UK Repression Newswire Archive
Taking Liberties Now Available Free
09-05-2008 12:10
Important documentary "Taking Liberties" is now available free from 4 on Demand.SOCPA: Met Police's consultation response
09-05-2008 12:07
Key quotes:"The MPS believes that it should be a matter for Parliament to decide if there are any geographical areas where protest should not be allowed [...] such as the footway immediately adjacent to the Palace of Westminster, might also impact so adversely on access to the Palace of Westminster and therefore on the smooth running of Government that Parliament may wish to decide that it should be ruled out as a site for protest in the amended legislation."
"The use of the undefined term ‘demonstration’ in the SOCPA provisions has caused difficulties. The MPS believes that prior notification for assemblies in the defined area above should rely upon the current definition of assembly under the POA and should only apply when two or more people intend to assemble."
"The concept of ‘authorisation’ for any protest should be removed. [...] However, given recent challenges that the MPS has faced in dealing with SOCPA, it believes that the legislation must make it clear that the onus is on those protesting to show that they have complied with the notification requirements."
"The MPS believes that the POA should be amended so that the flexibility that currently applies to conditions on processions also applies to assemblies."
"the MPS believes that the Public Order Act should be amended to allow appropriate and proportionate conditions to be imposed on any procession or assembly taking place anywhere on the grounds of security."
"Sessional Orders, which are orders passed by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, place a duty on the Commissioner to ensure that access to Parliament is kept free of obstruction. However, these orders do not create any additional police powers [...] The powers available under this Act are very limited, are increasingly being challenged by protestors and do not provide any statutory framework to place conditions on processions and assemblies."
"Parliament Square is a World Heritage Site. [...] This area also attracts large numbers of protestors who hold very strong views and beliefs and some of their activities and behaviour may not be compatible with this vision [...] Government needs to define in the amended legislation any activities or behaviours they see as being unacceptable in this area."
"the MPS is increasingly having to deal with those who choose to protest in the SOCPA area in situations where a power of arrest does not exist [...] The MPS believes that a power to arrest should exist to prevent individuals continuing to commit an offence after they have been formally reported for it. This could be achieved by an amendment to s24(5) PACE."
"the MPS believes [...] it should also have the power to apply conditions on those protests comprising of only one person. [...] There is no obvious reason why this power, to impose conditions on a lone demonstrator, should be limited to the new designated area."
"the MPS believes that the POA should be amended to allow conditions to be placed on any procession or assembly or lone protestor to prevent a security risk wherever it takes place in the country."
Next Campaign for Free Assembly public meeting:
Sunday 11th May 2-4pm
London School of Economics Connaught House
Room H101

The winds of Fascism blowing across Europe
09-05-2008 06:06
In the wake of the spread of uniformity and the gospel of order and security, one might wonder if all these Center Right governments are in cahoots? It would seem so. Is this the real face of the European Union? It seems so. Is this part of the World-Government-New-World-Order process? Looks like it.SOCPA: Greater London Authority's consultation response
08-05-2008 15:11
Key quotes:"there have been three public gatherings on Parliament Square Garden with approval from the GLA since the introduction of SOCPA from 1 August 2005 until 30 November 2007."
"It may be appropriate to develop criteria to distinguish between assemblies and marches to focus on timing, scale, size, and information on organisers requesting permissions, for example."
"The impact on the Authority’s ability to manage the permanent protests and camping around Parliament Square has required a significant resource investment to prevent low level disorder issues"
"Trafalgar Square has a long and established historical tradition as a place to protest as opposed to Parliament Square, which does not have the same historical or symbolic character."
"if a protest takes place it will inevitably limit the public uses of the square, and the protests should be limited in duration."
Next Campaign for Free Assembly public meeting:
11th May 2-4pm
London School of Economics Connaught House
Room H101

