British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations
pete kiley | 04.06.2008 00:53 | Health | Repression | Social Struggles
By going against the orders of the then New Zealand Environment Minister Simon Upton the CEO of the MDCouncil bob penington,and MP doug kidd committed TREASON .Simon Uptons letter dated 13 april 1999 to MP doug kidd states quote I do not support the setting up of an independant inquiry.In my view,that would not add to understanding about the issue.I do not believe it would reveal anything about the actions of the council that is not already known.I stand by what i said in my letters to the council and to you both [dated 3 february 1999] that the Marlborough District Council can, and should be doing more to establish whether the kileys are being exposed to the risk they claim.unquote..Then knowing this the MDC CEO Bob penington and or MP doug kidd and maybe others conivingly contacted the manager of the Christchurch City Ministry for the Environment a mr alistair hutchinson and colleague mr alan shepard,they both visited us at our home and seddon motor camp taking notes for a supposed report for us,we thought they had come for our benefit,but we were wrong they came to help the MDC with their independant inquiry which clearly Simon Upton didnt want. [ No report was given to us by mr alistair hutchinson or mr alan shepard ] both hutchinson and shepard went against their boss Environment Minister Simon Upton,they also committed TREASON.This unresolved issue has been going on for 13 years,many people in important positions know of it,cohorts who are a party to it include MDCouncillors,mayors,and officers,council lawyer radich, MP doug kidd,ex PM jenny shipley,PM helen clark,governor generals michael hardy boyes,sylvia cartwright and anand satyanand,they are all implicated and none are doing anything to bring us justice and compensation.The public of New Zealand wont see or hear of this issue on NZTV or RADIO ive emailed many times over the years asking if i they can air it,and if i can come on air to state my views,they never reply.
The outcome now is that im about to lose my home and property,does this seem like fair play to you ?
British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations claim number X6492369429
British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations claim number X6492369429
TO PCE Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment geraldine plas re-your letter dated 18 march 08
re -PCE report dated 26 may 1999 file ref MRL121-1[1999019] and PCE letter dated 31st july 1996 file ref MRL121-01
The strong predominant norwest winds in seddon ensure we get st clair vineyard chemical spraydrift.
What we have here is the New Zealand crown government stealing our lives and savings,and letting us live for the past 13 years in misery and isolation,as the community went against us,also ruining our physical and mental health in the process.You as PCE never monitored this issue or prosecuted or brought to task the MDCouncil and the NMDHBoards refusal to act on this issue.Therefore you will all be named in my book as thieving new zealand government tyrants,this includes the last three governor generals hardy boyes,cartwright and satyanand,the last two prime ministers shipley and clark,im giving bolger the benefit of the doubt because at the time he passed our issue onto his health minister shipley who also did nothing to help us.Also i have proof of serious underhand dealings by the MDCouncil and the seddon settlers [ratepayers]association,and also the inept NMDHBoard whos MOH and POH didnt act for us in any way.On 21/04/08 i sent the 1999 PCE report along with the then MP doug kidds letter dated 26 jan 1999 and other information to the governor general anand satyanand for him to act upon them,to date ive not heard back from him.Ive also sent the same information to the MDCouncil they sent me a letter in may 08 saying they arent going to pay me any compensation,the same information went to the NMDHBoard their responce was to put it in the hands of there lawyers,so i sent the same information to their lawyers,no reply from them.I wrote and phoned the owners of the st clair vineyard neil and judy ibbotson asking for compensation they did not reply to my letter,and mr ibbotson immediately put the phone down on me,i have a letter from a previous vineyard worker of his that they deliberately harrased us by putting the bird scaring gas guns near our camp boundary,it was so noisy we all had to put out fingers in our ears,i told my girls not to go down the camp as it could have deafened them,also the vineyard sprayed chemicals right onto my boundary killing the established 10 feet high pampas grass all along our northern boundary on our camp .My ACC claim has been accepted and still the MDCouncil and NMDHBoard refuse to act for me.ACC have stated they are not going to pay me out. Due to this issue my daughters have never had a proper education or a happy healthy carefree upbringing and have been under CYFS and CAHMS when aged 13 and 14 no amount of money can compensate for that.Also due to this issue im about to loose my property.It appears that the only person in authority who attempted to help us was simon upton the then environment minister,all of his attempts to force the MDCcouncil to act for us regarding the monitoring of the St clair vineyard chemical spraydrift were thwarted by MDC.Simon uptons letter dated 13 april 1999 stated that he did not support the setting up of an independant inquiry on this issue [the john milligan report] and urged the MDC to monitor the vineyard chemical sprays,but the MDC ignored him.Then MDC CEO bob penington conivingly approached the manager of the christchurch ministry for the environment a mr alistair hutchinson who went against simon uptons wishes [his boss] and helped the MDC get their so called independant inquiry,how underhand and deceitful is that, this also amounts to TREASON by MDC ceo bob penington OSH (Occupational Safety and Health a NZ Government body sent their local inspector Mr R.P.Burt to our seddon motor camp he recommended in his letter dated 30 april 1998 that we put up warning signs on our seddon motor camp signs and our backpackers caravans which we did, warning tourists to our camp that OSH have identified the following hazards to campers over which the owners of the seddon motor camp have no control such as spray drift from unknown chemicals.Dust and noise from machinery and bird scaring devices, surely this makes it a NMDHBoard and MDCouncil / government issue but still they refused to acknowledge it. lawyer bryan forrest report,dated 19 may 2002 proves my case,and shows serious anomalies against the MDCouncils may 18th 2000 john milligan report on this issue absolving any wrong doing by MDC or the St Clair vineyard. ACC say they will pay a neuropsychologist to assist me,this will be ongoing as Dr tony marks requested in his ACC report [dated 21september 2007].
