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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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It's unlucky to go to work tomorrow - support John Bowden instead!

12-07-2007 13:15

London demo in support of John Bowden tomorrow.

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Shell to Sea campaigners jailed for police assault

12-07-2007 07:50

A text message and short phone call last night revealed that three Shell to Sea protestors have been jailed on assault charges against the Garda.

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Filipina Senator Opposes Arroyo State Terrrorism & U.S. Imperialism

12-07-2007 01:37

Senator Madrigal with NDF representatives Louie Jalandoni and Jose Maria Sison
Of distinguished progressive lineage, Senator Jamby Madrigal of the Philippines takes a principled stand critical of the Arroyo regime's bloody and brutal repression of Filipinos backed by the Bush neocons. This article provides the historical context for the Philippine crisis and Senator Madrigal's views on U.S. imperialism in the neocolony and its complicity with State-terrorist repression of citizens by extrajudicial political killings and forced disappearances already condemned by the UN, Amnesty International, World Council of Churches, Human Rights Watch, and the Permanent People's Tribunal of Europe.

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Pauline Campbell assaulted by Police at Holloway Prison demo.

12-07-2007 00:02

Pauline returns to Holloway womens Prison.
On Monday Pauline Campbell returned to HMP Holloway in North London to bring her unique form of protest to the scene of yet another woman fatality in the prison system. The last Pauline was here in 2005:

It was to protest over the death of Karen Anne Fletcher. Pauline was arrested but the charges were later dropped as they usually are. The Prison system is decidedly nervous about giving the Pauline the platform of a courtroom to relay embarrassing facts. One such fact is that since the death of Pauline’s daughter in Styal Prison in 2003 a further 38 women have died in Prison in dubious circumstances. Pauline was at Holloway on this occasion to mark the death of Marie Cox who died inside the walls of Holloway on June 30th.

N.B. Two Policemen were primarily involved in the incidents described below. As referring to them as NI 649 and NI 463 seems a bit impersonal so I have decided to call them ‘Porky’ and ‘Porkier’.

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John Bowden Demo, Friday 3pm Edinburgh

11-07-2007 19:05

Autonomous Centreo fo Edinburgh
Anarchist Black Cross Scotland have called for a demo on Friday in support of John Bowden and are being supported by Fight Racism, Fight Imperialism.

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Communities Of Resistance

11-07-2007 13:09

=-=-=-= THURSDAY 12TH JULY 2007 =-=-=-= @ rampART

Between the 22, 23 and 24 june 2007 in St.Denis, Paris, was held the
NATIONAL SOCIAL FORUM of the BANLIEUES. The event was attended by lots
of different local grassroot movements. Among the participants was Ahmad
Rahman member of the Black Panthers of Detroit and Cilius Victor member
of a Police watchdog in London against racial abuse.

Presenting a night of debate and movies about the event with invited
The event is supported by No Borders and Detainee Support group.

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Hull Solidarity with

11-07-2007 11:20

Actions In Support of John Bowden – Friday 13th July. The Zoo Cafe Hull

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Shaker Aamer, A South London Man in Guantánamo: The Children Speak

11-07-2007 10:42

A report on a recent conference for Shaker Aamer, a Biritish resident imprisoned in Guantanamo. Includes details of his story, including previously unpublished information about his current hunger strike, a poem by one of his daughters, and a speech made on his behalf by one of Moazzam Begg's daughters.

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SOCPA Raid Charges Dropped

11-07-2007 00:20

On the 20th February 2007 dawn raids were executed at four addresses in Yorkshire involving over a hundred police officers from Humberside and West Yorkshire Police,. The aim being to arrest four people for what the media and police agencies dubbed animal rights extremism.

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John Bowden and Guantanamo Bay

10-07-2007 13:31

I just received a lovely letter from John Bowden. He has been told in writing why he isn't allowed to hear the CD I made for him. An assistant governor at Glenochil listened to it and deemed it contained sectarian songs. When asked for an example she said it was the Seize the Day song "Club X-Ray". She wrote this clearly criticised Guantanamo Bay and such criticisms would offend prison staff.

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Radio interview with Ramona Africa and Fred Riley from MOVE

09-07-2007 17:30


During their UK speaking tour of Birmingham, MOVE Minister of Communication Ramona Africa and long term MOVE supporter Fred Riley were interviewed by Sammi as part of his 'Face the Nation' show on Unity FM. Unity FM is a Muslim community radio station that was keen to interview MOVE, whereas the mainstream media chose to ignore the plight of the MOVE 9 and death-row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal.

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Camberwell Squatted Centre: Under immediate threat!!! Meeting tonight!!

09-07-2007 16:20

Our old poster
The Camberwell Squatted Centre has seen its court date brought forward to TUESDAY 10th JULY placing the Centre under danger of eviction in the very near future. How can you help?

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Hevallo actively supports the Kurdish struggle in Turkey

09-07-2007 13:37

It is shocking at a time when the psychological warfare and criminalisation of the Kurdish struggle in Turkey is at its highest, that there are not a lot of sites/blogs in English, that give uptodate information from a Kurdish perspective and challenge the label of 'terrorist' and 'terror' that is so readily accepted by the Western governments. Hevallo tries to do that. Please help by linking with Hevallo and circulating this sites address widely and actively challenge Turkish psycho ops!

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Leeds Support For John Bowden - Friday 13th July

09-07-2007 09:14

Show your support for prisoner John Bowden as part of the International Day of solidarity in support of him and the Anarchist Black Cross. The Common Place, 12-3pm, Friday 13th July.

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Stroom Dump Foie Gras

09-07-2007 00:47

The Stroom Restaurant in Leeds have now confirmed that they have removed foie gras from the menu and have provided copies of the updated menu to relevant sources. This now only leaves 2 hotels in one of the UK's largest cities selling the delicacy of despair. Please politely contact Thorpe Park Hotel and Haleys to complain about their support for animal abuse. Thorpe Park's sister hotel, the Solent, recently gave foie gras the boot following pressure.

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Protest against ID cards in Cardiff

08-07-2007 22:35

A group of activists from Cardiff and the surrounding area held a demonstration and march on Saturday against ID cards.

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Pink, Black, Pirate: Taking Stock of Rostock

08-07-2007 15:04

"Black resistance and pink blockades go hand in hand, and pink clowns were defended by black anarchists when the police roughed them up during the actions and demonstrations: pink and black are complementary and not substitutes, like many, including myself, were led to believe in the past few years."

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Mikey Powell Campaign screening of Injustice: Tues 10th July

07-07-2007 18:30

The Mikey Powell Campaign in association with Birmingham Indymedia will be screening 'Injustice' on Tuesday 10th July at 7:30 pm at the Custard Factory's Theatre in Digbeth Birmingham. The screening will be preceded by a talk by a member of the Mikey Powell Campaign.

On extremely rare occasions Mikey was prone to bouts of depression, and during an episode the Police were called. Mikey was arrested outside his mother's house in Lozells Birmingham. Whilst in Police Custody in Handsworth, Birmingham on September 7th 2003, Mikey died at the hands of West Midlands Police.

'This is what happened. Officers drove a police car at Mikey, hitting him, beat him with batons, CS gassed him, restrained him and, knowing he was injured, and drove him to a police station not a hospital. At the police station the officers simply did not call for an
ambulance for over 4 minutes. Mikey was dead by the time it arrived.'

His family and friends continue the campaign for justice.

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ATTENTION, MOVE! This is America!

05-07-2007 20:21

At the 22nd Anniversary of May 13, MOVE Organizes for 2008 Parole Hearings
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