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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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HITLER LICKING #EDL - #ANTIFA @bradfordafn @ant1fane @JLRFB @slatukip @slatedl

03-11-2015 13:01

Hitler-Licking Bad
The EDL, the NF and Britain First have hijacked the poppy, otherwise a symbol of remembrance, into a status symbol fo nationalism. Whereas, millions of people wear the poppy to pay their respects to the brave British soldiers and won, extreme right fanatics wear the poppy purely and simply as a show of faux patriotism. There is absolutely nothing patriotic about wearing a poppy to a war memorial, and making an Adolf Hitler salute.

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Solidarity for 3 hambachforest comrades in jail

28-10-2015 20:22

It is cutting season in hambach forest, a forest occuption in germany, where they want to destroy more and more forest for the expansion of one of europes biggest lignite open cast coal mine. This area is one of the most polluting areas in europe, with as leading killkill companie RWE. Now 3 comrades are imprisoned.

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Dangosiad / Film Screening: Visions of Abolition

26-10-2015 16:52

Manylion isod / Information below

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NAZI PUNK RIPS OFF THE RBL @slatedl @bradfordAFN @JLRFB @edlnews #ANTIFA #ukip

24-10-2015 15:23

The EDL's infamous fascist punk with the nine months old pregnant beer belly, who shouts racist abuse on EDL marches at Muslim people, was spotted selling poppies in Peterborough today. Known as the Nazi Punk, this odious member of the far right group was believed to have been collecting for the Royal British Legion without authorisation, which is sickening to say the least. Even more terrifying is how someone, whose politics equate to the toxic genocidal hate of Adolf Hitler's national socialists, was collecting for the memory of the allied heroes. ABSOLUTELY VILE!

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EDL PRICKS #ANTIFA #edl @misscheeky666 @slatukip @JLRFB @bradfordAFN @slatedl

23-10-2015 10:25

After years of Muslamic Ray Guns and "What's That Symbol" ranting, the feckless little "footsoldiers" of the EDL admit what we knew all along - they are seriously lacking in grey matter. There's dumb. There's dumber. Then there's EDL. Radicalised by Pam Geller and friends, and brainwashed with cheap, tasteless lager and adulterated coke, it is now openly acknowledged that nationalistic intellects turned to Jelly. Even Spiked Magazine (AKA "Living Marxism" now Libertarian Capitalism), who inanely decreed nobody must laugh at the EDL, have now fallen stonily silent. EDLers have always been, and still are, the idiots of the Global Village, backwards, racist, misogenistic caveman opting out of the advancing multicultural civilisation which makes their ugly views irrelevant.

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Campaign Intelexit: "Exit path back to democracy" for members of secret services

22-10-2015 15:01

As "the world’s first exit program for the intelligence community" the campaign Intelexit started last month. Employees from the secret services like the National Security Agency (NSA), the UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the German Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) are to be supported to leave the institutions. A video with Bruce Schneier and Thomas Drake, the Vienna-based therapist Angelika Schneider and the former Stasi officer Walter Eichner explains the backgrounds, a flyer gives more details.

Intelexit is directed to all employees, not only those who work on surveillance programs or take part in drone wars. Concerned people, who see themselves in moral conflicts, should be helped to receive counselling, therapy and legal support. Those who have hesitations, can try a selftest on the campaigns website.

This interview was conducted with some of the organisers briefly before the start of the campaign.

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PAUL WARREN ENGLAND'S WIBBLE @slatedl @nottssolfed @JLRFB @misscheeky666 #ANTIFA

19-10-2015 17:17

Tonight, the Nottingham fascist march honcho "Paul Warren England" of EDL fame, (until recently, believed to be resident in Australia) is trolling the antifascist counter-protest page, trying to claim he is not racist, just as Matthew Pope of Pegida tried on in the past. He has stupidly challenged anti-racists to come up with anything near an insane racist rant he posted on Facebook. It didn't take long to expose his wibble. On an EDL page, he has posted a particularly paranoid rant about Muslims taking over Britain in 30 years time.

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The Massacre of Ankara. Eye-witness Account& Analysis

18-10-2015 04:20

In Turkey, an attack on a demonstration for peace killed over a hundred people. An eye-witness account by Alp Kayserilioglu

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EDL NONCE JAILED @misscheeky666 @slatukip @slatedl @JLRFB @ant1fane #ANTIFA #edl

17-10-2015 12:56

EDL supporting, Hitler loving kiddy abuser Michael Kinnear of Blackpool was jailed for nine years for the most horrific sexual abuse of a young girl along with his co-abuser Caroline Shaw. Kinnear was a regular at EDL demos, and was vocal in his campaigning against non-white paedos, whilst secretly he was a nonce of the most horrific kind, who conversations show, was discussing to rape and kill young girls. This shows the blatant hypocrisy of the EDL - an organisation teeming with horrific criminals and perverts. NOTE: - The EDL failed to protest outside the courtroom for the conviction of one of their own child abusers. No surprise there!

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2 – 8 November 2015: Week of Action Against the North Wales Prison & the Prison Industrial Complex

12-10-2015 15:33

A week of action has been called to encourage people all of the UK & the world to take action against the construction of the North Wales Prison in Wrexham.