Before emmigrating to NZ i had 3 houses all paid for in the UK,to buy them back at todays prices i would need $1.8 million,my ex-wife also owned her own house having a small mortgage on it, she would need $600,000 to buy that house back at todays prices,none of this would compensate us,it would just bring us back to what we had monetarily pre 1992..We were freehold paying cash for our seddon property in march 1993,now i need $157,000 just to get that status back again..New Zealand is a four letter word to us,it has always been about LOSS,,,,,through no fault of our own,as the issue was not of our making..In 1999 the MDC in conjuction with the seddon settlers {ratepayers]group having many years previously seen all of our tourists letters of complaints against the St clair vineyard chemical spraydrift and noise and dust nuisance opened up their own motor camp in seddon namely the Awatere motor camp,this was opened mainly to get the tourists away from the St clair vineyard spraydrift at our seddon motor camp,this was also a blatant betrayal on us as ratepayers,and their camp never went through resource consents deeming it illegal [ultra virus].Ive emailed PM helen clark many times over the years asking her if she has vineyard interests especially in brancott estate vineyard,she never replies,it begs the question is PM clark a public servant or a business woman.I need an inquiry into this issue.Im asking you to at least pay me $157,000 in the interim,for me to save our family property.Ive had MDCouncillors mayors and council officers swear at me using the fu-k word,tell me angrily to go away,and get stuffed,and say slanderous remarks against me,these people are supposed to act for the public and be impartial..The public of NZ wont see or hear of this issue on NZTV or RADIO because its "covered up" ive emailed many times asking if they can air it,or can come on air to state my views on my issue,i never hear back.In not resolving this issue at the outset and discriminating against us for 13 years is reminicent of wartime nazi germany as we have been in an open prison for 13 years [our seddon motor camp] when are you going to bring the rail wagons around !! ,New Zealand should be named NaZi Zealand,adolf would have been proud of you.I hope your all very ashamed of yourselves.. IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE,ILL DIE HERE FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE...British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations claim number X6492369429
as no compensation from ACC NZ GOVT
Jane Robertson
Branch Manager
ACC Blenheim
PO Box 379 Blenheim
Phone 03 520 9103 EXT 3903
As previously advised ACC is unable to pay you out on Claim number X6492369429
British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations
ACC CLAIM ACCEPTED claim number X6492369429
British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations
For the first time in my life im asking the public for donations to save my property and bring me back to my freehold status that i had in 1993 when first buying the property [call it pay back as below].If and when i reach what i need $157,000 any more monies donated will go to worthy causes of your voting choice.Thats my solemn promise to you.My Kiwi Bank account number for donations is 38-9005-0789785-00
For 13 years ive been campaigning against vineyard chemical that time due to my persistance and pressure the spraying practices in new zealand have changed for the better, and the NZ wine industry has said it will use safer chemicals in the future.I have made things better for all citizens of new zealand, so maybe its praise i deserve, and not to be treated like rubbish by the New Zealand government and many people in the local community as has happened.And now im about to loose my home and seddon motor camp, what sort of thanks is that..
Im awaiting a triple heart by-pass operation,and the lawyers are expecting me to sell my home before the operation and recovery,my doctor and the New Zealand heart foundation are strongly against my property being sold until after my operation but the lawyers and judges involved are not taking notice,the stress of moving could cause me to have another heart attack.The ACC also the St Clair vineyard and the M.D.Council along with the NMDHealth Board refuse to compensate us..Before emmigrating to NZ i had 3 houses all paid for with my hard earned money,at todays prices i would need $1.8 million to buy them back.Now im bankrupt through no fault of my own..thank you new zealand.I WONT LEAVE MY HOME, ILL DIE FIRST FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE.
no compensation from ACC NZ GOVT
Jane Robertson
Branch Manager
ACC Blenheim
PO Box 379 Blenheim
Phone 03 520 9103 EXT 3903
As previously advised ACC is unable to pay you ou on Claim number X6492369429
pete kiley 17 nursery lane seddon marlborough new zealand mob 0273188026 www google yahoo search pete kiley
SEDDON Property ID: 827095 SEDDON, 17 Nursery Lane
For Tender Contact agent for details
pete kiley: my property for sale now against my wishes ..if you would like to see the photos go to ID827095
Jane Robertson
Branch Manager
ACC Blenheim
PO Box 379 Blenheim
Phone 03 520 9103 EXT 3903
As previously advised ACC is unable to pay you out on Claim number X6492369429
The outcome now is that im about to lose my home and property,does this seem like fair play to you ?
British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations claim number X6492369429

