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Our Starbucks website to go down on 14/01/05

thevacuumcleaner | 08.01.2005 11:07 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles

After a long and sometimes boring legal battle with the Starbucks Corporation over the domain name, the latter will be transferred to the evil and ubiquitous coffee chain on the 14/01/05 (approx)

After a long and sometimes boring legal battle with the Starbucks Corporation over the domain name, the latter will be transferred to the evil and ubiquitous coffee chain on the 14/01/05 (approx)

This hasn't really come as a surprise to us, since we didn't put up much of a fight (we didn't think it worth taking on £400 per hour lawyers on our own).

The site can now be found at
(or my favorite) - thanks isa

A full version of the legal decision taken by Nominet (the internet domain name authority) can be found at (some funny bits in it)

If you have taken part in DDD (Domino Domain Disruption) please repoint your domain to the one.

We (I) would like to thank all those people who have supported us, through stickering their local multinational, buying domains, writing e-mails of support or by colouring in logos.

It goes to show that we are more powerful than they can possibly imagine (since we did all this with a £1.99 domain and a green felt tip pen - and it has cost them 10's of thousands in legal fees and infinite brand damage - the website has had over 30,000 hits and stickers have been stuck on starbucks all over the uk, u.s.a, singapore, japan and europe!)

The battle to keep our neighbourhoods unique, to fight mono-culture and to end the exploitation of developing world workers continues.

Don't give them your coffee pennies, telling them to fuck off is much cheaper and more fun. Anyway their coffee is shit!!

Love and rage

the vacuum cleaner xx

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Display the following 5 comments

  1. Something missing — Coffee Drinker
  2. starbucks — fwd / revbilly
  3. Missing Money — Rick
  4. so... — spukerdabeans
  5. fact finding? — nero