Eco-terrorism scandal in the Observer - 9/11/08. Expose the sloppy journalists
waltzing matilda | 20.11.2008 18:10 | Repression
On Sunday 9th November, the Observer ran a story written by Mark Townsend (assisted by Nick Denning) on a supposed terrorist threat from a lone eco-terrorist, associated with Earth-First, entitled "Police warn of growing threat from eco-terrorists", with the strapline 'fear of deadly attack by lone maverick as officers alert major firms to danger of green extremism'

Those who wrote this sloppy piece of regurgitated police-propaganda need to be exposed. Denning is a Army Intelligence Officer…what is his agenda and the agenda of those who are the source of this misinformation (NETCU)? To criminalise the climate-action movement and disrupt it's activities ahead of next year.
The piece was a nonsensical piece of smear-laden supposition and scaremongering which "treats unattributable government briefings as if they were the truth" (Bone). Based on no actual evidence apart from a series of speculations, it makes a tenuous case of dipicting the Earth-First network as some kind of Al-Qaeda-type network (fantastic journalistic pedigree shown with utterly convincing turns of phrase such as 'a senior source at the unit said..' & 'We have found statements'; Townsend has said he got all his information from NETCU -the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit; read about Schnews' dialogue with Townsend in Derek Wall's blog and in an email from Roger Cox sent to Townsend, both pasted below). In mentioning the Climate Camp, it seems this is designed to increase the bidding by the security services for greater resources dedicated to disrupting the growing climate-change movement - a classic
tactic of that element within the 'intelligence services' which works in tandem with financial-business interests.
According to Ian Bone's blog, "It says on the Guardian website you can ask
to interview Mark Townsend, or MARK THE SPOOK, by phoning Diane Heath on
02072399936. Go for it."
*Excellent riposte from Derek Wall:
Extract from email sent to the Observer on the climate camps/eco-terrorism
smear, posted by Roger Cox, on November 18th 2008:
Dear Mark Townsend,
You wrote: "Police have warned of the growing threat of eco-terrorism after revealing they are investigating a group which has supporters who believe that reducing the Earth's population by four-fifths will help to protect the planet".
Schnews quote that you explained reporting that the group "connected to a network of UK climate camps" intend to exterminate most of the human race by saying; “I don’t know - they [NETCU] said they had seen them in blogs”
See also:
** NETCU Watch:
Comment at:
Curioser and Curiouser……I’m checking for Nick Denning - co-author with Mark Townsend of yesterday’s hilarous Observer piece on eco -terrorism. He doesn’t appear to have any previous as a journalist. But what’s this?? A piece written by Townsend in Afghanistan in August 2007 where he’s embedded with the Royal Anglian Regiment in Sangin………and sharing a helicopter ride with NICK DENNING - COMMANDER OF 1 PLATOON A COMPANY in the Royal Anglian regiment!!! And less than a year later this Denning is providing intelligence to his mate on The Guardian on eco - terrorism!!!
Some explanations from The Guardian reqired on this one methinks! Watch this space…………
Also see
The piece was a nonsensical piece of smear-laden supposition and scaremongering which "treats unattributable government briefings as if they were the truth" (Bone). Based on no actual evidence apart from a series of speculations, it makes a tenuous case of dipicting the Earth-First network as some kind of Al-Qaeda-type network (fantastic journalistic pedigree shown with utterly convincing turns of phrase such as 'a senior source at the unit said..' & 'We have found statements'; Townsend has said he got all his information from NETCU -the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit; read about Schnews' dialogue with Townsend in Derek Wall's blog and in an email from Roger Cox sent to Townsend, both pasted below). In mentioning the Climate Camp, it seems this is designed to increase the bidding by the security services for greater resources dedicated to disrupting the growing climate-change movement - a classic
tactic of that element within the 'intelligence services' which works in tandem with financial-business interests.
According to Ian Bone's blog, "It says on the Guardian website you can ask
to interview Mark Townsend, or MARK THE SPOOK, by phoning Diane Heath on
02072399936. Go for it."
*Excellent riposte from Derek Wall:


Extract from email sent to the Observer on the climate camps/eco-terrorism
smear, posted by Roger Cox, on November 18th 2008:
Dear Mark Townsend,
You wrote: "Police have warned of the growing threat of eco-terrorism after revealing they are investigating a group which has supporters who believe that reducing the Earth's population by four-fifths will help to protect the planet".
Schnews quote that you explained reporting that the group "connected to a network of UK climate camps" intend to exterminate most of the human race by saying; “I don’t know - they [NETCU] said they had seen them in blogs”

See also:
** NETCU Watch:
Comment at:

Curioser and Curiouser……I’m checking for Nick Denning - co-author with Mark Townsend of yesterday’s hilarous Observer piece on eco -terrorism. He doesn’t appear to have any previous as a journalist. But what’s this?? A piece written by Townsend in Afghanistan in August 2007 where he’s embedded with the Royal Anglian Regiment in Sangin………and sharing a helicopter ride with NICK DENNING - COMMANDER OF 1 PLATOON A COMPANY in the Royal Anglian regiment!!! And less than a year later this Denning is providing intelligence to his mate on The Guardian on eco - terrorism!!!
Some explanations from The Guardian reqired on this one methinks! Watch this space…………
Also see


waltzing matilda
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