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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Israel Ignores Poverty

04-09-2007 17:54

The facts capture an image of the politicised Israel in which turmoil is guaranteed; poverty a precursor to violence will put in jeopardy peace, as myths, distortions and lies serves the manipulator reinvigorating a hate filled backlash against those who are oppressed.

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Western Animal Rights Network launched! + Animal Rights Copwatch

04-09-2007 14:39

WARN (Western Animal Rights Network) is a coalition for animal liberationists that was originally launched in 2005 but ceased to be after activists moved away from the West. We hope to be a support base for activists and be a gateway into the animal rights movement for people looking to get involved in animal liberation in the West of the UK.

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Israel allowed into UK for football, Palestine not!

04-09-2007 11:30

Israel are coming to play England in a friendly (apparently in the world of football, Isael is in Europe), weeks after the Palestinian youth team were denied entry to the UK...anyone want to organise protests?

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Is Human Rights Watch Losing its Moral Compass?

03-09-2007 23:58

Surely if Human Rights Watch did not exist most of us would want to see it quickly created and would want to join in that effort ourselves. Its work since its founding 29 years ago, as Helsinki Watch, has been generally exemplary given the conditions it sometimes finds in the 70 countries it operates in.

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Copenhagen Update September

03-09-2007 19:17

Video Occupied Inland Ice
Current situation in Copenhagen in brief, the fight for free spaces continues and escalates as we reach the 6 month anniversary of the eviction of Ungdomshuset, and a well known (and hated) repressor "loses it".

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Provocateurs caught at Montebello protest

03-09-2007 17:13

After 4 days of denials, police in canada admit that 3 'black bloc', one with a rock, were undercover cops

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Picket War Conference 10th September 4:30pm-6:30pm, nr Green Park, London

03-09-2007 17:04

On the eve of DSEi - the world's biggest arms fair, Jane's 'Defence' are hosting a conference on corporate wars in 2020 and beyond which in their own words is "the definitive event assessing priorities for defence ministries and business opportunities for those who supply defence equipment", but it might just as well be "more wars for less oil". It's being held at the Radisson Edwardian Mayfair Hotel, Stratton Street, London W1J 8LT

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Hector Cerezo: Prisoners Today, Forever Free

03-09-2007 04:27

One day they dragged them out of their house illegally without a search warrant. The Cerezo brothers were tortured and then were subjected to a gigantic media montage and thrown into maximum security prisons. The news media and bureaucratic inertia found them guilty although none of the charges against them have ever been proved and all the evidence has vanished.

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Spanish authorities have prosecuted a child for terrorism! Incredible but true!

02-09-2007 19:14

14-year-old Èric Bertran e-mailed companies requesting labeling in Catalan language, using the "Phoenix" monicker from the Harry Potter books.

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New Orleans After 24 Months: 'They wanted them poor niggers out of there.'

02-09-2007 16:42

“They wanted them poor niggers out of there and they ain’t had no intention to allow it to be reopened to no poor niggers, you know? And that’s just the bottom line.”

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Australia: Greenpeace activists stage APEC coal protest

02-09-2007 15:43

Greenpeace activists paint "Australia Pushing Export Coal"
Twelve Greenpeace activists have been arrested at the world's biggest coal port at Newcastle, 160km north of Sydney, after painting the message "Australia Pushing Export Coal" on the side of a coal ship, The Endeavour, and unfurling a large banner in Chinese calling on China to be cautious of John Howard and George Bush’s attempts to sabotage Kyoto. The protest comes at the start of the 2007 APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) forum meeting being hosted by Australian Prime Minister John Howard in Sydney 2-9 September 2007, and being attended by USA President George Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Hu Jintao and other Pacific rim leaders.

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Can Human Rights Survive the "War on Terror"?

02-09-2007 13:36

Attached is an audio recording of a public meeting held in Sheffield on 1st September 2007 which was addressed by Stephanie Harrison, a Human Rights Lawyer dealing with those targetted by the anti terrorist legislation and Mohammed Abdulmalik, president of Libya Watch, a Human Rights Organisation.

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Privatizing Misery, Deporting and Imprisoning Migrants for Profit

01-09-2007 19:02

The Hidden Agenda of the Border Hype: Security Guards and Prisons in the Dollars-For-Migrants Industry

By Brenda Norrel

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The attempt to deport Learco Chindamo

01-09-2007 15:19

Learco Chindamo was 15 years old when he killed headmaster Philip Lawrence outside his London school in 1995. He was sentenced to be “detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure”—the formal judgment pronounced in the most serious juvenile cases as an alternative to handing down a life sentence to a child. He can be considered for parole after serving a tariff (minimum) of 12 years detention, which expires in January 2008 when Chindamo will be 27.

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Prison officers in mass unlawful strike

01-09-2007 15:05

Some 20,000 prison officers in England and Wales took illegal unofficial action on Wednesday 29 August against Gordon Brown’s public sector wage cuts and the disastrous overcrowding in prisons.

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July 7th bombing victims' meeting in London on Monday 3 September

01-09-2007 14:09

Tonights public meeting will be focussed on the events of 7th July 2005. It will be a unique event combining the perspectives of a 7/7 survivor as well as the family of a 7/7 victim.

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Video of one aspect of Mandela's vist not covered by the corporate media.

01-09-2007 13:01

Nelson Mandela attended the unveiling of his statue in Parliament Square, London, UK, on Wednesday 29th August 2007, accompanied on stage by Prime Minister Gordon Brown and several other eminent politicians.

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(funny video) Inspector G8

01-09-2007 12:38

(funny video) Inspector G8
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