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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Sheffield Wakes Up To Banners and Samba

15-06-2005 09:55

Exploiters of the World Disunite! - Banner Drop
At 7am this morning banners were dropped from bridges on Park Square roundabout, Castle Market and along the Parkway reminding commuters that the G8 Ministers were in town over the next three days.

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David Blunkett's coming to town

15-06-2005 08:15

Everyone's favourite ex-front bencher is coming to officially open the Northenden Campus of City College Manchester on Friday 17th June.

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benefit dinner for the rebels against italian repression

14-06-2005 15:15

benefit dinner for italian prisoners

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It's OK to be anti-Jewish Politics! Really!

14-06-2005 13:49

If it's OK to be anti-Republican or anti-Christian Fundamentalism, or even anti-God, it's OK to be anti-Jewish Politics. For this article and more, including ground-breaking documentaries, please visit

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Indymedia Screening showing NO LAGER, Sunday 19th june

14-06-2005 10:15

Two films about detention centres for refugees, and
inspiring actions that have taken place outside and inside them across the world and in Oxford

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Tibetan Nun speaking Friday 15th June

14-06-2005 10:11

Come and be listen to Ngawang Sangdrol's compelling testemony about spending her youth in prison and her message of hope for Tibet's future

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14-06-2005 08:03

Tippa Naphtali updates on Mikey's campaign
The event MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER 'staying focused - keeping up the struggle' was led by the Mikey Powell Campaign for Justice and supported by Migrant Media, the filmmakers that made the INJUSTICE film.

The event bought together a number of families and artists including the world renowned poet Benjamin Zephaniah, (who famously refused the OBE), in Birmingham on 27th May 2005 to help launch a major new campaign, and to shine a spotlight on the cases of many other families affected by deaths in police and institutional custody.

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NO2ID pledge against ID cards, refuse to register

13-06-2005 20:46

This is the first in a series of pledges intended to demonstrate the depth and breadth of opposition to the proposals BEFORE the legislation makes it through Parliament.

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Debt cancellation

13-06-2005 15:10

'Give us your fuckin' money', the rallying cry of Live Aid, was again the rallying cry of Live 8, only this time it was aimed at the G8 leaders, not the man in the street. And it seems to have worked.

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FPF SPECIAL: NATO Europe taking over more illegal US warfare

13-06-2005 13:52

The collaborators in England, Romania, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany are to send extra troops to Afghanistan...

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Smash EDO Take On The Law. National Demo. Full Report

13-06-2005 12:50

Full report of events at the Smash EDO National Demo

Saturday 11th June 2005

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Butcher Blair sends Burundians home to die - Take Action Now!

13-06-2005 09:34

The British government has stepped up efforts to deport war-zone escapees back to their countries of origin, leading to unprecedented criticism from the UNHCR.

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Sheffield Peace in the Park [anti-G8] :: The Pictures

12-06-2005 22:00

Peace in the Park 2005. There was music from the main stage, the open mic stage with the speakeasy cafe and more. Also a kids area, healing area, and film tent. There was food stalls, meditation space, DJing workshops, campaign stalls, massage, artists and artisans, discussion, art workshops etc ......

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Demo against desecration of the Quran

12-06-2005 21:22

Came across a large demonstration near the East London Mosque on sunday (12th June). Around 2,000 people were speaking out against the desecration of the Quran by Americans at Guantanamo Bay and the inhuman and unlawful treatment of those being held.

I spoke to various people there and got the impression that the demo and march were hoped to be a spring board to future mobilisations around this and other issues.

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Palastine approves executions

12-06-2005 16:24

palastine restarts executions

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Direct Action Training, 18th June

12-06-2005 15:42

Thinking about coming to the G8? Thinking about taking part in Direct
Action while you're there?

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Gay Equality parade, Warsaw, draws 3,000 people!

12-06-2005 15:29

On saturday the 12th June, a 3,000 strong demonstration in Warsaw, Poland, for equality for gay people and culture in Poland was marred by threats and aggression from right wing opponants.

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Iraqi Family in Swansea Threatened with Deportation

12-06-2005 15:10

Ahalf British and half Iraqi family in Swansea are faced with the treat of imminent deportation after the Home Office turned down a bid for asylum.

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200,000 people evicted in Zimbabwe

11-06-2005 15:02

200,000 people evicted in two weeks and another million threatened in Zimbabwe, appeal for urgent action.
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