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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Mexican Army is the new threat to Radio Ñomndaa

07-07-2011 21:31

Again, the Radio Ñomndaa is wake: the threat now comes from the army. Some soldiers of the mexican army arrived at the pueblo of Suljaa' (Xochistlahuaca) today morning, and started asking people for the location of Radio Ñomndaa.

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UG#557 - The Making of Police State USA (The Rosenberg Case -The 2010 FBI Raids)

07-07-2011 15:10

This week, a two part show on the US Police State. In our first hour, recordings from last month's meeting of the National Committee to Reopen The Rosenberg Case, including Robert Meeropol's Eulogy to his parents, by whose 1953 killing the US government intensified the red scare. In our second hour, we hear from the Chicago civil liberties community on the September 2010 FBI raids there and subsequent use of grand jury proceedings in an effort to chill dissent.

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How the makers of Just Do It fought the law

06-07-2011 23:03

In the following article Emily James, the director of Just Do It explains how she made the film while avoiding endangering activists. See also the chat with her, and the Q&A session following the films premier,

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Social cleansing in Calais: Massive crackdown following Home Sec's visit

06-07-2011 20:47

Food distro raid seen through the gate
The struggle for existence for migrants in Calais has intensified after the British Home Secretary came and poked her nose in

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"...Liberty and Justice for all"? Prisoner Solidarity Protest, US Embassy,4 July

06-07-2011 09:23

The London Guantánamo Campaign marked American Independence Day on 4 July with a political prisoner solidarity protest in the evening outside the US Embassy in Mayfair. Around 25 people attended.

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'West Papua – The Road to Freedom', 2nd August 2011, Oxford

05-07-2011 22:30

Invitation to attend 'West Papua – The Road to Freedom', 2nd August 2011, Oxford, UK

West Papua has been illegally occupied by Indonesia for over 40 years. As part of the
ongoing campaign for freedom, the Free West Papua Campaign and the International
Lawyers for West Papua are honoured to invite you to a very special conference: West
Papua – The Road to Freedom.

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This is a FITwatch Call-out.

04-07-2011 22:25

This is a call-out to all those who have ever been on the recieving end of "intelligence-led" policing.

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No Borders blockade Calais detention centre

04-07-2011 18:31

On Saturday around 30 No Borders activists blockaded the detention centre and border police complex at Coquelles, a few miles from Calais.

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Harry's Place, Islamophobia and the arrest of Sheikh Raed Salah

04-07-2011 11:09

Sheikh Raed Salah
The arrest late on Tuesday night in London of Sheikh Raed Salah is a very strange business. The political leader of the Islamic Movement in Israel, who has three times been elected as Mayor of his town, Umm al Fahm, has visited Britain without problems before, and his programme this time – including two engagements in the House of Commons - was public knowledge well before his arrival. No objection was made by any UK government agency.

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Italy: civil war in Valsusa – Repression against NO TAV movement

03-07-2011 20:37

Greeting from the Free Republic of the Maddalena
After a crowded torchlight march on the night between June 26th and 27th, the Free Republic of the Maddalena in Piedmont was brutally assaulted by a full-scale military operation performed by around 2000 forces that turned the place into a battle site: teargas thrown at eye level, bulldozers and heavy vehicles used to evict the camp, water jets against protesters, beatings, tents and equipment smashed up. In the nearby town of Venaria, a riot police vehicle on its way to the site ran over and killed “by mistake” an elderly woman.

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Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support

02-07-2011 18:31

Six antifascists were recently fitted-up and sent to prison. Because of ongoing legal issues, for the moment we are unable to say more about their case, but a full report will eventually be issued. Suffice to say, they have been well and truly fucked over and deserve our fullest support and solidarity. Please write to them. As always, assume your letters are being read by our enemies and ensure you do not compromise your own security or that of others. Also please note that Thomas Blak and Austin Jackson are as yet unsentenced. For advice on writing to prisoners see the Leeds ABC website. La lucha continua!

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Urgent Appeal: Crackdown on Malaysian Socialists

02-07-2011 12:45

Manila -- Around 70 members of Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) held a brief picket in front of the Malaysian Embassy this morning to protest the arrests and detention of 30 activists belonging to the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).

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Reminder: March 4 Justice: Saturday July 2nd 2011 in Birmingham

01-07-2011 12:36

Birmingham - 3 police custody deaths in 11 months

Demetre Fraser - 31st May 2011

Kingsley Burrell - 30th March 2011

Lloyd Butler - 4 August 2011

Justice for Kingsley Burrell, Demetre Fraser, Lloyd Butler
Campaigning for Justice for Kingsley Burrell and for legislative reform in regards to deaths in custody. In unity with Justice 4 Smiley Culture and all those who have lost a loved one in these circumstances.

March for Justice for Kingsley Burrell and for all those that have lost their lives in police custody.

We call on you to march with us in Birmingham

One People with One Aim: Justice for All

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Prisoner Solidarity Protest - US Embassy, 4 July, 6-8pm

01-07-2011 11:51

Demonstration in support of all political prisoners with a UK-US link on American Independence Day - from British residents in Guantánamo Bay, individuals being extradited to the US under a one-sided extradition treaty, Welsh-American alleged Wikileaks whistleblower, UK campaigns for political prisoners in the US...solidarity with one and all!

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Report: The US/NATO War in Libya

30-06-2011 22:41

Libya - Obamas oil sniff
Cynthia McKinney Report on the Struggle Against the US/NATO War in Libya ... From Cynthia McKinney: A hearty group of protesters representing several community organizations showed up today to protest the vote of civil rights icon and Member of Congress from Atlanta, John Lewis, to continue funding for the bombing of Libya. The Congressman interrupted his schedule and heard the frustrations of his constituents who are outraged at the quiescence of Congress, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Progressive Caucus in light of President Obama's policy to bomb Africa.

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Brighton Thurs 7pm-9pm - Iraq Veteran & former U.S. anti-war prisoner speak out!

30-06-2011 08:33

Iraq combat veteran/ former member of the S.A.S. Ben Griffin and former federal prisoner of the United States Ciaron O'Reilly will address a public meeting at the Friends Meeting House, Ship St. in Brighton Thursday June 30th. 7pm-9pm

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Events in Greece "on a scale not seen since December 2008!"

29-06-2011 20:43

Our quote above but occupations and actions are happening all over Greece.
Rioting has spread all over central Athens, not contained around Syntagma any longer.
99 protesters hospitalised, 500! treated at Red Cross tents in Syntagma Square.
Legal school (Nomiki) open and providing assistance
Talk that Syntagma square is closed to entrance, rioting is around, and that meeting is happening in Monastiraki
Meanwhile the prime minister is out eating a a taverna...

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Improvised explosive devices used by Greek police

29-06-2011 19:41

Delta motorcycle police using home made explosives to target protesters!

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Conspiracy of Fire Cells : The Sun Still Rises

29-06-2011 15:17
May 30 saw the publication of The Sun Still Rises, a pamphlet containing a complete chronology of Fire Cells Conspiracy attacks and the following new text by the group:

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Police bail restricted to 4 days

29-06-2011 14:44

Cops are sweating this evening after the justice system shot itself in the foot when a court ruled today that police bail is to be restricted to 4 days in length. By my understanding of the situation the police have 4 days to bring a charge, after which they may only take action by re-arresting with fresh evidence - no fresh evidence, no rearrest, no charge.
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