton remanded...was he set up? [] SPEAK

15-12-2007 00:21

Mel Broughton from SPEAK has been arrested and remanded on charges of arson, conspiracy to blackmail and possession of explosives.
Thames Valley police have carried out a dirty war against SPEAK. [As was proven in court when a secret recording was played].

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Police do their best to contain NATO chaos; succeed (just)

14-12-2007 17:42

Police let show their lack of a plan for today's NATO summit on the outskirts of Edinburgh, not knowing quite what to do with activists found well inside their supposedly secure area.

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genova-g8: Details of the sentence

14-12-2007 17:12

Clarification about the sentence for 25 protesters from Genova 2001 during the g8 summit.

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g8 - genova: Sentence from 6 months to 11 years for 24 protesters

14-12-2007 16:44

Quick translation from

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Quick report of short, small and sociable anti NATO protest:

14-12-2007 13:44

small anti NATO protest at Craigiehall
Since early Friday morning about thirty people, amongst them a dozen cyclists, blockaded the main road to the NATO summit in Craigiehill, in between Edinburgh and South Queensferry. There were no known arrests, but a heavy police presence including mounted police and dogs.

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Hundreds expected to march against Sequani animal torture labs in Ledbury

14-12-2007 09:50

Sequani Flyer
For Immediate release:
12th December 2007

Chris Dowdeswell (Western Animal Rights Network) – 01452 539673

Activists from around the country are travelling for a national march and demonstration in Ledbury this Saturday 15th December commencing at 12:00 from Ledbury train station marching through the town centre and through residential areas.

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Interenationalization of the Basque conflict and the European Arrest Warrant

13-12-2007 17:25

In the early 90s, the Spanish government decided to internationalize the political conflict between the Spanish State and the Basque Country, in terms of repression.

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SOCPA cycling.

13-12-2007 11:18

Why are drivers allowed to play their sound systems in the SOCPA zone but not cyclists?

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Total impunity: Shoot-to-kill commander McDowall promoted as 'anti-terror chief'

13-12-2007 09:44

Does this Top terror role for the Menezes officer mean that it has been accepted that we adopt a routine "shoot to kill any suspect policy" from now on?

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Myanmar Mission in NYC

13-12-2007 00:53

The UN Mission for Myanmar vandalized on Human Rights Day.

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Public Meeting: How Safe is Sudan? The Case for Asylum

12-12-2007 17:14

The saga of Gillian Gibbons and the teddy bear showed how dangerous the Sudanese Government/military/judiciary can be. Darfuri asylum seekers in the UK are in real danger from the Home Office and the Sudanese Government

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China Wins Gold Medal for Human Rights Abuses'

12-12-2007 13:22

Hu Jintao celebrates his award for human rights abuses
Monday 10th December- International Human Rights Day: Protests at Manchester Chinese Consulate

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Philippines: Gloria Arroyo is a Human Rights Violator!

12-12-2007 00:54

Hers is a Morally Bankrupt Government with Distorted Human Rights Values!

Malacañang’s (Presidential Palace) cash gifts, for whatever fabricated excuses and delayed explanations, has exposed the governance of Ms. Gloria Arroyo as morally bankrupt.

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Demonstrators Blockade Mexican Embassy In London

11-12-2007 23:37

Protest outside Mexican Embassy on 10th December 2007
On Monday 10th December demonstrators blockaded both the Mexican
Embassy and Mexican Consulate in London, in solidarity with the Zapatistas and in opposition to the attacks on their communities by the state and paramilitaries.

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Channel 4 - Political Awards - nominate Brian Haw

11-12-2007 13:34

Channel 4 News are drawing up a short list of the 'most inspiring political personality of the last ten years'.

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Guantánamo Britons To Be Released: A Mixed Result

11-12-2007 12:29

Andy Worthington, author of The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison, explains why news that four British residents are to be released from Guantánamo provides grounds for cautious celebration, but also points out that two British residents will not be coming home.

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Support the Villagers of Nandigram!

11-12-2007 11:47

protest against the massacre perpetrated by armed CPI(M) goons at Nandigram
Support the villagers of Nandigram, W Bengal against eviction from land and corporate greed.
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