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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Genoa/Diaz missing Molotovs update

25-01-2007 18:42

The Committee "Truth and Justice for Genoa" issued a press release earlier today stating that they had written an official complaint/ statement (esposto) to the Judicial Authorities in which they demand to know what has happened to the two molotovs amongst other things.
They go on to say that the missing Molotovs are only the latest in a whole series of delaying tactics, used by the police to try and impede the magistrates and stop the trial.

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“Welcome to London” DEMONSTRATION

25-01-2007 18:11

Opposite Downing Street & the Foreign Office, Whitehall, London SW1.

From 9.00am Wednesday 31st January 2007


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The Battle for Oaxaca

25-01-2007 17:02

A voice from the inspiring struggle of workers, students and social movements in Oaxaca, Mexico; Andreas Aullet will be speaking in Sheffield as part of No Sweat's national week of action on Thursday 15th February.

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Death of Another Woman Prisoner

24-01-2007 18:49

Lucy Wood, aged 28, died on 15 January 2007
while in the 'care' of a private prison: HMP Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

A demonstration will take place on Wednesday 31 January 2007 at 1.00 pm, for the duration of the afternoon, outside HMP Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

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Youth organisations Haika and Segi declared terrorist

24-01-2007 18:19

press conference to denounce the cort's decision
On 19/02/2005 the Audiencia Nacional issued a decision whereby it stated the youth organisations Jarrai, Haika and Segi are not terrorist organisations because they do not use weapons or explosives, although the Court did declare them illegal and sentenced 24 young Basques to between two and half years and three and a half years in prison. This decision was appealed by the defence and the Prosecution, for different reasons, before the Supreme Court.

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Looking to the Side, From Belsen to Gaza

24-01-2007 17:14

A genocide is engulfing the people of Gaza while a silence engulfs its bystanders. "Some 1.4 million people, mostly children, are piled up in one of the most densely populated regions of the world, with no freedom of movement, no place to run and no space to hide," wrote the senior UN relief official, Jan Egeland, and Jan Eliasson, then Swedish foreign minister, in Le Figaro. They described people "living in a cage," cut off by land, sea and air, with no reliable power and little water and tortured by hunger and disease and incessant attacks by Israeli troops and planes.

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'Survivors' of truama and abuse caused by Ombudsman... Reply from LGOwatch....

24-01-2007 14:06

I am tryingto gather up further support and ask further advice and any action that needs to be taken urgently on this matter with Local Goverment Ombudsman's abusive behaviour is being monitored by Gary Powell and other at LGOWatch, in which is impacting on some of the most vulnerable disabled people and their familes and carers within our society here in the UK which is causing many 'victims' of basic human rights abuses.

With others within the disabled peoples and other movements in the UK I am asking for allies within the UK and global indymedia on this urgent basic human rights matter. Please read below....

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N London Social Centre needs help now!

24-01-2007 13:51

The squatted Vortex social centre has been fending off an illegal eviction attempt this morning. There is a call out for folks to help tonight and tomorrow morning

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SOCPA - barbara tucker arrested

24-01-2007 13:38

barbara with her genocide banner
barbara tucker, the stoic peace campaigner facing endless harrassment from charing cross police for doing no more than peacefully demonstrating near parliament and downing street, was arrested again this morning in parliament square. worried supporters and her solicitor are trying to get her out of police hands as there are grave fears for her safety.

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Community investigate gang violence media release timing?

24-01-2007 02:11

Under New Managment
But it was released on You Tube on 25 November 2006, but it can wait to be released by the Mess Media, save for the eve of Invasion Day 2007 right? Well thank your lucky stars?

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seminar on Women’s Rights, the Veil and Islamic and religious laws

23-01-2007 22:08

a seminar on 8 March International Women's Day

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CIA report: governments complicit in systematic torture

23-01-2007 16:05

After one year's activity, the CIA investigation committee today approved the final report on its work by 28 votes to 17 with 3 abstentions. The report comes up for a vote in plenary on February 14th.

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Manila. On the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre

23-01-2007 10:30

Protesters clench fists as they march during the anniversary of the Mendiola massacre in Manila January 22, 2007. Demonstrators marked the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre, commemorating 13 protesters who were killed and 80 wounded by a hail of bullets from policemen and soldiers

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23-01-2007 10:28


At, you can download and watch a 25-minute
interview (Spanish, with English sub-titles) with Porfirio Domínguez
Muñozcano, a Oaxacan arquitect almost beaten to death by Mexican ‘security’

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Corporate Control of the Media

23-01-2007 08:54

If You Are Concerned
Sen. Bernie Sanders: If You Are Concerned About Health Care, Iraq, the Economy, Global Warming You Must Be Concerned About Corporate Control of the Media

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SOCPA - Brian Haw Court Victory today

22-01-2007 19:39

Mark Wallinger, Martin, Barbara and Brian outside Westminster Court
When police crept down to Parliament Square in the middle of the night last May and removed most of Brian Haw's display, the were acting unlawfully. Superintendent Terry produced an undated document in Court signed by the Commissioner, delegating powers to him to impose conditions on demonstration. But Judge Purdy ruled today that the conditions were unlawful, the delegation was unlawful and so the raid must have been unlawful too.

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Prison death demonstration, 24 January 2007, Gloucestershire

21-01-2007 23:17

A demonstration will be held on Wednesday 24 January 2007
at 1.00 pm, for the duration of the afternoon,
outside HMP and YOI Eastwood Park, Gloucestershire
to protest against the death of Caroline Powell, aged 26
who died on 05.01.07 while in the 'care' of the jail

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2 Letters from Prisoners in the UK's Guantanamo: HMP Long Lartin

21-01-2007 21:17

The Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC) web site has two letters from detainees at HMP Long Lartin, "Y" and Reda Dendani (formally "Q"), "HMP Long Lartin is UK’s Guatanamo -approved and made legal by SIAC (Special Immigration Appeal Commission) - a secret court with secret evidence". Read on for these letters and an article about them.

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March on Worthing Police Station

21-01-2007 15:42

A PROTEST march on Worthing Police Station has been called for Saturday February 17 in the face of police intimidation of Titnore Woods campaigners.

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Oaxaca, Mexico - repression and resistance

21-01-2007 01:07

The New Year has seen more brutal repression in Oaxaca, including the murder of teacher Enriqueta Santiago Santiago by a death squad after her abduction on 12th January. Resistance such as street and prison demos is continuing (though with fewer people than earlier) while indigenous Triquis have declared an autonomous municipality. A "megamarch" has been called for 3 February in Oaxaca City.
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