UK Repression Newswire Archive
Placard-spotting pics from stop-the-war demo, London, 24 Sep
25-09-2005 20:32

Beam me up Scottie - ID Cards and Biometrics.
25-09-2005 20:15
Sights and sounds from stop-the-war demo, London, 24 Sep
25-09-2005 19:54

The Washington March: Falsified Numbers
25-09-2005 11:52
On our mainstream TV's and radios all over the world a different and false picture was mostly shown and heard, but it is safe to say that there were HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE marching against the US neocon government and the genocidal war in Iraq, yesterday in Washington.Tips on how to 'divert' student radicals
25-09-2005 11:49
"Glees and Pope make a number of recommendations including the screening of student applications, having a constant police presence on campus, reviewing all course content to check it doesn't harm national security and the close monitoring of students societies"Phil Chamberlain in Big Issue North Sept 19-25 (586)
Call for Revolutionary Soliodarity with the Prosecuted Social Rebels of Aachen
25-09-2005 10:03
Aachen 4 to be sentenced on 28th SeptemberFit Team vs the Grey Bloc.
25-09-2005 00:41

UK soldiers issued with Basra warrant
25-09-2005 00:02
An Iraqi judge said the soldiers were wanted in connection with the deaths of several Iraqis during a confrontation with British forces.Sheffield Solidarity with CzechTek
24-09-2005 22:40

BBC reports Police number 10,000 doesn't report Stop War March Estimate
24-09-2005 21:28
Just heard 10pm news on BBC Radio Four and BBC News 24. Both simply repeated police estimate and did not mention Stop the War Cooalition's estimate of numbers on the march.Man arrested and lost of property....
24-09-2005 17:34
the way the cops behaved seems unfair to me....US troops admit to systematic torture of Iraqis
24-09-2005 08:45
One sergeant told Human Rights Watch: "Everyone in camp knew if you wanted to work out your frustration you show up at the PUC tent. In a way it was sport… One day [a sergeant] shows up and tells a PUC to grab a pole. He told him to bend over and broke the guy’s leg with a mini Louisville Slugger, a metal bat."Public Meeting on Civil Liberties and Anti-Terror Measures
23-09-2005 19:40
Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign has organised a Public Meeting to discuss ith various community organisations and others the threat posed to our civil liberties in this country by Tony Blair's proposed new legislative and administrative measures following the 7th July events in London.Techies top cops' terror profile
23-09-2005 09:25
Allo allo allo - is that an RS-232 cable, sah?If you think that the police's profiling of terror suspects is something that only happens to other people - think again. Today's panicky Plod doesn't seem to be very discriminating at all. And you could be next.
Techie David Mery has published an account of being arrested, and having his computers confiscated, because he happened to be wearing a rucksack on the London Underground the day after the 27/7 bombings. Or as phone blogger Russell Beattie put it -
S.O.S Colombia. Student Murdered during demo against FTAA in Cali.
23-09-2005 08:20
S.O.S. to the British friends of the Planet, Justice and Freedom.We need urgent solidarity! real direct and pacific actions! in order to survive and have the chance of dreaming a better world...
subMedia releases 'George Bush Don't Like Black People' Video
22-09-2005 18:28

Middlesex Uni SU Pres frogmarched off campus
22-09-2005 13:49
Keith Shilson, President of Middlesex University Students Union was frogmarched off campus by private security guards yesterday. His student place has been indefinitely suspended in what is believed to be the first disciplinary action since Ruth "you can only talk to muslims we approve of" Kelly, Minster of Corporatised non-Education called on campuses to stop all contact with non-approved muslims.Campsfield demo this Saturday
22-09-2005 13:41
Demonstrate against the UK's detention of innocent people on your doorstep.FBI to establish base in Sydney as war in Iraq goes global
22-09-2005 00:25