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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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American Revolution, Now!

24-07-2005 15:29

Eliminate the One Party System with Two Faces

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Cousin of shot Brazilian man speaks out

24-07-2005 09:39

'I can't believe they shot him, because he was not a terrorist. He was an honest man. We [the family] are still too shocked to talk about it. But I am sure [that] he didn't do anything wrong. It was not right for the police to do that.' Alex Pereira, a cousin of the shot man who lives in London

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Dirty War Tactics honed in NI troubles being brought to bear on UK streets

24-07-2005 09:19

"A variety of intelligence, police and army sources [have] confirmed that “dirty war” tactics honed in Northern Ireland’s Troubles are now being brought to bear against Islamic terrorists in mainland Britain." The Sunday Herald

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Bombings in London: The high price of Blair and Bush’s imperialist policies

24-07-2005 00:36

Blair fascist... you are the terrorist !

March ! for an end to the occupation of Iraq !!!!

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Campaign against EDO public meeting

23-07-2005 19:21

On Wednesday 10th August there will be a public meeting at the Cowley Club, London Road, Brighton from 6-8 about the local campaign against arms dealers EDO/MBM.

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a couple of thoughts about the london bombings

23-07-2005 18:56

i'm not a conspiracist, but i have a query/observation for comment, and a sad view of current and likely future events.

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police murdered innocent man on tube

23-07-2005 16:50

Fuck it's true. Cops really did shoot and kill a man who not only was unarmed and not carrying a bomb but was actually not even connected to the terror attacks.

The man was followed by police from a block of flats that was under surveillance, chased onto the tube then pinned down while police fired five bullets into his head at point blank range.

The Metropolitan Police Service have now admitted he was not connected to the failed bombing on Thursday and have described the shooting as a "tragedy" that the service "regrets".

It was also revealed that the driver of the train was chased by cops and had a gun pointed at his head as he tried to flee the scene.

great... trigger happy cops and bombers on the underground - I'll stick to my bike thanks.

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New terror in the tube as cops get trigger happy

23-07-2005 16:22

The driver of the train which was the scene of a brutal police slaying on friday morning was himself chased by armed terror police who held a gun to his head as he tried to get away from terrifying 'shoot to kill' attack.

The driver started running as passengers fled from Stockwell Tube station following the shooting of a man it has since been revealed was unarmed.

According to officials from the train drivers' union Aslef, the train driver was chased by police who on catching up pointed a gun at his head.

Hearing about this outrageous behavior by armed cops given orders to shoot to kill, many train drivers have been understandably reluctant to continue working normally, the union's London officer Steve Grant has reported.

He said this incident highlights the tense atmosphere that his members are having to cope with since the 7th July attacks.

Apparently police have since apologised, which I am sure will have made the driver involved feel much better.

So, with armed tigger happy homicidal cops running around London we now have something else to worry us. We are therefore forced to raise the unofficial terror alert to 'dont run!'.

This highten security level means - don't wear bulky or baggy items of clothing if you are dark skinned - if you see police, walk at a resonable pace away from danger - whatever you do, do not run!

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Tories compare gay Rainbow Flag to nazi swastika flag

23-07-2005 15:15

Westminster City Cl leader, and one other Tory, compared the Rainbow Flag with the nazi flag at a meeting on July 20th regarding the 'banning' of displaying the former outside gay venues in Soho- the epicentre of the gay community in the UK

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23-07-2005 13:32

"Security sources said at least one car that blew up on Saturday had special plates indicating it had come over the Israeli border at Taba on the Sinai peninsula."

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Sharon - West Bank settlements to be expanded, permanently

23-07-2005 09:30

The "Road Map to Peace" = Turn Gaza into a walled ghetto + Steal more land in the occupied West Bank.

Ariel Sharon is a man of peace alright - "I want that piece, and that, and that ..."

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Increasing concern & outrage at apparent police "shoot to kill" policy

22-07-2005 22:26

The cold-blooded, apparently racist murder, of a young Asian man today by undercover police/security agents is outrageous & a frightening development and a dark day for civil rights & democracy in Britain.

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Peaceful nomads of Sarawak need support fast!

22-07-2005 18:53

The Penan tribe of Sarawak, Borneo, are under threat from big business once again. They have been struggling for their land and human rights for years now but their protests continue to be ignored. They need international pressure to be applied on the authorities.

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Adjournment of EDO court case

22-07-2005 15:53

The trial of the CIA (Citizens Inspection Agency) 3 scheduled for 28 July - 1 August at Brighton Mags has been adjourned. The new date will be set next Friday.

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Mexican Government Admits Zapatista Drug Reports Untrue

22-07-2005 15:48

So this is sort of old news i guess, but no sign of it in the archive and pretty ironic in light of the Mexican government's recent welcome of the Zapatistas' new political initiatives.

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Farenheit 7/7

22-07-2005 15:36

The reaction sinces the bombs is creating an asmosphere of panic, hate and intollerance.

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Post-G8 Dissent! Gathering: August 6th-7th, South Wales

22-07-2005 15:34


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Brighton Council EDO Motion

22-07-2005 14:56

Brighton & Hove City Council voted for an amendment of a motion yesterday condemning warmongers EDO/MBM's trade as 'immoral' and 'unwelcome'.

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E.V. Debs Speech at the 1925 Conference for Progressive Political Action

22-07-2005 00:00

This earth possesses plenty enough resources to provide, the peoples of the earth if free market capitalism didn't by its very nature dole out the earth's treasures so disproportionately.

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EDO Warmongers Face Brighton City Council Vote of Censure

21-07-2005 11:37

Today at 3pm inside Hove Town Hall, Brighton and Hove City Council will vote on a resolution saying EDO MBM are not welcome in the city.
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