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International Day of Action for the release of Cesar Zelada

29-09-2004 15:49

Cesar Zelada
On Friday, September 24, there was an international day of action for the release of Cesar Zelada, the Peruvian student and left wing activist jailed by the Bolivian authorities.

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Community activist Peter Sandy quits Rushmoor LibDems

28-09-2004 15:05

Peter Sandy, an Aldershot LibDem councillor, has resigned from the Rushmoor LibDem group. He found he could no longer stomach their hypocrisy and childish behaviour.

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Reply from Colombian Gov -Re:Sintraemicali

28-09-2004 14:44

This was received by email from the Vice Presidents office in Colombia. It is a response
to an email sent several weeks ago regarding Sintraemicali members murdered and imprisoned
in Colombia. (In response to a then urgent call from Colombia Solidarity Campaign on this situ.)

I dont speak Spanish but I hope someone will provide a translation in due course...

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Support the Troops; Jail a Veteran

28-09-2004 10:26

The "trial" of Rosemarie Jackowski, a 67-year-old U.S. Air Force veteran and antiwar activist in Vermont (USA)

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The humanitarian crisis in Darfur, seen in the light of international politics

27-09-2004 05:15

Seen in the light of the in february 2003 restarted conflict in Darfur, which by the military conduction of both governmental troops and Janjaweed-militias caused the death of more than 50.000 civilians and the expulsion of 1 million people, the sending of UN-Peace-troops is of the greatest importance

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Cyclists arrested again at NY Critical Mass.

26-09-2004 06:09

Eight NY Critical Mass cyclists were arrested last night and cycles were confiscated.

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Palestine Checkpoints - What's the Point?

25-09-2004 12:42

The checkpoints in Palestine are there to make life next to
impossible. They are not a security measure. Anyone
here will tell you this, and it's easy to find out for

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Video: Massacre of Civilians in Fallujah

25-09-2004 00:40

Retired Special Forces soldier Stan Goff comments: "The “tell” is in the audio. When the pilot asks permission to fire, he reports a large number of people… not armed people. People. And permission is granted instantly. This is an indication that the mission guidance is to shoot anyone who is in the street."

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The terror, the terror

24-09-2004 15:56

Iraq is becoming daily more chaotic and murderous, says Richard Beeston. DVDs of beheadings are selling in their thousands. Westerners are hated and live in constant fear.

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Expose Blair's Hypocisy on UK Hostage!!!

24-09-2004 12:35

Blair is lapping up the publicity, on one hand appearing tough on terrorists, and on the other appearing compassionate to the family of British Hostage Ken Bigley.
The truth is very different. The bloodthirsty fools who took the hostages, and killed two so far, have NOT asked for the release of Saddam's evil chemists.
They have asked for the release of large numbers of innocent women still held in Iraqi jails, where brutal treatment and humilitation are heaped upon them.
Rather than admit that the UK government is helping to cover this up, Blair and Bush are prepared to let another innocent man die at the hands of brutal fanatics.
We shouldn't be pleading with Blair to help, we should be kicking his ass.

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Germany: video proof: police attacks demonstrators

24-09-2004 11:09

Police storms the loudspeaker vehicle
Police use against peaceful demonstrators injures the constitutional law of the Federal Republic of Germany

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Activists occupied the offices of the London branch of the Commonwealth Bank of

23-09-2004 19:05

Activists occupied the offices of the London branch of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia on Monday 20th September. The bank is the largest shareholders in Gunns, who are responsible for logging in old growth Tasmanian forests. They also act as bankers for the Eden woodchip mill in New South Wales, responsible for turning pristine wilderness into bog roll, killing countless rare and beautiful species in the process.

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All The Nice Girls Love a Failure

23-09-2004 16:36

Oxford Trades Council 'celebrated' the '84 -5 Miners' Strike, without making any attempt to learn political lessons from that catastrophic defeat for organised labour.

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Quit Iraq, and quit fast. It's that simple

23-09-2004 15:14

The brave recourse now is to realism, to admit that a war which cannot be won should soonest be abandoned. Britain should leave Iraq in January, whatever a new American President decides.

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Culture and Dissent

22-09-2004 22:30

The Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center is using cultural production as a form of disent against the Israeli Occupation

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International legal support team

22-09-2004 12:45

We are there for each and every one
We are the spokesmen/women for human rights but first and foremost for prisoners and for those found guilty.Our work is based on the international conventions on human rights an arrest and police control siyuations-both governed by the United Nations anti-torture resolution signed most European countries,including United Kingsdom
We are creat in Heidelberg(germany)Montpellier(France) Barcelona( Spain) and now in London

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This is very important - Putin assaination attempt.

21-09-2004 17:39

This is the clearest proof yet that, we are being lied to.

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Gothenberg Trial Update

21-09-2004 16:18

Solidarity needed for Martin Block, a Dutch activist extradited to Sweeden to face trial for his aleged involvement in actions against the 2001 EU Summit in Gothnberg, Sweeden.

Multi-lingual text follows. Please forward this information and act upon it!

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Tenants slam Pavilion Housing Association

20-09-2004 16:05

Pavilion tenants at a meeting called at extremely short notice, slammed Pavilion Housing Association for their failings on repairs, maintenance, and failures to deal with anti-social behaviour. Blame for these problems was placed firmly and squarely at the door of Pavilion chief executive Mervyn Jones. Tenants called for Jones to go.
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