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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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St Modwen financial meltdown

24-10-2008 13:44

St Modwen meltdown
The financial position of St Modwen, The Developer from Hell, has worsened.

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Colombians demonstrate for social justice, London 23 0ct, 2008

24-10-2008 11:40

INSURREXION POPULAR - Botota anarcho-punks
Around thirty people turned up at short notice to a demonstsratin called by the PDA on the day of the General Strike in Colombia opposite the Colombian Embassy in London at 4.30pm on Thursday in support of the Colombian indigenous people, the sugar cane cutters on strike and the Colombian social justice movement. Pictures (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.

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Farnborough Airport 'terrorist' plane spotters

23-10-2008 16:19

Farnborough Airport
Terrorism legislation is being use to question and search plane spotters outside Farnborough Airport.

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4 were remanded in animal rights raids. 2 released, 2 remain on remand.

23-10-2008 15:45

They applied for bail today, 2 were sucessful, 2 weren't.

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United Families and Friends Remembrance Procession, Sat 25th Oct

23-10-2008 15:14

Saturday 25th October, Trafalgar Square,1pm

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Police officer: I did recognise Menezes as terror suspect... NOT! - Police lies!

23-10-2008 14:36

A surveillance officer only saw Mr Menezes with a phone and a paper.
A police officer has admitted changing his records to show he did not identify Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes as a failed suicide bomber.

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Italian police HQ bombed, anarchist comrades arrested

23-10-2008 14:19

Bombs against the communal police of Parma: four comrades arrested.

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For the boycott of employment tribunals

22-10-2008 17:05

This is a call for the boycott of employment tibunals which are not defending workers rights but still colluding with a government living at the feet of the gloomy shadow of a now-gone-forever Thatcher.

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3 Puas arrested in Oxford St. saturday afternoon

21-10-2008 17:42

Thats right….
I was just on my way to my spot where I like to do some game when I spot 3 dudes with the PUA uniform. I spotted them and went to lean against a wall to see them in action from a distance while I was making sure that they were in fact PUAs.

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Guildford Book Festival 2008

21-10-2008 15:34

Coca-Cola licensed to kill
The Guildford Book Festival is a ten day event running from 16-25 October 2008.

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Passports will be needed to buy pay-as-you-go mobile phones

21-10-2008 15:01

'Everyone who buys a mobile telephone will be forced to register their identity on a national database under government plans to extend massively the powers of state surveillance.'

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The truth about the Bulgarian Government

21-10-2008 03:03

This is a song made my the Sofia student underground movement. All the songs that we have made has been baned from Tv, Radio and is not allowed to be sold in any music stores. This is the type of Democracy that we have in our country...

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Torture conditions in U.S. prisons

20-10-2008 22:12

Gabriel Gonzalez was 21 years old when he was sentenced to die for the murder of a pawnshop owner, a crime that he insists he did not commit. Along with Kenneth Foster Jr. and Rob Will, Gabriel co-founded the Death Row Inner-communalist Vanguard Engagement (DRIVE) Movement, which engages in nonviolent, direct action protest to fight for better conditions on death row and in opposition to capital punishment.
Here, Gabriel describes the effects of isolation and segregation on prisoners.
THE U.S. criminal justice system is remarkably ineffective, absurdly expensive, grossly inhumane and riddled with racism. The slaughter of youth of color characterizes many big city police departments. Sentencing practices have led to the imprisonment of over 2 million people in state and federal facilities, with another 3.5 million under other forms of social control.

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Block the Vichy European Summit on Immigration, November 3-4 2008!

20-10-2008 18:23

Given the short time limit, any help is greatly welcomed to spread this international call widely in your networks and activist medias.

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Practical Info for Sandholm Detention Centre action, Copenhagen Oct 25th

20-10-2008 12:17

Shut down the camp indeed!
On the 25. of October we are planning a massive civil disobedience action. Our aim is to dismantle the Sandholm camp, and thereby physically challenge the racism of the Danish refugee policy. The Shut Down the Camp Initiative calls for a day of action against the Sandholm refugee camp in North Zealand, Denmark. To do this we need all the help we can get

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Multinationals, the Colombian State and Human Rights

19-10-2008 21:30

Colombia Solidarity Campaign London branch meeting

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Consenting Adult Action Network action, London, Tues 21st Oct 2008

19-10-2008 16:35

Demonstration in Westminster against the criminalisation of the possession of pornography which features consenting adults, and for freedom of speech and the freedom of consenting adults to express their sexualities.

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London Critical Mass and the Law Lords.

19-10-2008 06:55

On next Monday 20th October an appeal by Des Kay and Friends of the Earth, against the Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, is due to be heard by five Law Lords.

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Smash ITT demo. The first bit (in pictures).

18-10-2008 15:39

Scuffles at the very begining.
Following on from their particularly colourful and attention grabbing demo in June see:


The Smash EDO/MBM/ITT campaign called another march in Brighton.

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Smash ITT. The middle bit (in pictures).

18-10-2008 15:30

While some stay to pay homage to guarians of Home Farm road.
With many of the demonstrators detained at the entrance to Home Farm road, others decided to take the cross country route with a mobile sound system. It has to be said that the Smash EDO Kids have impeccable taste in music. CONFILCT, OI POLLOI, CRASS, INNER TERESTRIALS, all the old favourites provided an appropriate soundtrack to what was happening in the field. Cops leaving the scene were spotted humming the tune to 'Do they owe us a living'. Probably...
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