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Photo from Athens IMC makes fool of the counter-terrorist police

15-01-2007 04:00

Police considered an older wikipedia photo as connected to the US Embassy attack

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Are Iranians sleepwalking into a disaster?

15-01-2007 02:15

Never in the long history of Iran has a threat had such disastrous
potential as the current threat of US attack. In the past when the
Greeks, Arabs, Mongols, etc. raided, destroyed, divided the country, there
was always the potential for a strong leader to rise up in the future and
re-unify the land.

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10/01/07: Downing Street Candle-lit vigil for Guantanamo Bay prisoners

15-01-2007 01:47

Video of the candle-lit vigil for the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay.

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Islamophobic Australians attack peaceful Aussie mufti

14-01-2007 20:51

Peace Shiek
January 15, 2007 - Aussie mufti Sheik Taj al-Din Hilali's recent comments during an Egyptian TV interview have triggered more Islamaphobic outrage in Australia, with a number of politicians, including Federal Immigration Minister Senator Amanda Vanstone, laughing him off as an "irrelevance" or demanding he "stay in his native Egypt if did not like Australia."

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Climate Chaos Campaigners Confront Corporate Cowboys in Churchill Square Clash!

14-01-2007 15:18

A march in Brighton in January 2007 against climate injustice faces corporate thuggery.

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sunday times leaks info about new anti-war exhibition at tate britain

14-01-2007 12:35

a press release tomorrow will reveal the exact nature of marc wallinger's new installation at the duveen gallery, tate britain. meanwhile the organisers are angry at a leak to the sunday times which was published this morning under the title 'tate puts artistic bomb under blair.

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ASEAN Civil Society Conference (ACSC II)

14-01-2007 02:54

ASEAN for the People
Statement of the 2nd ASEAN Civil Society Conference (ACSC II)

10-12 December 2006

Cebu City, Philippines

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Protest against Kalyx / Harmondsworth immigration detention centre

13-01-2007 21:50

Demo in central London this Wednesday, outside company that runs Harmondsworth IRC.

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Australia: Press Statement - Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Canberra

13-01-2007 21:01

Australian Map
35th Anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy Canberra & Aboriginal Sovereignty Day, 26th January 2007, Canberra. "Aboriginal Peoples must unite and assert our Sovereign Custodianship of our Lands. We must commence coming together as a united front, many nations one voice under the longest serving Sovereign, political protest site in the country. The Aboriginal Tent Embassy. The Land must go back to the Peoples. Land Rights is Human Rights. Land Rights is a Sovereign Right."

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A Risky Game of Risk: MAUREEN DOWD - 'I feel good about the new war with Iran' +

13-01-2007 19:03

- DOWD: I feel good about the new war with Iran.
- Blair advocates warlike foreign policy and more

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Vigil: Styal Prison, Cheshire - 18 January 2007

13-01-2007 18:03

A vigil will be held outside HMP & YOI Styal, Cheshire
Thursday 18 January 2007, 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm
to mark the 4th anniversary of the death of Sarah Elizabeth Campbell, 18
who died in the so-called care of HMP & YOI Styal on 18.01.03
Reporters & photographers are welcome to attend

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Town centres – a tale of two councils

12-01-2007 15:01

Farnborough town centre – empty streets, boarded-up shops
Two councils, one which worked in collusion with a developer to destroy a town centre for a superstore, the other that said no to Tesco, now has a thriving town centre with several small retailers, bucking the national trend of closures.

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Why the US Is Not Leaving Iraq: The booming business of war profiteers

12-01-2007 11:38

Neither the Iraq Study Group nor other establishment critics of the Iraq war are calling for the withdrawal of US troops from that country. To the extent that the Study Group or the new Congress purport to inject some "realism" into the Iraq policy, such projected modifications do not seem to amount to more than changing the drivers of the US war machine without changing its destination, or objectives: control of Iraq’s political and economic policies.

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Bush Escalates Iraq War with 20,000 More Troops; Threatens Iran, Syria

12-01-2007 10:50

Threatens Iran, Syria with Military Action
Bush Escalates Iraq War with 20,000 More Troops; Threatens Iran, Syria with Military Action

President Bush announced plans Wednesday night to escalate the war in Iraq and send over 20,000 more troops. He said he took responsibility for past mistakes but that more troops are needed to pacify Baghdad and other parts of the country. The President also threatened military action against Iran and Syria. We play excerpts of his address.

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Australian prime minister welcomes US “surge” in Iraq

12-01-2007 06:48

Pro-war stance
The prime minister is able to get away with this only because of the pro-war stance of the Australian media and the opposition Labor Party. Every newspaper, ranging from the Murdoch press to the “liberal” Sydney Morning Herald and Age, today published editorials supporting Bush’s plan, albeit with certain tactical concerns.

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Israeli Apartheid (by Latuff)

12-01-2007 01:18

Israeli Apartheid
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's apartheid.

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Tackle the Shackles, Close Guantanamo

11-01-2007 23:12

warming up

Some 70-80 people gathered today in Perry Barr, Birmingham, in front of Hiatt, a UK company that makes shackles and other torture equipment, to 'celebrate' the 5th anniversary of the notorious US-run prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, where 10 British residents and 400 other prisoners are held illegally. The protest was part of a UK-wide day of action and was called by Reprieve (a UK charity that legally represents the British residents held in Guantanamo), Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign, Save Omar Campaign and Amnesty International. Hiatt manufacture the shackles used by the US military in Guantánamo Bay over the last 5 years. The company has never missed a business opportunity in over 200 years, from supplying "nigger collars" to the slave trade to shackles used during torture by various unsavoury regimes (see press release).

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Interntional community supports Americans against Bush war plan

11-01-2007 23:10

Against Bush war plan
The public hanging of Saddam Hussein proves the point nicely. Bush intended to escalate violence so he could stay the course, splice and dice while stealing Iraq's resources.

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In speech on Iraq escalation, Bush promises more bloodshed, wider war

11-01-2007 19:55

Demand criminal prosecution
Working people must reject the official consensus of defending the interests of American imperialism, organize mass demonstrations against the war and for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, and demand the criminal prosecution of those responsible for launching and continuing this war of aggression.

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Vigil for Guantanimo prisoners. Wednesday night.

11-01-2007 17:57

Some pictures from the vigil called by Amnesty International and supported by around 100 people.
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