UK Repression Newswire Archive
Israel gets its man
09-01-2005 21:05
In an election that failed to excite, Palestinians dutifully elected the man that Israel and its funder want. 69 year old Mahmoud Abbas is said to have won 70% of the vote, with a turn out of 65% after the polls were kept open for longer.US Soldier gets only six-months for Iraqi Drowning
09-01-2005 19:24
The Iraq Solidarity Campaign are asking people to complain about this sick act of terrorupon the people of Iraq.
Please read the article below and write your complaint to Keith Bradley MP, a former Labour government cabinet member who opposed the war and supported Anne Clwyd with the Campaign Against Repression and for Democratic Rights in Iraq (CARDRI).
He can be contacted on the e-mail:

Intimidation, Politics and Drug Industry Cripple U.S. Medicine
09-01-2005 18:32
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is supposed to safeguard the nation's medical products, but they're "taking care of business rather than patient safety",says FDA's associate safety director Dr. David J. Graham. In interviews, he and others highlight the all too brutal facts.Hebron children arrested for playing football in the street.
09-01-2005 15:28
Internationals witness the arrest of children in Hebron whose heinous crime was for playing football in a deserted street.Monday 03/01/2005
Myself and three other internationals arrive in Hebron to liaise with local land action groups to fight the land seizures as more illegal settlements are built and the plans for the apartheid wall continue.
Hebron has been a divided city since the implementation of the Hebron accords which sliced it into areas H1 and H2, the population of over 120,000 people is all Palestinian Muslim apart from 500 or so Israeli settlers who are protected around the clock by 1200 Israeli soldiers.
"Elections Under Occupation" - Palestinian Film from Balata Refugee Camp
08-01-2005 18:37
The Balata Film Collective has produced its first film, 'Elections under Occupation'.Download the film from
An ISM activist reports from occupied east Jerusalem
08-01-2005 11:22
After stupidly missing my morning flight to Tel Aviv on Thursday, I had to get the evening one instead. Arriving Friday morning after a comfortable flight (on which I had been upgraded to business class) I was lucky enough to happen upon another ISMer in the shared taxi to Jerusalem, although this only dawned on the both of us when we both ended up going to the same place where we were meant to make contact with the ISM.Our Starbucks website to go down on 14/01/05
08-01-2005 11:07
After a long and sometimes boring legal battle with the Starbucks Corporation over the domain name
film: 'Sieze the Media', about the IMC server seizures
08-01-2005 10:13
A short film on the topic of the Indymedia sever siezures. With footage from the IMC space and the Camden Centre, one of the Autonomous Spaces around the European Social opens with quicktime media player. Go to the below link:

08-01-2005 06:03
A communique about the situation of immigrants in greece, the tortures of Afghan refugees in Ag.Panteleimonas police station in Athens, and one view at the action of anarchists, antiauthoritarian and autonomous comrades to attack the station.
Albania: Escalation against Romani families results one dead (Dritan Hashimi)
08-01-2005 01:50

US Election Disenfranchisement & Fraud: Logging today's Blog
07-01-2005 00:10

You will have heard nothing about this (beyond ridicule) from the mass media. Very worrying. Read from the bottom up.
Local Anti-ID Card Group formed
06-01-2005 20:18
A meeting about ID Cards was held in Liverpool on 6th January and a group loosely calling itself Liverpool Defy-ID Group was formed. Its going to be convening an organising and planning meeting in a week or so and will be trying to organise direct action on the 28th and longer-term action thereafter. Anyone in Liverpool interested in getting involved can contact me via this discussion group or my email.Blair urges Palestinians to reform for peace
06-01-2005 17:52
LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Tony Blair says that Palestinians must introduce reforms and new structures before any progress can be made on reviving the Middle East peace process...Revealed: flawed intelligence exposes the scandal of Belmarsh detainees
06-01-2005 14:49
The case against the foreign terror suspects imprisoned in Britain without trial for three years is partly founded on flawed and inaccurate intelligence, court papers seen by The Independent reveal.more trouble brewing for rampART
05-01-2005 20:21
After the assult last before new years eve which result in one person being taken to hospital with a head injury, more trouble appears to be brewing at the rampART...The War on Puff
05-01-2005 00:26
US Government policy on harmless herbal substances is insaneHow To Opt Out of Yahoo Surveillance
04-01-2005 13:19
Yahoo is figuring out new ways of tracking it's YahooGroup users to make money out of them. Find out how you can easily stop them using you!