UK Repression Newswire Archive
police endanger Iceland dam protestors
26-07-2005 16:54
Lock-on blockade at Karahnjukar. Icelandic police tell drivers to start machinery risking protestors' lives.Demonstration against State sanctioned Police execution
26-07-2005 16:13
Demonstration against state terrorism/police repression& solidarity with those subject to all forms of state repression
Protest Against Killer Cops - Scotland Yard noon tomorrow
26-07-2005 15:57

Press under attack in Burundi
26-07-2005 15:20
The Committee to Protect Journalists has spoken out against the Burundian authorities' continued harassment of Radio Publique Africain, one of the few independent radio stations in the country.CHAOS AT ICELAND DAM BLOCKADE
26-07-2005 14:44
SECURITY GUARDS AND POLICE PUT ACTIVISTS' LIVES AT RISK AT ICELANDIC DAM BLOCKADEPolice and security guards at the Karahnjukar Dam construction site in Iceland, last night ordered the bulldozers drivers to start their engines and move off, despite there being more than 25 people locked on to the underside of their vehicles.
“It was terrifying, if someone hadn't jumped up on the front of the truck and pulled out the fuel line then I think people may have been killed last night” said one of the protesters from the UK.
Angry march to remember man murdered by cops on Friday.
26-07-2005 12:14

26-07-2005 12:06
Thursday 28 July 2005, 7.30pm, Oxford Town Hall.
UK police seek powers to attack web sites
26-07-2005 12:06
UK Police chiefs have asked the government to allow them to attack terrorist web sites.Monday Stockwell station vigil. Pictures and report.
26-07-2005 12:04

Behind the Iron Veil - Queer life in Iran
26-07-2005 00:50
Exclusive interview with gay activists in Iran on situation of gays, recent executions of gay teens and the futureMAHA, Iran to all GLBT groups and individuals: “Thank you for your hard work and International engagement” Project GayRussia.Ru continues its investigation into the violent executions in Iran
Prisoner Support Group forming in Bradford
25-07-2005 15:47
Supporting Anarchist and Class Struggle PrisonersLondon shooting viewpoint from the Germany newspaper Die Tageszeitung
25-07-2005 14:17
From Germanys Die Tageszeitung. Frontpage headline ‘Deadly Mistake’.VIGIL AT STOCKWELL STATION TONIGHT
25-07-2005 12:30
6pm at Stockwell Station. Monday 25th July 2005.U$A: Activists held: Terrorist Task Force raid on IWW/Animal Rights home
25-07-2005 04:30
Please help if you can. US Anti-Terror squads detain Animal Rights/Trades Union/Socialist Activists in New Jersey Raid. More Raids feared.vigil in stockwell for jean charles de menezes
25-07-2005 00:13

Rape and Murder photos from Abu Ghraib
24-07-2005 21:15
US govt tries to block release of censored photos and recordings from Abu Ghraib. Looks like they're going to come out anyway though: probably timed to do maximum damage to BushCo.Pics and report of todays vigil at Stockwell tube.
24-07-2005 19:18

Staging An Attack To Fix The Coverup Of Another
24-07-2005 16:11
This latest "attack" is supposed to correct some faults in the first without causing further mayhem.BRAZILIAN MAN DIES IN THE 'FLIGHT' FOR FREEDOM
24-07-2005 15:42