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PRESTON SS FLAG IGNORED @JLRFB @slatedl @misscheeky666 @slatukip #ANTIFA #EDL

12-10-2015 10:06

The media and the Lancashire Police, have turned a blind eye to the horrific murderous SS flag displayed by the NWI in Preston. Whilst anything vaguely resembling an ISIS flag featuring dildos and buttplugs on a gay pride march causes civilisation meltdown, horrific openly nazi, openly anti-Semitic, openly pro-Holocaust symbolism, is knowing ignored and overlooked by the rightwing media machine working to a nationalistic agenda. Hitler's SS killed millions more than ISIS could ever hope for, and yet, representatives of the police and media stood just feet away from the SS flag, decided to look through the notorious genocidal flag, pretending it was not there.

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Another Hambach Forest comrade in freakin jail

11-10-2015 17:05

Another comrade fighting for the Hambach Forest in in Germany gets kidnapped and beaten by the cops...

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BNP INCITE PRESTON VIOLENCE @hopenothate @ElectoralCommUK @misscheeky666 #EDL

10-10-2015 23:21

Ten years ago, with a string of council election victories, the BNP were pretending they were a bona fide political party, and had left street fascist violence behind. However, all their seats gone, in 2015, they have returned to their boots and fists. Before today's neo-nazi march took place in Preston, a march that saw fireworks and marbles thrown at passers-by, BNP Nottingham's Official Twitter feed called for the NWI and the NF to "kick the reds", encouraging and inciting the disgusting acts of violence that occured.

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POLICE IGNORE NAZI VIOLENCE @hopenothate @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @slatukip #ANTIFA

10-10-2015 22:49

The NWI and their Hitlerite comrades gathered in Preston centre, armed with fireworks and other missiles, ready for confrontation. At one point, they were blatantly lobbing fireworks at shoppers and all passers-by, not just their antifascist opponents, however the most the police did was steer a few horses their way, arresting one man, whilst all the time filming the peaceful antifascist demonstrators. Serious questions need to be asked regards the police's tolerance of a violent, openly neo-nazi gathering in a public place.

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SS FLAG IN PRESTON @hopenothate @bullandroyal @misscheeky666 @slatedl ANTIFA EDL

10-10-2015 18:02

SHAME ON YOU: Traitorous drinking establishments in Preston who pretend to be patriotic, knowingly allowed hardcore neo-nazis to gather and drink there, including the 55 club which has a track record of allowing the BNP and other white supremacists to gather there. They openly waved Waffen SS flags, the unit responsible for rounding up Jews and murdering Jews, Poles and Roma people throughout Central Europe in the former Soviet Union. SHAME ON YOU!

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UG#720 - The Conspiracy Of Silence (VIPaedophile, Blackmail and The Deep State)

09-10-2015 15:18

This week, we tackle a new topic on the show, which some have dubbed "VIPaedophile". We hear the sound tracks of a pair of investigative documentaries on organized child sexual abuse. First, "Spies, Lords and Predators" which looks at what it terms "the biggest political scandal Britain has ever faced". Next, we hear an interview with respected investigative film maker, Tim Tate, about the making of The Conspiracy Of Silence, his 1980s ground breaking expose of organized child sex abuse in USA. He tells how, after the film had been, produced, and the rough cut was approved by legal advisors, and even scheduled for broadcast, it was suddenly pulled, and has never aired in USA to this day. One or more of the witnesses who testified in the film were later found dead. After his interview about the film, we hear an adaption of the film itself, which is now available on the internet.

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EDL TORY EXPOSED @slatfascists @misslbuttercup @norsefired @ant1fane #ANTIFA

04-10-2015 15:22

Steve Mann AKA Seth Mould, an EDL-supporting Conservative Party activist from Blackburn, based in Bolton, is the marketing director at Accrington's Bakehouse Studios, and used twitter to support acts of arson against mosques, and racially abuse Muslims online. With 34,000 followers including many professional followers within the UK music industry, sickeningly expressed absolute joy and pleasure at the recent devastating criminal attack on the London Ahmadiyya mosque.

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EXPRESS JOURNO EXPOSED #ANTIFA #UKIP @slatukip @slatedl @edlnews @misscheeky666

30-09-2015 15:35

If you ever wondered whether the Daily Express opinion scripters were, and what their actual views are - We have discovered the twitter account of one of their journos who writes their xenophobic pro-UKIP opinion columns, professional Manchester racist journalist "Christian Black" who sickeningly mocks the victims of racial hatred, and posts openly racist remarks about President Obama. Such are the vile opinions of this particular Daily Express staff member.

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Protesters Enact Symbolic "Die In" to Unwelcome Narendra Modi to Silicon Valley

28-09-2015 23:08

Die In
Over 2000 vibrant protesters from many different Indian American communities joined together outside the SAP Center in San Jose to counter Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of "Digital India" and Hindutva. They raised many issues with Modi's leadership, ranging from forced conversions to Hinduism, Internet surveillance, arrest of political bloggers, harassment of human rights activists, blind eye to rapes, dispossession of small farmers, rewriting of Indian history, and the 2002 Gujarat massacre.

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Indian Prime Minister Modi to Face Mounting Protests in Silicon Valley Visit

27-09-2015 04:37

Bulletin Board: #ModiFail
Opposition to Narendra Modi's visit to San Jose mounts as Indian-American groups and human rights organizations announce more protests and joint action. Modi's failure to address burning social issues, blind eye to attacks on minorities and women, and shielding of corruption is called into question. Scores of buses from across California are set to converge on SAP Center in San Jose.
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