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More Pics from Greece
07-12-2008 22:56

Greece Solidarity Picket-Edinburgh Monday 8 Dec
07-12-2008 22:22
Solidarity picket 1pm Monday 8 Dec (tomorrow) at the Greek Consulate, 12 Queen's Crescent, Edinburgh, EH9 2 AZFull article | 4 additions | 1 comment
Greek solidarity rally 9.30am tomorrow(Mon) in response to death of 16yr old boy
07-12-2008 19:23
16year old comrade SHOT DEAD IN COLD BLOOD BY POLICE IN THE CENTER OF ATHENSMeet 9:30am sharp tomorrow (Monday) at Hyde Park corner.
Greece at the verge of a serious crisis
07-12-2008 18:15
"...when the witnesses who were in the ‘wrong place’ are killed, then the others who hold the privilege to be in the ‘right place’ inevitably turn into instruments of the war… even the remaining conscientious journalists become part of a wider deception..."City of Shame: new Manchester detention centre
07-12-2008 17:55
The Home Office has re-opened the immigration detention centre at Manchester airport on Friday. In fact, Borders and Immigration minister Phil Woolas (the one with the pie in the face) was there personally to “unveil” the immigration prison. As if it was something to celebrate!Egyptian security prevent Gaza caravan gathering in Cairo
07-12-2008 11:01
A massive Egyptian security presence prevented a humanitarian convoy to break the siege of Gaza from gathering in Cairo on Saturday 6th December. Journalists and political activists were attacked and detained as various security force branches prevented people gathering at the State Council.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Intl demos at Greek Embassies for 15year old student murdered by cops,
07-12-2008 01:10
Kicking off, streets are burning in Athens apparently 'never seen anything like it!'Call for a demo at Greek Embassy in Berlin tomorrow 1300 to coincide with Athens demo
Any1 up for 1 in London, pls!
Many demos tmorrow, 1300, in places all over Greece.
Hebron settler riots were out and out pogroms
07-12-2008 00:01
Once again the fascistic settlers went on the rampage after their evictionfrom a house that was fraudulently appropriated to house the extremist
terrorist settlers that have taken over in Hebron. The IDF have often stood
by as these settlers have attacked Palestinians and their homes, with Israel
imposing curfews that have turned old Hebron into a ghost town with its once
vibrant market closed down.
URGENT - Dead ball from special police guard fell few hours ago Anarhist 16 year
06-12-2008 21:33
Dead from special police guard fell Saturday night in 16 years old young Anarhist. The policeman shot when a group of about 25 people attacked with stones and wood against the patrol, the broadcast Mega ChannelThe Bologna Declaration : Critical Notes - Part 2
06-12-2008 20:39
Employability is a point around which the Bologna Declaration has based its rhetoric of the positive forces of the free market.Leftist Union Leaders Assassinated in Venezuela
06-12-2008 13:35
On November 27, three leftist union leaders in the Venezuelan state of Aragua – Richard Gallardo, Luis Hernández and Carlos Requena – were gunned down by an assassin. The murder came hours after the unionists had led a workers occupation of a Colombian-owned milk plant which had been brutally broken up by state police. All three were leaders of the UNT (National Workers Union) and of the USI (Socialist Left Unity), a party which has opposed attempts by the government of Hugo Chávez to impose state control of labor, and has fought the rightist opposition backed by imperialism. They may have been murdered by assassins hired by the Colombian company, by elements connected to the police of outgoing state governor, a former Chávez ally, or by supporters of a current official of the governing United Socialist Party. In any case, despite Chávez’ socialist rhetoric, the reality of the bourgeois Bolivarian “revolution” in Venezuela today is that leftist unionists are murdered while the forces of capitalist state repression back up the bosses. While many leftists have called on the Chávez government to investigate, Trotskyists call for organizing workers defense guards and imposing workers control of production. Venezuela today is stuck at a crossroads. Building a Bolshevik-type workers party based on Trotsky’s program of permanent revolution is key.Ex-BNP Sadie Graham arrested?
05-12-2008 21:13
The BNP membership list strikes again. Is there a curse, we ask?9/11 inquiry skipped key forensic tests
05-12-2008 19:55
U.S. government scientists ruled out controlled demolitions in the collapses of three World Trade Center buildings but declined to test debris for traces of explosives or incendiaries, records show.Dissident Island Tonight - Ho Ho Ho
05-12-2008 14:16

Police contact political campaigner asking to "chat"
05-12-2008 12:48

04-12-2008 21:25
Both the current DRC troubles and the 1994 Rwanda "regime change" aka 'genocide' are aspects of an Anglo-American power play to effectively control the region and it's strategic resources. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda is a kangaroo court process designed to eliminate and silence political enemies of their proxy Rwanda. These prisoners affirm: "that the ICTR has put us in prison, first and foremost for political reasons. On that account WE ARE POLITICAL PRISONERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS"Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Pro-Forma text to send to police forces if your DNA is held
04-12-2008 20:23
Following todays ruling by the European Court of Human Rights it makes sense for activists to get their requests in right away. This will put pressure on the police to start removing DNA and fingerprint evidence were people have been arrested but not labour 'arbiter mach frei' attack on poor
04-12-2008 19:20
the welfare reform bill is a vicious attack upon vulnerable people. Even proposing such authoritarian measures as using lie detectors on the sick.G8Genoa-Diaz verdict-G8 La Maddalena 2009 press conference
04-12-2008 18:44
Invite to the mass media and anyone with an interest in the La Maddalena G8 protests:After over seven years of investigation and trial process concerning the indictment of 76 italian police following events during the Genova G8 2001 summit. During July 2008, thirteen police from prison, GOM MOBILE, Carabineri and two medical staff were convicted of abuse of authority, abuse and torture as the Diaz sister trial, Bolzaneto came to an end.