Activists from Indymedia-Ecuador arrested without charges!
colonos | 08.05.2008 05:34 | Indymedia | Repression | Terror War
Four independent media activists from Indymedia-Ecuador have been arrested without charges, making the reason for arrest obviously political - and (as such) in violation of human rights and of article 24(4) of the Ecuadorian constitution. It is an attack on the freedom of speech in Ecuador - as in so many other places in the new world order and permanent global state of exception. Spread the word, show your support and keep struggling for human rights and the freedom to speak your mind! Press release in Spanish below...
Ecuador. Francisco de Orellana, 07 de mayo del 2008. (hora: 11:50)
Pasted from:
Quito /Ecuador / INREDH
Comunicadores independientes víctimas de arresto arbitrario. El día martes 6 de mayo de 2008, entre las 10 y las 12 de la noche, fueron arrestados los comunicadores sociales Carlos Andrade, Santiago Cadena, Diana Cabascango y Francisco Jaramillo. miembros del Centro de Medios Independientes Indymedia-Ecuador. El fiscal del caso, Doctor Francisco Noboa, encabezó el operativo de allanamiento a los domicilios y captura. Dicho fiscal se negó a informar al abogado de los detenidos sobre las razones de su detención, no quiso informar cual era el juez que conocía la causa, no mostró la orden de detención, ni la de allanamiento.
Esta actuación es violatoria al artículo 24(4) de la Constitución, el cual señala: Toda persona, al ser detenida, tendrá derecho a conocer en forma clara las razones de su detención, la identidad de la autoridad que la ordenó, la de los agentes que la llevan a cabo y la de los responsables del
respectivo interrogatorio.
Por esta razón, el INREDH presentará una denuncia en contra del agente fiscal mencionado.
El personal de la Policía Judicial no permitió que los detenidos se entrevisten con su abogado, por lo cual se configura una situación de incomunicación, por lo que el INREDH denunciará ante asuntos internos de la Policía Judicial esta falta para que se impongan sanciones a los policías responsables.
Estos hechos configuran una detención por conciencia, es decir una detención cuyo móvil es político. Las actividades comunicacionales de los detenidos eran de constante crítica al sistema constituido y de denuncia por los atropellos del poder a los derechos de las personas. Los bienes incautados de sus domicilios fueron computadoras, documentos de trabajo y afiches alusivos a su tendencia política.
Este arresto arbitrario esta siendo denunciado ante organismos internacionales como Amnistía Internacional, la Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos, la Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura y la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
Exigimos que se frene la incomunicación de los detenidos, que se señalen las causas de su detención, que se sancionen al Agente Fiscal y a los oficiales de la Policía Judicial por la violación de los derechos
humanos de los detenidos y que si los supuestos legales no se cumplen se los deje en inmediata libertad.
Pedimos a la opinión pública que se mantenga vigilante de estos hechos que parecen configurar un ataque a la libertad de expresión en nuestro país.
Más información: Comunicación INREDH
Amanda Trujillo: 2526365 / 088994039
Ana Cristina Vera: 096200423
Ecuador. Francisco de Orellana, 07 de mayo del 2008. (hora: 11:50)
Pasted from:

Quito /Ecuador / INREDH
Comunicadores independientes víctimas de arresto arbitrario. El día martes 6 de mayo de 2008, entre las 10 y las 12 de la noche, fueron arrestados los comunicadores sociales Carlos Andrade, Santiago Cadena, Diana Cabascango y Francisco Jaramillo. miembros del Centro de Medios Independientes Indymedia-Ecuador. El fiscal del caso, Doctor Francisco Noboa, encabezó el operativo de allanamiento a los domicilios y captura. Dicho fiscal se negó a informar al abogado de los detenidos sobre las razones de su detención, no quiso informar cual era el juez que conocía la causa, no mostró la orden de detención, ni la de allanamiento.
Esta actuación es violatoria al artículo 24(4) de la Constitución, el cual señala: Toda persona, al ser detenida, tendrá derecho a conocer en forma clara las razones de su detención, la identidad de la autoridad que la ordenó, la de los agentes que la llevan a cabo y la de los responsables del
respectivo interrogatorio.
