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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Smashed at EDO Bruise Gallery

05-06-2008 20:25

Very painful jab to the right tit
Here are some injuries sustained whilst protesting against the arms trade at EDO-MBM in Brighton on Wednesday. We are sore - wondering if others are too. Here are some photos of the injuries we got at the batons of the police.

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Wave of Repression against Austrian Professionals and Activists

05-06-2008 16:23

New "Guantanamo Bay" in Vienna / Austria

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NETCU and Judge Ross crucify civil liberties.

05-06-2008 15:46

Last week Sean Kirtley was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison followed by 5 years of draconian limits on his everyday life all in all a 10 year sentence. Those of us who have protested alongside him testify that he was never abusive or threatening, he did not cause criminal damage, he did not harm anyone or threaten to. He did what many activists of every denomination do, he handed out leaflets, put posts on an inoffensive website, held a banner (eg stop Sequani animal testing) and vocally expressed his disgust at experiments on animals without the use of expletives or threats.

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Prossy Kakooza must not be returned to Uganda!

05-06-2008 14:17

Prossy Kakooza
Prossy Kakooza is a 26-year-old woman seeking asylum in the UK. She fled Uganda after suffering vicious sexual, physical and verbal attacks due to her sexual orientation.

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Update on the 10 anti-fur activists in prison, Austria

05-06-2008 13:56

Information Update from the Legal Support Team: 05/06/08

See also details on hunger strikes:

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Barack Obama’s Pernicious Refusal to Defend the Causes of Black/Brown People

05-06-2008 07:37

Obama's "fierce" critiques of Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger puts him in opposition to the sentiments of "millions of black people" and puts him in the camp of those "who view the majority of black pain as illegitimate." By pursuing an agenda that refuses to recognize "black" or "white" issues, Obama is playing with a 400-year-old fire.

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Italy’s leap into the dark: Smells, signals and symptoms of fascism

05-06-2008 06:33

Corporatism implies the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism and militarism, in effect a dictatorship of the extreme right. In practice corporatism and fascism are one and the same. As in Cold War years, so in the Berlusconi era, the fear of leftist communists and the desire of many Italians to be a normal nation has led to today’s unconscious toleration of the rise of a nascent form of authoritarian government with many characteristics of fascism.

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Why are the police using surveillance on journalists?

04-06-2008 22:01

Police should stop routine surveillance of reporters and photographers covering demonstrations in London, the National Union of Journalists has told Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.
NUJ general secretary Jeremy Dear made the call in a letter to Smith after receiving complaints that journalists, particularly photographers, were facing what amounted to harassment by members of the Metropolitan Police Forward Intelligence Team (FIT).

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Demonstrators oppose deportation of refugee activist Amdani Juma

04-06-2008 21:05

On June 2, some 150 demonstrators protested in the Market Square in Nottingham, England to oppose the imminent deportation of Amdani Juma. Another demonstration was held the previous Saturday in the town.

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Anti Arms Trade Demonstration Ends In Confrontation

04-06-2008 16:47

An anti-arms trade demonstration ended in scenes of confrontation today. Hundreds of protestors gathered from around the country to take part in the Carnival against the Arms Trade.

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British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations

04-06-2008 00:53

blatant TREASON betrayal on us as ratepayers,by CEO of the MDCouncil bob penington,and MP doug kidd

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CPO's with HeadCam, at protests against deportation of Amdani Juma

03-06-2008 20:57

Community Protection Officers (Warden). These are Nottingham City Council employees. Jointly funded by Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire Police. They have now replaced City Centre Wardens, Street Wardens, & Neighbourhood Wardens. They are under the direction of the Services Director for Community Safety, & Community Neighbourhood Protection Service of Nottingham City Council.

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Demo to support Amdani Juma, activist, at risk of deportation - Mondays Pics

03-06-2008 20:47

Since his detention on friday 30th May, this is the second demonstration in his support in the Market Square.

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Police protester snap did not breach rights rules court

03-06-2008 19:42

The Register is reporting that a CAAT activist has essentially lost a High Court case against the FIT Teams. (See link for full story - rest of this article quoted from that story)

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Heavy sentences for demonstrators against EU summit 2003

03-06-2008 09:05

On May 28 the judge sentenced seven demonstrators who had been arrested during the protests against the EU summit in Thessalonica, Greece in 2003.

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Fight Speciesism #1 - Out Now!

02-06-2008 22:34

The first issue features: occupations in Paris, Antispe vs. Novartis, news from the UK frontlines, the Sequani Six trial, SHAC watch and more.

Versions to read and print are available below.

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Talks & Discussion: Academia & "Terror"; Moazzam Begg & more..

02-06-2008 21:40

Hosted by Nottingham Student Peace Movement, this event aims to discuss and respond to the violation of academic freedom, erosion of civil liberties and encroachment of 'terrorism' measures, as illustrated by the recent incident at the University of Nottingham.

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Free Sean Kirtley

02-06-2008 21:00

Stencil 1
Sean Kirtley was sentenced to four and a half years by Judge Ross on Friday, Sean has done nothing but hold peaceful demonstrations against Sequani and its suppliers. He was identified as a main target by police as he updated the SSAT website and phone and internet records according to police showed a hierarchy and some form of organisation! (Which is clearly illegal now…)

We have designed some stencils for those willing to raise awareness of what has happened to Sean and our right to protest!

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Demand the release of Hicham Yezza

02-06-2008 14:07

The planned June 1 deportation of University of Nottingham staff member Hicham Yezza was cancelled on May 30. The change was necessitated by an application to the High Court that same day, seeking a judicial review of the Home Office’s decision.
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