British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations claim number X6492369429

TO PCE Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment geraldine plas re-your letter dated 18 march 08
re -PCE report dated 26 may 1999 file ref MRL121-1[1999019] and PCE letter dated 31st july 1996 file ref MRL121-01
The strong predominant norwest winds in seddon ensure we get st clair vineyard chemical spraydrift.
What we have here is the New Zealand crown government stealing our lives and savings,and letting us live for the past 13 years in misery and isolation,as the community went against us,also ruining our physical and mental health in the process.You as PCE never monitored this issue or prosecuted or brought to task the MDCouncil and the NMDHBoards refusal to act on this issue.Therefore you will all be named in my book as thieving new zealand government tyrants,this includes the last three governor generals hardy boyes,cartwright and satyanand,the last two prime ministers shipley and clark,im giving bolger the benefit of the doubt because at the time he passed our issue onto his health minister shipley who also did nothing to help us.Also i have proof of serious underhand dealings by the MDCouncil and the seddon settlers [ratepayers]association,and also the inept NMDHBoard whos MOH and POH didnt act for us in any way.On 21/04/08 i sent the 1999 PCE report along with the then MP doug kidds letter dated 26 jan 1999 and other information to the governor general anand satyanand for him to act upon them,to date ive not heard back from him.Ive also sent the same information to the MDCouncil they sent me a letter in may 08 saying they arent going to pay me any compensation,the same information went to the NMDHBoard their responce was to put it in the hands of there lawyers,so i sent the same information to their lawyers,no reply from them.I wrote and phoned the owners of the st clair vineyard neil and judy ibbotson asking for compensation they did not reply to my letter,and mr ibbotson immediately put the phone down on me,i have a letter from a previous vineyard worker of his that they deliberately harrased us by putting the bird scaring gas guns near our camp boundary,it was so noisy we all had to put out fingers in our ears,i told my girls not to go down the camp as it could have deafened them,also the vineyard sprayed chemicals right onto my boundary killing the established 10 feet high pampas grass all along our northern boundary on our camp .My ACC claim has been accepted and still the MDCouncil and NMDHBoard refuse to act for me.ACC have stated they are not going to pay me out. Due to this issue my daughters have never had a proper education or a happy healthy carefree upbringing and have been under CYFS and CAHMS when aged 13 and 14 no amount of money can compensate for that.Also due to this issue im about to loose my property.It appears that the only person in authority who attempted to help us was simon upton the then environment minister,all of his attempts to force the MDCcouncil to act for us regarding the monitoring of the St clair vineyard chemical spraydrift were thwarted by MDC.Simon uptons letter dated 13 april 1999 stated that he did not support the setting up of an independant inquiry on this issue [the john milligan report] and urged the MDC to monitor the vineyard chemical sprays,but the MDC ignored him.Then MDC CEO bob penington conivingly approached the manager of the christchurch ministry for the environment a mr alistair hutchinson who went against simon uptons wishes [his boss] and helped the MDC get their so called independant inquiry,how underhand and deceitful is that, this also amounts to TREASON by MDC ceo bob penington OSH (Occupational Safety and Health a NZ Government body sent their local inspector Mr R.P.Burt to our seddon motor camp he recommended in his letter dated 30 april 1998 that we put up warning signs on our seddon motor camp signs and our backpackers caravans which we did, warning tourists to our camp that OSH have identified the following hazards to campers over which the owners of the seddon motor camp have no control such as spray drift from unknown chemicals.Dust and noise from machinery and bird scaring devices, surely this makes it a NMDHBoard and MDCouncil / government issue but still they refused to acknowledge it. lawyer bryan forrest report,dated 19 may 2002 proves my case,and shows serious anomalies against the MDCouncils may 18th 2000 john milligan report on this issue absolving any wrong doing by MDC or the St Clair vineyard. ACC say they will pay a neuropsychologist to assist me,this will be ongoing as Dr tony marks requested in his ACC report [dated 21september 2007].
Before emmigrating to NZ i had 3 houses all paid for in the UK,to buy them back at todays prices i would need $1.8 million,my ex-wife also owned her own house having a small mortgage on it, she would need $600,000 to buy that house back at todays prices,none of this would compensate us,it would just bring us back to what we had monetarily pre 1992..We were freehold paying cash for our seddon property in march 1993,now i need $157,000 just to get that status back again..New Zealand is a four letter word to us,it has always been about LOSS,,,,,through no fault of our own,as the issue was not of our making..In 1999 the MDC in conjuction with the seddon settlers {ratepayers]group having many years previously seen all of our tourists letters of complaints against the St clair vineyard chemical spraydrift and noise and dust nuisance opened up their own motor camp in seddon namely the Awatere motor camp,this was opened mainly to get the tourists away from the St clair vineyard spraydrift at our seddon motor camp,this was also a blatant betrayal on us as ratepayers,and their camp never went through resource consents deeming it illegal [ultra virus].Ive emailed PM helen clark many times over the years asking her if she has vineyard interests especially in brancott estate vineyard,she never replies,it begs the question is PM clark a public servant or a business woman.I need an inquiry into this issue.Im asking you to at least pay me $157,000 in the interim,for me to save our family property.Ive had MDCouncillors mayors and council officers swear at me using the fu-k word,tell me angrily to go away,and get stuffed,and say slanderous remarks against me,these people are supposed to act for the public and be impartial..The public of NZ wont see or hear of this issue on NZTV or RADIO because its "covered up" ive emailed many times asking if they can air it,or can come on air to state my views on my issue,i never hear back.In not resolving this issue at the outset and discriminating against us for 13 years is reminicent of wartime nazi germany as we have been in an open prison for 13 years [our seddon motor camp] when are you going to bring the rail wagons around !! ,New Zealand should be named NaZi Zealand,adolf would have been proud of you.I hope your all very ashamed of yourselves.. IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE,ILL DIE HERE FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE...British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations claim number X6492369429

