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SOCPA - report and a few pics from 'no more fallujahs' demo today

29-10-2006 23:51

who lies
around a hundred protesters took part in today's demonstration which began at midday with a reading of names of the dead of both british troops and iraqi civilians in the iraq occupation. police arrested five people during the afternoon, but at eleven this evening, the majority of people and twenty seven tents remain.

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Federal police reported at Oaxaca radio station

29-10-2006 20:08

In the last few minutes the IMC live feed claimed the Mexcian federal police (PFP) were advancing on the occupied university radio station and were already in the building.

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Peace Camp-No More Fallujahs - Pt5

29-10-2006 20:00

As part of a weekend of Nonviolent Resistance to the Occupation of Iraq on the 2nd anniversary of the November 04 US/UK massacre in Fallujah, a peace camp was formed on Parliament Square.

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Lawyer is Dying in Turkey

29-10-2006 19:36

Behic Asci who has been a lawyer for long time is on Death Fast (another form of Hunger Strike lasts until death) as he cannot defend his cleints under isolation.
Please read the rest of the text or the attachment.
Your help is needed to keep him alive.

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Photos of Arrest at the Peace Camp-Sunday Pt3

29-10-2006 17:41

oh dear! back end of a bulldog!
As part of a weekend of Nonviolent Resistance to the Occupation of Iraq on the 2nd anniversary of the November 04 US/UK massacre in Fallujah, a peace camp was formed on Parliament Square.

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Pictures of Arrest at Peace camp on Sunday-Pt2

29-10-2006 17:32

police attempt to lift protestor to his feet
As part of a weekend of Nonviolent Resistance to the Occupation of Iraq on the 2nd anniversary of the November 04 US/UK massacre in Fallujah, a peace camp was formed on Parliament Square.

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Pictures of arrest in Parliament Square-Sunday

29-10-2006 17:22

protestor sits down
As part of a weekend of Nonviolent Resistance to the Occupation of Iraq on the 2nd anniversary of the November 04 US/UK massacre in Fallujah, a peace camp was formed on Parliament Square.

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Nottingham response to the killing of Indymedia volunteer Brad Will in Mexico

29-10-2006 11:57

I am writing this article to start working on a response from Nottingham to the brutal killing of Indymedia volunteer Brad Will, while filming at a demonstration in Oaxaca, Mexico on Friday. While Brad worked with New York Indymedia, these issues effect us all and solidarity actions have already taken place in New York, San Fransisco, Chile, Brasil, Canada, and have been planned to happen all over. What could Nottinghams response be? Some people from the Oaxaca region came to speak in Nottingham nearly 2 years ago when their situation grew from bad to worse. Now the situation is one of state assassins, violence and continues repression. What shall we do?

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This years remembrance parade for those who have been murdered by the state.

29-10-2006 10:02

It was bigger than last year. Hardly surprising when you consider how many more mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and Grandparents have been bereaved since then.

This is always an emotionally draining event to cover.

Like last year the dignity of the families was breathtaking.

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Mexico: Killing a journalist can't kill the resistance

29-10-2006 06:58

Mexico's repression and the people's uprising: "In this social context, several independent international and national media were present in Oaxaca spreading the stories of the Oaxacan people's struggle. Will Bradley Roland, correspondent of New York City Indymedia, also arrived to the city of Oaxaca." - And was shot.

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Llama EZLN a la solidaridad con Oaxaca

29-10-2006 02:37

México, 27 de octubre de 2006. El subcomandante insurgente Marcos, delegado Zero del EZLN para La Otra Campaña, desde Buaisiacobe, Sonora, en el norte de México lanzó un llamado nacional e internacional para movilizarse "exigiendo la salida inmediata del asesino Ulises Ruiz, el castigo a él y sus sicarios y en apoyo a la APPO.".

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Two Iranian events, picket against visit Irania dictator ex peresident(khatemi)

29-10-2006 01:30

and the night of political prisoners in Iran, massacre in 1988.

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Mexican Embassy Protest.? The murder of Brad Will by the Mexican State, discuss

29-10-2006 01:17

Is there a possibility for a co-ordinated protest at the Mexican Embassy, Sunday 29th October?

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29-10-2006 01:07

"CLEAN" not 'RID'
Al Hilaly pulls out of Islamic festival as kevin rudd and howard's abc managed to changed his original comment to suit themselves. Now suddenly his words have been changed? "Clean" has now turned into 'Rid' by floppositon mp rudd and the abc. How say you rudd?

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Philippines: AKBAYAN holds successful 3rd Congress

28-10-2006 23:49

Akbayan Citizens Action Party
Amidst escalating repression and political crisis, the Akbayan Citizens Action Party recently held its Third Regular Congress last October 14 and 15, 2006, at the Riverbend Hotel in Marikina City. With the theme "Ipaglaban ang Dangal ng Pilipino, Ipaglaban ang Kinabukasan Ngayon" (Claim the Future Now), Akbayan marked its more than eight years existence as an alternative national political party in the Philippines.

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Photos: "Protest Against Custody Deaths"

28-10-2006 23:18

"Protest Against Custody Deaths" Credit: Marc Vallée -
Photos: "Protest Against Custody Deaths" (28.10.06)

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Jose Fernandez Delgado refuses prison food in protest at conditions (Aachen 4)

28-10-2006 20:16

This imprisoned Spanish anarchist in a German prison appeals for solidarity and support, please take time to contribute to an improvement in his conditions. Widen the struggle for not only his release but for the overall attack and destruction of the capitalist system itself.

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28-10-2006 20:10

Protesters assemble, mask up...
Sorry for the late posting but this was a story that had to go up!

On Wednesday a group of masked-up white-overalled political agitators assembled by Parliament. It is unclear as to whether or not this gathering arranged with the Police as none were present to clarify the situation. After various banner waving antics (that were possibly illegal) the participants (who may have been gathered illegally) marched (definitely illegal!!!) down towards Victoria Street before occupying Methodist Central Hall for some kind of rally. Both the gathering, march and rally were organised under the noses of the Police without any intervention! Yet again the SOCPA legislation lies in tatters! Another blatant violation by political hooligans, which should have every reader of the Daily Mail Shaking with fear!

And this is not the first time!


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No justice, no peace - Photos from deaths in custody demo, london (Oct28)

28-10-2006 18:44

Not really a subject I felt like covering today after waking up to the news that an Indymedia videographer had been shot dead by plain clothes coppers in Mexico last night....

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Death in Custody in Ireland (Part II) / London Protest TODAY 28.10.

27-10-2006 23:56

Members of the Wheelock family (Martin & kevin, imc éire)
22 deaths in Garda custody since 1997 are reported in the Republic of Ireland. 4 people died alone in Store Street Station since 2001, a Dublin inner city Police Station with specially designed 'suicide proof' cells.

Terence Wheelock was one of the latter. His death and how the Gardaí treated the incident and also the bereaved family thereafter triggered an ongoing and expanding family campaign.

In the UK, official figures amount to 493 deaths in police custody since 1996. In all of these cases, no officer EVER had to face a court. Today, families and friends of the victims march in London.
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