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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Communique from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece)

07-11-2009 22:14

About the attacks against State & Capital and the ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’ (Greece) posted on Saturday, November 7th

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Speak out Against Racism and Deportations - Brixton 14 November

07-11-2009 21:08

Open-air rally Called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! - all welcome
Please bring speeches, music, chants, and literature. Add your voice and help us speak out against racism.

14 November 2009 12-3 pm Next to Brixton tube station

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National Resistance Against the Coup d’Etat Announces Boycott of November 29 Hon

06-11-2009 18:42

"As of midnight last night, the National Resistance Front against the Coup d’Etat will begin its process of delegitimizing the electoral process. In a statement issued by President Zelaya, from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa where he has taken refuge the past 46 days and nights, he said that the coup regime was plotting “a giant political-electoral fraud” through “constant violations of human rights, the cancellation of public liberties, the shutdown and confiscation of media like Channel 36 and Radio Globo, and the situation of having the President who was elected by the people surrounded by military soldiers in the diplomatic seat and the overall political persecution.” Zelaya added:

“We announce our total non-recognition of this electoral process and its results. Due to the above mentioned violations, elections under a dictatorship are a fraud to the people.”
The de facto government on the other hand, went about interpreting the Tegucigalpa/San Jose Accord as it pleased, supposedly naming its reconciliatory government while maintaining coup “president” Roberto Micheletti in power. The US will now have to answer to the international community – including the Organization of American States (OAS) – as the only government that says it might recognize the Nov 29 elections in Honduras."

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Next month in Bruxelles: Stop another 5 year program of death and detention!

06-11-2009 16:55

30th of November and 1st of December 2009 in Brussels - Transnational Protests in front of the EU - Justice and Home Affairs - Meeting

29.Oct.09 - Refugee Protection and Migrants Rights instead of a brutal EU-Border-regime! No to the repressive Stockholm program! After Tampere and The Hague, the Stockholm program will constitute the next 5-year-framework for Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) within the EU and its memberstates. The new program claims to build up the 'area of freedom, justice and security'. But in fact it will continue to implement an even tighter regime of surveillance and control and will promote a securitisation of social life, undermining all civil rights and privacy despite contrary claims.

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Letter from Artur Konowalik-Prisoner in Poland

05-11-2009 23:31

"As long as there is a division between prisoners and the “normal people”, I will rebel against it"

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Anglo Iranian Youth Society Press Conference. Downing Street, London - pictures

05-11-2009 14:29

An End to Religious Dictatorship.
As the Iranian Mollah regime hold its annual anti-US day of protests in Iran, which are met with a new movement of pro-Democracy students angry over the questionable re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to President in June, the Anglo-Iranian Youth Society meet outside Downing Street to hold a press conference.

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What will Bo Johnson do to help an ordinary London woman in real distress?

05-11-2009 02:35

The Guardian and other British media have hailed Boris Johnson the London mayor in the past 24 hours. His achievement? The reported rescue of a London film director named as Ms Franny Armstrong.

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Swedish Human Rights Award to Sahrawi HR defender Brahim Dahane

04-11-2009 14:06

The human rights activist Brahim Dahane, human rights defenders in Western Sahara, is this year's winner of the Swedish Government's Per Anger award.

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Three dead in garment workers' clashes - unions promised new role

04-11-2009 12:00

The latest clashes in the highly charged arena of the Bangladeshi garment industry...

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What is the sound of anti-racism in the UK?

04-11-2009 10:44

At a moment of tightening border controls in the UK, sound art collective Ultra-red and anti-racism organisers from the Rural Racism Project come to Norwich to dispatch the question: what is the sound of anti-racism in the UK?

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Shouting and fireworks at Lewes Prison, Sussex

03-11-2009 21:22

In the early evening of the 2nd November a rabble of anarchists were up at the dirty old prison of Lewes, with some fireworks for the inmates and rage against the prison society.

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G20 Pittsburgh: Twitter Charges Dropped

03-11-2009 13:35

The Allegheny County District Attorney has dropped all charges against two New York men accused of posting locations of police officers on Twitter during the G-20 summit.

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Pittsburgh: A new testing ground for acoustic weapons

03-11-2009 13:27

The mass mobilisation against September's G20 Summit in Pittsburgh was met with a characteristically brutal response from US Homeland 'Security'. In many ways, police repression of UK protests pales in comparison to American political policing, with activists being routinely arrested under various terrorism-related charges and local and federal law enforcement agencies rolling out military style operations, complete with temporary detention facilities and costing hundreds of thousands of dollars each. The Pittsburgh police, however, may well have distinguished themselves as hitting a new low in the erosion of US civil liberty. Alongside US police staples such as rubber bullets, tear gas and 'flash bang' stun grenades, the Pittsburgh authorities unleashed an acoustic weapon, one of a new generation of 'non-lethal' military devices, used not only to disperse and intimidate protesters, but to gain control over their behaviour.

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Venezuela: The error of being Lusbi Portillo

03-11-2009 02:14

* The latest demonstration of political criminalization of autonomous social movements by the Venezuelan government is exposed by Rafael Uzcategui, a member of the anarchist collective El Libertario.

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The Guardian on protest. Can we trust it?

02-11-2009 13:52

Schnews Graphic

"Funny that the Guardian is doing the police's work for them": Tweet

On the evening of Sunday October 25th, a number of activists were angry to discover that the Guardian had published the full DSEi 2005 spotter card on it's website. Next day it appeared on the front page of the print edition. The anger resulted from discussions that several of those featured had had with Guardian Journo Rob Evans,several weeks before, after they became aware that the Guardian had the card and was planning to run a story on it. They contacted Rob Evans and informed him that several people on the card did not want their images published. Several of those who were prepared to comment on the story made it clear that they were only prepared to do so, if the Guardian agreed to pixellate the pictures of those who did not wish to be involved.

As an article in The Register noted:

"According to sources within the activist community, many of them are hopping mad. Some of those who are still active feel that this is every bit as intrusive as the police action: others, who have not been active politically for many years, point out that displaying their pictures prominently in the national press, alongside copy that highlights the police description of such activists as "domestic extremists", could have serious implications for their jobs and livelihoods."

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Interview with imprisoned anarchist Yiannis Dimitrakis @Occupied London

02-11-2009 09:26

very moving interview at the Occupied London blog

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Updates from Animal Rights Cambridge

02-11-2009 00:55

Some bits and bops from ARC.

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Police censorship

01-11-2009 18:40

in west midlands,a police man decided that he,personally would decide what a cinema should show.

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Families and Friends at Downing St

01-11-2009 12:45

Paul Calvert
Families and Friends of those who have died in suspicious circumstances in custody held a demonstration opposite Downing St in London calling for justice and for properly independent investigations into deaths of people in the care of police and prison offers. Saturday 31 October 2009.
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