Por esta razón, el INREDH presentará una denuncia en contra del agente fiscal mencionado.
El personal de la Policía Judicial no permitió que los detenidos se entrevisten con su abogado, por lo cual se configura una situación de incomunicación, por lo que el INREDH denunciará ante asuntos internos de la Policía Judicial esta falta para que se impongan sanciones a los policías responsables.
Estos hechos configuran una detención por conciencia, es decir una detención cuyo móvil es político. Las actividades comunicacionales de los detenidos eran de constante crítica al sistema constituido y de denuncia por los atropellos del poder a los derechos de las personas. Los bienes incautados de sus domicilios fueron computadoras, documentos de trabajo y afiches alusivos a su tendencia política.
Este arresto arbitrario esta siendo denunciado ante organismos internacionales como Amnistía Internacional, la Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos, la Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura y la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
Exigimos que se frene la incomunicación de los detenidos, que se señalen las causas de su detención, que se sancionen al Agente Fiscal y a los oficiales de la Policía Judicial por la violación de los derechos
humanos de los detenidos y que si los supuestos legales no se cumplen se los deje en inmediata libertad.
Pedimos a la opinión pública que se mantenga vigilante de estos hechos que parecen configurar un ataque a la libertad de expresión en nuestro país.
Más información: Comunicación INREDH
Amanda Trujillo: 2526365 / 088994039
Ana Cristina Vera: 096200423
Dog-rough translation of the press release
08.05.2008 10:50
Please correct and re-use as necessary. No hablo mucho espanol....
Independent journalists victims of arbitrary arrest.
On Tuesday 6th May, 2008, between 10pm and midnight the social journalists Carlos Andrade, Santiago Cadena, Diana Cabascango and Francisco Jaramillo were arrested, members of the Independent Media Centre Indymedia-Ecuador. The case prosecutir, Dr. Francisco Noboa, headed the operation to break in to their houses and arrest them. It's said the prosecutor refused to inform the detainess about the reaons for their arrest, don't want to inform what will be the judge who knows the reason, won't show the detention order (arrest warrant?), not that for the raid.
This action is in violation of Article 24(4) of the Constitution, that states: All people that are to be detained have the right to know in a clear form the reasons for their arrest, the identity of the authority who ordered it, the agents who carried it out and those responsible for their interrogation.
For this reason, INREDH present a denunciation against the prosecutor mentioned (above). The Judicial Police are not permitting the accused to meet with their lawyer, they are in a situation of non-communication, for this reason INREDH will denounce (accuses?) this offense to the internal affairs of the Policia Judicial for them to take sanctions against the officers responsible.
These events make an arrest of conscience, it's to say a detention whose motive is political. The journalistic activities of the detainees are a constant criticism of the constitutional system and abusers(???) of the power of the rights of people. The goods confiscated from their homes were computers, work documents and posters relating to their political group.
This arbitrary arrest will be denounced before international organisations like Amnesty International, the Federation of Human Rights, the World Organization Against Torture and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
We demand that they end the incommunicado status of the detainess, that they indicate the reasons for their detention, that they take action against the Prosecuting Agent and the officials of the Policia Judicial for the violation of the detainess' Human Rights and if the legal suppositions (?accusations?) are not served then they are given their freedom immediately.
We ask for public opinion to maintain vigilance on these events that seem to constitute an attack on freedom of expression in our country.
Independent journalists victims of arbitrary arrest.
On Tuesday 6th May, 2008, between 10pm and midnight the social journalists Carlos Andrade, Santiago Cadena, Diana Cabascango and Francisco Jaramillo were arrested, members of the Independent Media Centre Indymedia-Ecuador. The case prosecutir, Dr. Francisco Noboa, headed the operation to break in to their houses and arrest them. It's said the prosecutor refused to inform the detainess about the reaons for their arrest, don't want to inform what will be the judge who knows the reason, won't show the detention order (arrest warrant?), not that for the raid.
This action is in violation of Article 24(4) of the Constitution, that states: All people that are to be detained have the right to know in a clear form the reasons for their arrest, the identity of the authority who ordered it, the agents who carried it out and those responsible for their interrogation.
