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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Tesco – every little hurts

26-02-2007 17:02

We tend to forget, Tesco is now like Wal-Mart a global player. It hurts everywhere. In their last Annual Accounts, Tesco recorded profits in excess of two billion pounds. How do they do it?

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protest NOW at Tinsley house, locked on to gates

26-02-2007 15:58

Activists locked to gates of Tinsley House detention centre, crawley, to try and stop removal of failed asylum seekers to Democratic Republic of Congo.

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US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran

26-02-2007 11:45

The CIA is stirring up shit again, using Hegelian dialectical tactics to pit one side against the other with a predictable outcome.

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Dispatch from Germany, Summer of 1939

26-02-2007 11:38

Germany, in the summer of 1939. Like most Germans then, most of you will do nothing. In the hysteria combined with national triumphalism that will almost certainly follow a U.S. attack on Iran -- aided in significant part by many hawkish Democrats with their eyes on 2008, and by our criminally propagandistic media -- it is more than possible that martial law may be imposed.

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Guardian claims report clears London police of lying about De Menezes shooting

26-02-2007 09:50

The Guardian claims an official report has cleared London’s police chief of lying about the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes on July 22, 2005. The innocent Brazilian was killed at Stockwell tube station by plainclothes antiterrorist police following failed explosions on London’s transport system the previous day.

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Fabricated charges dropped against East Timor’s former prime minister

26-02-2007 08:54

Murdoch’s Australian, which played a prominent role
Without charges hanging over his head, Alkatiri is now free to campaign on behalf of Fretilin. Murdoch’s Australian, which played a prominent role in vilifying Alkatari last year, sounded a warning in an editorial on February 7 that “Mari Alkatiri’s return could further destabilise East Timor”. There is no doubt that the Howard government, with the assistance of the Australian media, will be working to ensure his defeat—by all available means, including further provocations.

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GUINEA: the army requisitions all the workers!

26-02-2007 08:43

Friday evening, Kerfalla Camara, the chief of staff of the Guinean army, announced in a radio broadcast that he has ordered the end of the general strike and the resumption of work on Monday, by requisitioning all the workers in the administration, in commercial establishments and in private enterprises!

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Report: OPDDIC: Operation Land Displacement

25-02-2007 23:45

The Remaining Facts

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MX-UK>Strengthening the Strategic Partnership

25-02-2007 23:41

On the occasion of the first visit by Felipe Calderón, as President of the United Mexican States, to the UK on 29 January 2007, Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Felipe Calderón make the following joint declaration

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Document says 15 Million Australians planning terrorist attacks

25-02-2007 21:57

Terror Numbsculls
A leaked Australian intelligence document says Australian politicians are facing a greater threat from terrorists than at any time since the September 11 false flag operations by the US neocons in the US in 2001.

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Power Of Canada's Zionist Lobby Grows

25-02-2007 20:08

Is such a thing not Treasonous?

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has, despite the popular outcry, reversed every traditional Canadian position on Zionism's war to wipe Palestine off the map. The reasons can be found in his personal, reactionary ideology, and his close ties to the 'Neo-Cons", and Lobby groups themselves. Perhaps it's time for this creep to disclose his financial backers?

Has Britain done the same?

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[AR] Stop Sequani Animal Testing (SSAT) Notification

25-02-2007 18:18

Please be advised that over the next few days the Stop Sequani Animal
Testing website at will terminate as
will the SSAT web mailing list and the alternate contact email address

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Reminder: Emergency demo against deportations to DRC Mon. 26th 1-3pm

25-02-2007 13:11


Emergency protest Monday 26 February 1-3pm.
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
(nearest tubes St James Park and Westminster)

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Colombia: Petition To Stop Fumigations

25-02-2007 09:04

We have never sent out mails for signatures but this is an extreme situation and we need as many signatures as possible to demand a halt aerial fumigation with chemical mixtures being applied against Colombian peasants and indigenous communities. This request will be sent to the OAS Inter American Human Rights Court and the Colombian State Council, among others.

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"Camp Howard" - Australia's very own Guantanamo Bay on Christmas Island - Feb 20

25-02-2007 00:35

Guantanamo-style detention complex
The completion date for this $364 million dollar Guantanamo-style detention complex is mid-2007...

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Secret deals with Indonesia/Australia over Sri Lankan Asylum Seekers

24-02-2007 21:44

A secret deal
February 24, 2007 - Saturday, 24 February 2007: A secret deal is being struck between the Australian and Indonesian government to return 85 Sri Lankan asylum seekers back to Indonesia and then to Sri Lanka - without processing their Inernationally recognised human rights to claim asylum. Refugee advocacy groups had called on the Government to bring the asylum seekers to mainland Australia or provide access to lawyers for advice on their rights...

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Met Police: Overt Filming / Photography Leaflet

24-02-2007 21:02

Met Police: Overt Filming / Photography Leaflet
Attached is a photos of a leaflet the Metropolitian Police were giving out on the 24th Feb 2007 anti-war demo in London.

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Australia: David Hicks vs The Commonwealth: Back in Court

24-02-2007 20:56

"It seems that the Australian government is working overtime to get David to plead guilty so everything can go according to their plan. David's unjust imprisonment is now clearly an election liability," added Bassi.

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Did Bristol's top cop collude with Loyalist assassins?

24-02-2007 03:01

Rosemary Nelson
On the Avon and Somerset police website it explains that Avon and Somerset's present Chief Constable Colin Port headed an 'independent' investigation into the 1999 car-bombing and murder of Republican lawyer Rosemary Nelson.
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