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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Artist Cleared of all Charges in Precedent-Setting Case

12-06-2008 16:52

Department of Justice Fails to Appeal Dismissal
Kurtz Speaks about Four-Year Ordeal

Buffalo, NY--Dr. Steven Kurtz, a Professor of Visual Studies at SUNY at Buffalo and co-founder of the award-winning art and theater group Critical Art Ensemble, has been cleared of all charges of mail and wire fraud.

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Solidarity for the imprisoned Austrian Activists - 16-18 June

12-06-2008 15:54

Since the 21st of June 2008 the animal rights movement sees itself confronted with an incomparable wave of repression! In the early morning armed units of the special force WEGA 23 raided apartments and offices of animal liberators in Vienna, Graz, Tirol and Kärnten.

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HLS Supplier DHL trashed for Active Slaughter

12-06-2008 15:21

anonymous communique (translation):

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Daniel McGowan Transferred - Threat of Madison Grand Jury

12-06-2008 09:54

Daniel McGowan has been moved to the Columbia County Jail in Portage,
Wisconsin. The reasoning for his move is unknown, but could be related to
an as yet to be convened grand jury in nearby Madison.

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Washington ordered destruction of Guantánamo interrogation records

12-06-2008 09:03

In another confirmation of the criminal character of Washington’s handling of so-called “enemy combatants,” a “Standard Operating Procedure” manual has come to light that explicitly instructs US interrogators at the American prison camp in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba to destroy contemporaneous records of their interrogations.

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Action day for persecuted eco-activists in the US

12-06-2008 06:19

This Saturday, there will be an international action day for the, by now numerous, eco-activists who are currently imprisoned in the US.

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Serious Implications for Freedom of Speech as Activist Jailed for 4.5 years

11-06-2008 23:41

WARN Press Release: Serious Implications for Freedom of the Net and Civil Rights as Activist Jailed for 4 ½ Years

For immediate release: June 11th 2008

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Police Officially Using Facebook

11-06-2008 22:07

Now is the time for ALL activists to either get off facebook or to be very careful about the information they put up.

The Police are officially, openly, using facebook.

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Yet more pictures from Smash Edo demo!

11-06-2008 16:45

Start of the carnival in on the level..
Just some photos, including one of the man with the baby who the police pushed over..

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Capital, Culture, Power: Criminalisation and Resistance

11-06-2008 16:33

Capital, Culture, Power: Criminalisation and Resistance
2-4 July, 2008

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On the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's Presidential

11-06-2008 16:28

Statement by Cynthia McKinney, Power to the People Candidate for U.S.
President, on the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's
Presidential Candidate in 2008

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Barack O’Bilderberg: Picking the President

11-06-2008 15:26

Recently, there has been much discussion about Barack Obama having possibly
attended the recent Bilderberg conference in Virginia. This speculation arose
when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton sneaked off for a secretive meeting
while in Virginia. As the AP reported, "Reporters traveling with Obama sensed
something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles
International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not
aboard the airplane. Asked at the time about the Illinois senator's
whereabouts, [Obama spokesman Robert] Gibbs smiled and declined to comment."

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Novartis Global Week of Action Roundup

11-06-2008 13:28

Arnhem, Holland
Novartis is also one of HLS's largest customers, most notorious for the Xenotransplantation scandal back in 2000. The week of action; 26th - 30th May 2008; South Africa, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Holland, Ireland, UK, France, Venezuela & Chile.

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Critical Art Ensemble's dr steven Kurtz cleared after four years!

11-06-2008 12:37

This is a link to a piece on NYC indymedia.

The original links and backround are at :

Dr Kurtz was charged under the Patriot Act in 2004 with bio-terrorism,
after sending material to Dr Ferrell which formed part of their dialogue
with modernity/biotech and art expression.

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New report details torture of Guantánamo prisoner Binyam Mohamed

11-06-2008 09:03

Andy Worthington, author of “The Guantánamo Files,” introduces a new report, by legal action charity Reprieve, detailing the rendition and torture of British resident Binyam Mohamed, who faces a trial by Military Commission in Guantánamo.

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Terror arrest survivor Rizwaan Sabir on BBC News

10-06-2008 20:49

BBC News have interviewed Rizwaan Sabir about the pending vote on extending the time for which police can hold people without charge.

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Noise Demo at UK Coal Head Office Protest

10-06-2008 12:42

UK Coal is about to devastate a beautiful part of the Derbyshire countryside by starting an open cast mine. So ‘Leave it in the Ground’ and Earth First! decided to make some noise over it with people from Derby, Nottingham Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester and Brighton as well as other places, all travelled to UK Coals Head office in Doncaster to make some noise.

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Silvio Berlusconi: A threath for European democracy?

10-06-2008 12:21

Elected senator and member of Berlusconi's party 'people of freedom'
In the media I read that Berlusconi's company mediaset has taken over the dutch media concern of Endemol. Do we have to worry in Europe?
The victory of Berlusconi has nothing to do with the 'exotic' nature of Italians, or with political left or right but everything with mediaconcentrations that can fall in the wrong hands.
Who or what controls the European media?

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Vegan Society Press Release: Arrests in Austria

10-06-2008 11:56

The Board of the Vegan Society is deeply concerned about the arrest and detention without charge on 21st May 2008 of members of our sister organisation the Austrian Vegan Society and similar groups.

We understand that those arrested have now been interned for a further four weeks, see article -
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