as no compensation from ACC NZ GOVT
Jane Robertson
Branch Manager
ACC Blenheim
PO Box 379 Blenheim
Phone 03 520 9103 EXT 3903
As previously advised ACC is unable to pay you out on Claim number X6492369429
British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations

ACC CLAIM ACCEPTED claim number X6492369429
British Man poisoned by NZ vineyard chemicals needs donations

For the first time in my life im asking the public for donations to save my property and bring me back to my freehold status that i had in 1993 when first buying the property [call it pay back as below].If and when i reach what i need $157,000 any more monies donated will go to worthy causes of your voting choice.Thats my solemn promise to you.My Kiwi Bank account number for donations is 38-9005-0789785-00
For 13 years ive been campaigning against vineyard chemical that time due to my persistance and pressure the spraying practices in new zealand have changed for the better, and the NZ wine industry has said it will use safer chemicals in the future.I have made things better for all citizens of new zealand, so maybe its praise i deserve, and not to be treated like rubbish by the New Zealand government and many people in the local community as has happened.And now im about to loose my home and seddon motor camp, what sort of thanks is that..
Im awaiting a triple heart by-pass operation,and the lawyers are expecting me to sell my home before the operation and recovery,my doctor and the New Zealand heart foundation are strongly against my property being sold until after my operation but the lawyers and judges involved are not taking notice,the stress of moving could cause me to have another heart attack.The ACC also the St Clair vineyard and the M.D.Council along with the NMDHealth Board refuse to compensate us..Before emmigrating to NZ i had 3 houses all paid for with my hard earned money,at todays prices i would need $1.8 million to buy them back.Now im bankrupt through no fault of my own..thank you new zealand.I WONT LEAVE MY HOME, ILL DIE FIRST FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE.

no compensation from ACC NZ GOVT
Jane Robertson
Branch Manager
ACC Blenheim
PO Box 379 Blenheim
Phone 03 520 9103 EXT 3903
As previously advised ACC is unable to pay you ou on Claim number X6492369429

pete kiley 17 nursery lane seddon marlborough new zealand mob 0273188026 www google yahoo search pete kiley

SEDDON Property ID: 827095 SEDDON, 17 Nursery Lane
For Tender Contact agent for details
pete kiley: my property for sale now against my wishes ..if you would like to see the photos go to

Jane Robertson
Branch Manager
ACC Blenheim
PO Box 379 Blenheim
Phone 03 520 9103 EXT 3903
As previously advised ACC is unable to pay you out on Claim number X6492369429
pete kiley
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