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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Manchester - Protest Against ID Cards Beginning Already

29-01-2005 10:42

Manchester offices of PA Consulting Group
Today Manchester residents opposed to the introduction of biometric identity cards and the creation of a National Identity Register visited the Manchester offices of PA Consulting Group [1] and Siemens Business Services [2].

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First Success in the Aubonne Case

29-01-2005 01:10

The Aubonne-Bridge Action against the G8, in which two activists, Martin Shaw and Gesine Wenzel, nearly lost their lives as the police cut their climbing rope, has entered an exciting new phase...

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US military death rate in Iraq continues to speed up

28-01-2005 23:51

The US military death toll in Iraq is continuing to speed up.
It has been more or less steadily increasing since May 2003.
The last six months are all at or above the linear fit, suggesting
that the death rate might even be increasing faster than linear.

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Swiss police bring prosecuted for G8 attack

28-01-2005 23:45

Good news about Aubonne Bridge case, police being charged.

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Torture complaints during the new spanish government

28-01-2005 17:44

Terrible allegations of torture under the Rodríguez Zapatero government
Detainees denounced they were subjected to torture; they have described sessions of suffocation, electric shocks… and a young woman denounced she was raped with a loaded gun

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G8 in the News

28-01-2005 15:31

frontpage of todays Edinburgh Evening News.
Today the forthcoming G8 summit in gleneagles is in the news again. The Edinburgh Evening news published pictures of riots and stone-throwing, windowsmashing protesters, whileas on the radio it was stressed, that there "would be a permanent security cordon around the Scottish parliament and Holyrood Palace",
as well as 200 000 protesters expected. It was mentioned that the security forces now make preperations to draft in English police forces to Scotland, too.

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4 Homes Blunkett

28-01-2005 13:42

After my piece 'Shed No Tears For Blunkett' was published on Sheffield Indymedia, one of Blunkett's cronies, who happens to be the councillor for Blunkett's Sheffield Brightside constituency, came (alone) to his defence. This went along the lines of 'You're all middle-class, not like me and my good working-class pal David', and part of this ludicrous argument was the supposed low-cost of the houses they both own in Sheffield. What Blunkett's pal forgets to mention is that Blunkett doesn't just have 1 home, but 4! And either Peter Price has been playing down the value of Blunkett's Sheffield house - or Blunkett has been on the fiddle again!

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cops threaten G8 repression

28-01-2005 12:44

police are preparing to use submachine guns and rubber bullets to defend leaders of the G8 who will meet at gleeagles. they are carrying out training in a mock up village on the site of a closed down hsopital. the closed down law hospital, lanarkshire has been turned into a mock village, complete with its own names, in which to train riot squads.

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Britain sliding into police state - says ex-police chief!

28-01-2005 12:27

The G8 Justice and Home Affairs ministers are having a mini-summit in Sheffield, June 15th - 18th. Here's just some reasons why noise needs to be made. Come to the Sheffield Social Forum open meeting, Thurs Feb 17, if you want to do something / more info soon...

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Tatchell arrested in Holocaust Day asylum protest

27-01-2005 20:43

“Never Again, today means not closing our doors to refugees fleeing persecution. Don’t let Michael Howard dishonour the victims of the Holocaust with his quotas for asylum seekers. Never Again means Never Again.”

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Peter Tatchell arrested

27-01-2005 17:40

Campaigner pleads for asylum seekers at Holocaust Memorial Day

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Iraq: Order 81

27-01-2005 15:55

As part of the systematic corporate looting of Iraq, the US is now about to destroy Iraq's agriculture, and in doing so, will destroy a heritage going back at least 10,000 years.

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Kiss It!xx Campaign March Against Psychiatric Assault

27-01-2005 10:12

March against psychiatric assault (forced treatment) Monday 14 February 2005 Valentine's Day demonstration 11am gather at Whitehall Place (nearest tubes Embankment and Charing cross) For more information, visit:

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Poland: repressions agianst anti-Putin protestors

27-01-2005 06:48

26-01-2005 16:28 This post will be udpated as we get more info. A few minutes after 16:00 in the Krakow main square, the protests against the visits to Auschwitz by the national leaders responsible for war crimes against humanity (especially against hangman of Chechenya Vladimir Putin) started. For a dozen or so minutes there has been a speech by representatives of the Free Caucasus Committee (Komitetu Wolny Kaukaz) and Polish Anarchist Federation.

More about Chechanya see:

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Australian Govt Guilty of Crimes: Community

27-01-2005 05:37

But no one can say the same about the act of taunting Mamdouh Habib in Australia before he was kidnapped by the US and then tortured. Nor can they say the same about the Australian Governments complicity in his torture by the US.

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Kenny Richey's Death Sentence Overturned

26-01-2005 16:53

Kenny Richey
After 18 years on death row in Ohio, Edinburgh born Kenny Richey has finally had his conviction ruled overturned by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeal. Richey was convicted in 1986 of an arson attack that killed 2 year old Cynthia Collins, but always maintained his innocence.

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Ordeal of a Gay Asylum Seeker

26-01-2005 11:22

Algerian gay asylum seeker Ramzi Isalam
Ramzi Isalam tells how he escaped murder by Islamic fundamentalists in Algeria, and is battling against the Home Office to win asylum in Britain

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'Terror Suspects Dad' Wednesday 26th January, 10pm, BBC2

26-01-2005 11:02

Case of Babar Ahmed to be broadcast on national television

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CIPO-RFM (Mexico): Latest info on repression

26-01-2005 10:02

Press release explaining who and what The Consejo IndÌgena Popular de Oaxaca ìRicardo Flores MagÛnî CIPO-RFM is, along with current and uptodate information about Raul Gatica, whos life is currently in danger due to the mexican governments desire to silence our voice. See also our wbsight:

What we desire besides spreading general awareness about our movement, is contacts in other nations, in NGOs, activist groups, solidarity networks, and media to put immediate pressure on the Mexican government in case of an
imminent human rights crises. So tell a friend, write a song, call your MP, please help us build a support network for this very important movement.
We would like to have you on our list of contacts to keep you informed of any developments and to have as an emergency contact for urgent information.

Luke Woodyard (
CIPO - RFM (English corespondent)

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A Taste of Palestine III

26-01-2005 08:54

Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and the Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association are holding an evening of Palestinian food, music, poetry and story-telling, to raise funds to bring children from the Al Amari refugee camp near Ramallah, to Oxford this summer.
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