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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Zimbabwe Protesters arrested for trespassing at their own embassy!

23-03-2007 01:11

Yesterday, Thursday 22nd March, ten Zimbabweans were arrested for trespassing at the Zimbabwean Embassy in London. The protesters, all members of Zimbabwe's main opposition, The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) were refused access to to their ambassador to demand an explanation for the continuing oppression of dissedent voices in the Southern African state.

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Stop Voting - Stop Supporting Pseudo Democracies: Updated Repost

22-03-2007 23:09

Play a part in saving the world
Before there can be an irreversible transformation to a Level 4 Civilization it will be necessary for a critical mass of people on this planet to come to the full realisation that the way we live now is not the way we are meant to live. Further, the way we live now cannot continue for much longer without destroying, for all time, any pretensions that the human race may have about being the highest life form that has ever existed; a superior and unimpeachable species with both might and right on its side. This section is about helping others to see the fatal flaws in the old, 'Level 3' way of living, and how they personally can play a part in saving the world.

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Warmongers hang out in Washington DC: Helen Clark visits the US

22-03-2007 13:25

Helen Clark visits the US
As the fifth year of the occupation of Iraq approaches, the United States is busily re-evaluating its military strategy there and elsewhere. On the eve of Helen Clark's visit to the US, will the Labour Government take the opportunity to re-evaluate New Zealand's military relationship with the Bush administration?

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massive westminster security breach - won't be on mainstream

22-03-2007 13:11

yesterday afternoon, a lone protester drove her car through the main gates into the westminster compound, her aim to perform a citizen's arrest on tony blair. this was a massive breach of security, but police are anxious to keep it quiet for all sorts of reasons, so i doubt you'll hear about it on mainstream media.

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Australia: Scapegoats 'not getting fair go'

21-03-2007 21:27

Akin to pressure or punishment
Among a litany of concerns about the scapegoats' conditions, the court heard the men are locked in their cells for 18 hours a day, have little time with their families and are denied basic medical treatment.

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OutRage!- religionists demand 'Right to discriminate'

21-03-2007 16:40

Gay rights group OutRage! castigates the religionists demo-ing today and those opposing the new goods and services laws (Equality Act) due to be voted on in the Lords this evening.

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Christiana callout for mass action

21-03-2007 14:54

map of Christiania
Callout for activists to come to Christiania to fight for the 24 year old Danish squatted village, on Saturday 31st March.

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Celebrate 10 years of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó

21-03-2007 13:52

Until the Final Stone
We invite you to a vigil outside the Colombian Embassy to celebrate 10 years
of the San José de Apartadó Peace Community and press for justice in the
investigation of the 21st February 2005 massacre.

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Channel 4 reported on Radley lakes injunctions

21-03-2007 03:07

Channel 4 news covered the protests against Npower's dumping of toxic power station waste into an Oxfordshire lake tonight.

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Australia: Gov't terrorism scapegoats apply for trial delay

20-03-2007 23:45

Not Becoming A Terror Suspect
Corrections Victoria has said praying in a group is a public safety risk and contact visits are only allowed in high security prisons in exceptional circumstances.

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Unrest in Immigration Detention Centres

20-03-2007 23:33

There is a history of resistance against detention which goes back to the day detention centres first opened. Uprisings and hunger strikes have always happened inside these monstruos institutions, but they seem to be on the increase, especially in the last five years. This is more than likely a result of incarcerating larger masses of increasingly desperate people.

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20-03-2007 20:10

An anti-war anti-trident protest song to mark the last 4 years in Iraq and a future world full of tridents

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TURKEY: Conscientious objector Halil Savda sentenced to 15 months imprisonment

20-03-2007 17:29

Halil Savda
On 15 March, Turkish conscientious objector Halil Savda (TK14682) was sentenced by the Corlu military court to 15.5 months imprisonment - 12 months for "desertion", and 3.5 months for "continued disobedience".

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Film screening - UNVEILED

20-03-2007 16:27

Afternoon of film and discussion about asylum and sexuality issues at the Commonplace, Leeds 1st April 2007 from 2pm

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The Bush -- Police States of America

20-03-2007 13:14

Indisputable fact revealing President Bush, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the U.S. Justice Departments subjugation of an entire state population to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

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Geneva Motor Show: Are people who stand up against climate change to be consider

20-03-2007 12:23

Paris, 19 March 2007: For the occasion of the closure day of the Geneva Motor Show, some 10 activists from different organizations were planning to do a small demo at the inside of the Geneva motor show, deploying a banner to point out the hypocrite discourse of the car manufacturers.

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journalist still in jail after protest against G8 2005 in San Fran

19-03-2007 12:24

Prison ID
A freelance journalist and filmmaker has been held in jail for 209 days as of today for resisting a subpoena. San Francisco based Josh Wolf refused to testify in court and hand over his source material.

The G8 2005 is over, the summit leaders went home years ago, the hotel is open to business as usual. While protesters are preparing for the upcoming G8 in Germany this year, others are still dealing with the aftermath of 2005.

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SDO 'Back to the Future 1944' mp3

19-03-2007 05:39

SDO 'Back to the Future 1944'
The uncanny similarity of Goebbels speaking a radio address to the desperate Germans near the end of WW2, music, poetry...30 min. stereo

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SOCPA - film of anti-trident day of protest (2 of 2 - quicktime mp4 version)

19-03-2007 01:21

twelve minute film shows celebs' press-call in the morning, the lock-on and parliament square blockade of the afternoon, and the cyclists' 'fish on bicycle' demo in the evening, followed by police harassment as the 'official' cnd protest finishes

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SOCPA - film of anti-trident day of protest (1 of 2 - wmv version)

19-03-2007 01:12

twelve minute film shows celebs' press-call in the morning, the lock-on and parliament square blockade of the afternoon, and the cyclists' 'fish on bicycle' demo in the evening, followed by police harassment as the 'official' cnd protest finishes
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