UK Repression Newswire Archive
Genuine Terror Cell Found
11-10-2006 10:16
A fascist terror cell which it is reported involved a rocket launcher, a nuclear biological suit, largest haul of chemicals of its kind discovered in the UK and BNP literature has not made it into the meanstream media -- of course, they are white and not innocent.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Evening Post helps Immigration Service harass East Midlands asylum-seekers
11-10-2006 10:15

Sir Ian Blair Says New Terror Attack Could Lead to Internment
10-10-2006 18:42
Last week, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner addressed the Reform Club Media Group. Nothing like the 'establishment' sticking together is there? The meeting was conducted under Chatham House rules, which mean that no one attending is supposed to divulge what is said. But one person present was so appalled at Sir Ian's attitude and authoritarian stance that he has revealed to me an alarming - and seemingly off the cuff - remark made by Sir Ian at the event.Olympian Victory for Laing O'Rourke Protesters
10-10-2006 15:56

UK opposes release of British detainees at Guantánamo
10-10-2006 14:30
Documents obtained by the Guardian newspaper show that the Blair government is complicit in the ongoing detention of some 10 former British residents detained without trial in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. This is despite an admission by the Home Office that “they do not pose a sufficient threat” to justify even keeping them under house arrest.Protest Against the Iraqi Court
10-10-2006 10:37
Because of the lack of honest media that reflects both sides of the conflict, I translated this letter, handwritten by Saddam Hussein in protest against the court’s procedures, the letter was wriiten two weeks ago and published today."No" to biometrics
10-10-2006 06:33
translation of statement by well-known Italian philosopherFull article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Police treatment of journalists in parliament square on monday
10-10-2006 00:45
Aside from assulting and hospitalising NUJ photographer, Marc Vallee, fairly early on in the day, the police dished out some pretty uneven and dodgy treatment to other members of the press who had come to cover the events at parliament square.An indictment of George Bush for War Crimes.
09-10-2006 23:24
This Video is an indictment of George Bush for War Crimes.Hate speech (by Latuff)
09-10-2006 22:18

Sack Parliament - More Photographs
09-10-2006 22:03

Australian government demands hand-over of Solomon Islands’ attorney general
09-10-2006 21:51

September 11: Message of an Ex-Marine to the Anti-War Movement
09-10-2006 21:41
The whole ordeal in the first Gulf war made me realize that things are not always what they seem to be. Yet, a decade later, on the morning of September 11th immediately after the towers fell, even though I intuited that the Bush administration was behind the attacks, I chose to believe the official story, because I did not dare to believe otherwise.It wasn’t until the Bush administration started incessantly insisting that Iraq had WMDs, that I realized that something was not right. In early 2002, I began to search for answers on the Internet, never thinking that I would spend five to six hours daily for the next four years.
So now we know. We know that, just like war, 9/11 is a racket, a military false flag psy-op, a highly deceptive series of events conducted to gain the support of the population for wars in the Middle East.
Australian attorney-general insists sleep deprivation is not torture
09-10-2006 21:17
Ruddock told the ABC he was concerned about Washington’s new legislation, which restablishes military kangaroo courts and gives President Bush exclusive power to interpret the Geneva Conventions and declare virtually anyone an enemy combattant, incarcerate them and suspend their basic legal rights, including habeas corpus. According to the attorney general, however, the new law is too restrictive and “may well limit the capacity of intelligence organisations in the future.”Media Pics From Sack Parliament Protest
09-10-2006 19:19

Below are some thumbnails of pictures published by some of the main picture agencies to give you an idea of the event and the media reporting. Higher size and resolution pictures are available online,
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UK's national ID scheme will cost £5.4bn
09-10-2006 19:16
UK's national ID scheme will cost £5.4bn to set up and run over the next 10 years, the Home Office says.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
PHOTO: Police Hospitalise Photographer at Parliament Protest
09-10-2006 19:05

March of Grapes Brutally Attacked
09-10-2006 19:02

Palestinian, international and Israeli activists joined together to demonstrate against land theft, road closures and economic isolation by bringing two tons of the surplus Palestinian grape harvest to an occupation checkpoint
Vigil to Save the Jarawa
09-10-2006 17:21