SOCPA: Westminster Council's consultation response
08-05-2008 10:05
Key quotes:"The City Council would propose that consideration be given to prohibiting the use of loudspeakers in Parliament Square and excluding the local authority’s power to grant consent."
"The City Council would propose that the police should consult the City Council before granting consent for a demonstration and for them to be required to have regard to any representations made."
"Parliament Square is one of the most prestigious, visited and photographed squares in the world and is a place the City Council is rightly proud of. The City Council recognises all individuals’ right to peaceful protect, but the extent and manner of such protest can often have a disproportionate detrimental effect on amenity. The south side of Parliament Square is often an eyesore; a blot on the landscape."
Next Campaign for Free Assembly public meeting:
11th May 2-4pm
London School of Economics Connaught House
Room H101

FIT tactics to be extended to "problem estates"
08-05-2008 09:04
Jacqui Smith today urges police forces to adopt FIT harassment tactics against "anti-social" youths.Activists from Indymedia-Ecuador arrested without charges!
08-05-2008 05:34
Four independent media activists from Indymedia-Ecuador have been arrested without charges, making the reason for arrest obviously political - and (as such) in violation of human rights and of article 24(4) of the Ecuadorian constitution. It is an attack on the freedom of speech in Ecuador - as in so many other places in the new world order and permanent global state of exception. Spread the word, show your support and keep struggling for human rights and the freedom to speak your mind! Press release in Spanish below...Public meeting with delegation of Colombian social movements
07-05-2008 16:07
at Amnesty International UK's Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, LondonVictory Against Trade Union Repression In Lambeth
07-05-2008 14:31
Lambeth Council has been forced to back down from their plan to ban the Trade Union UNISON from their staff conference for workers in the Regeneration and Housing department, which takes place on 6 and 8 May 2008 at the Oval Conference Centre.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
You can have your pigs back Boris
07-05-2008 11:36

Lush celebrates the release from Guantánamo of al-Jazeera journalist Sami al-Haj
06-05-2008 23:41

Speak-out against Labour's racism!!! Sat 10 May 2008, 12pm, Manchester
06-05-2008 17:59
On Saturday 10 May 2008, from 12pm, there will be an Open-mic session in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester city centre in which everyone can speak-out without censorship against the racist policies and degrading and inhuman treatment of asylum seekers refugees and immigrants by this racist Labour government!All groups and individuals are welcome
SOCPA - hospital interview with brian haw
06-05-2008 11:44

The ADAPT Community: 25years of activism and counting ...
05-05-2008 17:50
Seel Link:-
ADAPT Takes Over HHS Demands better compliance to civil rights.
Mike Leavitt Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services today agreed to meet with ADAPT in the next 40 days to discuss demands to end the continuing unnecessary institutionalization of Americans because of weak and antiquated Medicaid policy.
Full article | 3 additions | 9 comments
SOCPA - brian haw arrested in parliament square
05-05-2008 17:05
brian was arrested early this afternoonFreedom to Protest and the Repeal of SOCPA
05-05-2008 14:53
After the Government announced its intention to repeal sections 132-38 of SOCPA, It seems another consultation on our freedom to assemble and protest is on its way. The House of Commons Joint Committee on Human Rights has just launched a ‘Call for Evidence’ in order ‘to enquire into the human rights issues arising from policing and protest’ [1].London mayoral elections: Labour’s neo-cons and the left apologists for Livingst
05-05-2008 12:27
Writing in the Guardian, Seumas Milne argued, “A defeat for Livingstone would not just be a blow to the broadly defined left, working-class Londoners, women, ethnic minorities and greens. It would represent a wider defeat for progressive politics, in Britain and beyond.”Testimony of Serge N Fosso
05-05-2008 06:54
Kicked of Brussels Airline for protesting against removal of Ebenizer Folefack Sontsa,Ebenizer Folefack Sontsa
05-05-2008 06:51
Born Cameroon 1976, Murdered 1st May 2008 by Belgium's inhumane immigration laws