For this reason, INREDH present a denunciation against the prosecutor mentioned (above). The Judicial Police are not permitting the accused to meet with their lawyer, they are in a situation of non-communication, for this reason INREDH will denounce (accuses?) this offense to the internal affairs of the Policia Judicial for them to take sanctions against the officers responsible.
These events make an arrest of conscience, it's to say a detention whose motive is political. The journalistic activities of the detainees are a constant criticism of the constitutional system and abusers(???) of the power of the rights of people. The goods confiscated from their homes were computers, work documents and posters relating to their political group.
This arbitrary arrest will be denounced before international organisations like Amnesty International, the Federation of Human Rights, the World Organization Against Torture and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
We demand that they end the incommunicado status of the detainess, that they indicate the reasons for their detention, that they take action against the Prosecuting Agent and the officials of the Policia Judicial for the violation of the detainess' Human Rights and if the legal suppositions (?accusations?) are not served then they are given their freedom immediately.
We ask for public opinion to maintain vigilance on these events that seem to constitute an attack on freedom of expression in our country.
the 4 have been released (news update)
08.05.2008 22:18
report from Ecuador IMC
a wee opinion comment :-
It is unclear whether their poster of Ernesto "el Che" Guevara which was evidence of their subversion has returned to them. As is usual there are other unsung victims in this ephemera of the struggle faced by those who are inspired to engage in citizen journalism under the global banner of (((i))) indymedia in third world states. The police operation in which the four contributors to Ecuador IMC were arrested, was intended to detain Colombian citizens using false identification. There has been considerable repression of Colombian migrants, imigrants and ex-patriots throughout Latin America, in Ecuador, San Salvador & Honduras since the cross border operation by the Colombian state in Ecuadorian territory to assassinate Raul Reyes of the FARC earlier this year and the subsequent seizing and/or investigations of funds and arms trading relating to the FARC in El Salvador and Honduras. It is clear that a catch-all profile of radical left "subversive" is fomenting repressive abuse of police powers which this latest story of Ecuador well illustrates.
The whole thing should also be understood in its sharp contrasts to last weeks "big story" of Antwerp IMC and its battle with a local Flemish national big game hunter who appeared to want to take a pot-shot at the governer of Antwerp by suing his near relative and Antwerp IMC for damages which accrued to 7,000,000euros. That case was of course "quite laughed" out of court. But inteference in Indymedia sites in the first or developed world comes primarily from such horinzontal social or political sectors or more perversely from the misplaced ambitions of their own contributors. However, in the third world where the real problems, poverty, struggle and fight is fought and more often lost - it is the butt of police rifle and the prison cell which mutes indymedia or any such equivalent voice given to the voiceless.
a wee opinion comment :-
It is unclear whether their poster of Ernesto "el Che" Guevara which was evidence of their subversion has returned to them. As is usual there are other unsung victims in this ephemera of the struggle faced by those who are inspired to engage in citizen journalism under the global banner of (((i))) indymedia in third world states. The police operation in which the four contributors to Ecuador IMC were arrested, was intended to detain Colombian citizens using false identification. There has been considerable repression of Colombian migrants, imigrants and ex-patriots throughout Latin America, in Ecuador, San Salvador & Honduras since the cross border operation by the Colombian state in Ecuadorian territory to assassinate Raul Reyes of the FARC earlier this year and the subsequent seizing and/or investigations of funds and arms trading relating to the FARC in El Salvador and Honduras. It is clear that a catch-all profile of radical left "subversive" is fomenting repressive abuse of police powers which this latest story of Ecuador well illustrates.
The whole thing should also be understood in its sharp contrasts to last weeks "big story" of Antwerp IMC and its battle with a local Flemish national big game hunter who appeared to want to take a pot-shot at the governer of Antwerp by suing his near relative and Antwerp IMC for damages which accrued to 7,000,000euros. That case was of course "quite laughed" out of court. But inteference in Indymedia sites in the first or developed world comes primarily from such horinzontal social or political sectors or more perversely from the misplaced ambitions of their own contributors. However, in the third world where the real problems, poverty, struggle and fight is fought and more often lost - it is the butt of police rifle and the prison cell which mutes indymedia or any such equivalent voice given to the voiceless.
iosaf .:. ipsiphi