UK Repression Newswire Archive
Dissident Island Radio tonight!!!
21-11-2008 16:41

what is targeting individuals who support the bnp to achieve?
21-11-2008 16:27
what is targeting individuals who support the bnp to achieve?Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
BMI logs protest phone numbers
21-11-2008 11:52
Thursday 20th saw a phone blockade against BMI, with activists registering their dismay and disgust at a deportation scheduled for today, Friday 21st. When speaking to the switchboard activists were informed that their numbers would be 'logged' and 'passed on to the chief executive'.BNP sponsor Lancashire County Council
21-11-2008 03:26
Emails/letters neededEco-terrorism scandal in the Observer - 9/11/08. Expose the sloppy journalists
20-11-2008 18:10
On Sunday 9th November, the Observer ran a story written by Mark Townsend (assisted by Nick Denning) on a supposed terrorist threat from a lone eco-terrorist, associated with Earth-First, entitled "Police warn of growing threat from eco-terrorists", with the strapline 'fear of deadly attack by lone maverick as officers alert major firms to danger of green extremism'Ref:

The masters of economic disaster are back
20-11-2008 08:56

president-elect was to select as his chief of staff Rep. Rahm Emanuel, whose
"role as Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was to
insure that anti-war and other progressive candidates stayed out of the
running." So when do the protests begin? "Progressives for Obama and other
groups who promised to hold their idol accountable haven't gotten around to
doing so just yet or even announcing when the time will be right for their
tongues to become untied."
On Sabotage considered as one of the Fine Arts
19-11-2008 19:17
The following text was written by a number of companions in the context of the arrests last November 11th. It may be distributed freely and widely in any form. In a time of "crisis," when the State is showering the capitalists with billions of dollars, it attempting once more to isolate a few "bad rebels" to better eliminate them all. We won't play this dupes' game.British National Among Three Held In Israeli Sting On Palestinian Fishermen
19-11-2008 16:59
UK politicians call for the release of prisoners and an end to Israeli aggressionBNP membership list claims first blood
19-11-2008 16:35
One down - lots to goJoin the Black Bloc on Reclaim the Night
19-11-2008 13:29
The london anarchafeministkolektiv has called for a black bloc in this years reclaim the night to protest against the police co-option and pro-criminalization stance of the event. Saturday, November 22nd at 6:00 pm.Death in Custody Protest London Sat 22. Nov
19-11-2008 03:45
This is the annual ‘Justice for Ricky Bishop March’ but this year it’s been extended to include the demand to end all forms of violence against our community, and so the route of the march has also been extended.Starting at 1:00 PM Brixton Library (near Ritzy cinema), marching to Brixton Police Station -> Coldharbour Lane -> Camberwell Green -> Peckham Square.
Obama's Intelligence Agenda
18-11-2008 18:24
While expectations may be high that the incoming Obama administration willreverse many of the worst features of the Bush regime--from warrantless
wiretapping, illegal detention, torture, "targeted assassinations" and
preemptive war--now that the cheering has stopped, expect more of the same.
According to The Wall Street Journal [1], "President-elect Barack Obama is
unlikely to radically overhaul controversial Bush administration
intelligence policies, advisers say, an approach that is almost certain to
create tension within the Democratic Party."
Support possible airport ID strikes
18-11-2008 15:07
UK pilots consider possibility of industrial action over ID cardsJonestown: The Avoidable Tragedy
18-11-2008 09:02
Today marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Jonestown Massacre, in which nearly a thousand people died in the People's Temple compound in Guyana. Jonestown was a double tragedy. The first is the massacre. The second is that it was so utterly, utterly preventable.Twinning with Palestine Public meeting
17-11-2008 19:17
Twinning with Palestine public meeting with the a student activist and a healthcare worker from Palestine has been organised at the Indian Workers Association-GB Centre on Wednesday, 19th Nov '08, 7-8.30pm.UK recognises Chinese sovereignty over Tibet
17-11-2008 17:46
In a shameful act, the British government has recognised Chinese sovereignty of Tibet.Interpal faces closure
17-11-2008 17:16
Article copied from Interpal, a charity who support the Palestinian refugees.Lloyds TSB is calling for IBB to stop Interpal's account without any legal, economic or other reason given.
G8 2001 Diaz school raid : Amnesty for the police!
17-11-2008 15:50
After 7 years all cops get acquittedUSA likely to renew funding for coercive abortions in China
17-11-2008 15:38
Obama administration expected to renew funding for the United Nations Population Fund, which helps to facilitate coercive abortions in China under its 'one child' policy