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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Former IDF on Realities of Gaza: it was NOT a kidnapping

30-06-2006 18:31

The selective reporting on recent events in the ME worldwide supports the fact of a pro-Israel bias in the bulk of the world's media. Very few reporters question the official narrative, and even less include the context of earlier, deadlier Israeli incitement and widespread murder of civilians, Opertaion First Rain, nor the fact that these "teenagers" as the media refers to them, were soldiers, acting on behalf of the armchair warriors, who've called for and planned these operations for months.

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London CM free to ride

30-06-2006 16:41

Cyclist win a high court decision against the Metropolitan Police

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Leeds Palestinian Film Nights 5th & 19th July

30-06-2006 14:10

Leeds PSC presents Arnas Children 7pm 5th July and Visit Palestine, 7pm 19th July at The Common Place, Wharf Street (off Kirkgate), Leeds City centre.

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Medics At Russian G8

30-06-2006 12:24

Two medics from the UK are heading to Russia for the G8. They will be training activists there to be medics, and providing cover themselves during the G8. They still need money to help cover equipment costs (and travel if possible) - you can donate at

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30-06-2006 09:24

The PSC is calling for a vigil against Israeli War Crimes and in support of Palestinian Human Rights this Friday (30th June) from 5:30 to 7pm in Parliament Square. We call on all supporters of Palestine to make their presence known in this current emergency.

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Gaza Vigil- Speak out against Israeli War Crimes

30-06-2006 09:16

Electricity, water and fuel supplies have been cut off, air raids and sonic booms carried through out the night. At the same time more non-violent Palestinian Activists have been taken from their homes in the middle of the night- SPEAK OUT AT LEEDS CITY ART GALLERY!

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Scan Dot Org - 'Quitline' mp3

30-06-2006 03:12

Scandalous issues
Political Satire 4:35 mins. Featuring Graham, Marie, Martin

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One SOCPA for them, another SOCPA for us.

29-06-2006 21:50

Terror suspects gather near their HQ.
Today the Institute of Directors marched around 100 of their members through the SOCPA zone without seeking permission from Charing Cross nick. They handed some kind of petition into the home office and then dispersed. They were only challenged once by two cops who let them off the hook completely. The Police did not monitor the demo or even provide plods to stop the traffic. This seems a little odd when you consider that half a dozen anarchists/animal rights campaigners/pacifists will be surrounded by up to 20 cops "for their own safety". Proof if its needed that we are not and never will be equal in the eyes of the law.

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Another SOCPA travesty

29-06-2006 20:10

Riley: "SOCPA doesn't apply to us"
When is a demonstration not a demonstration? That's a question that SOCPA followers have been asking for almost a year now, as ever more people come before the judge as Serious Criminals.

Today we got a clue, inasmuch as it seems that wealth and power might have a bit to do with it. Britain's top bosses marched straight through the SOCPA zone to the Home Office - author of that law - without a constable in sight.

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one law for the rich.......

29-06-2006 18:27

businessmen held an unauthorised demosntration within the designated socpa zone earlier this evening, and no-one got reported or arrested.

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Palestine Today

29-06-2006 16:26

Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Thursday June 29th 2006

Fighters blow hole in Gaza-Egypt border wall, Israel abducts 8 Ministers, 24 MPs, Army arrests 14 residents in Nablus, 24 in Hebron, and invades several villages in Salfit,

These stories and more coming up stay tuned

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Emergency protest against Israel's attacks on Gaza

29-06-2006 16:19

There will be an emergency protest against Israel's attacks on Palestinians, tomorrow, Friday 30th June from 4pm - 6pm at the ramp on New Street.

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Protest to stop the Israeli assault on Gaza, Friday 30 June

29-06-2006 14:15

We will be protesting near the Israeli embassy to oppose Israel's assault on Gaza and make solidarity with the Palestinian people's struggle.

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Israeli Army Shells Several Areas in Gaza Strip

29-06-2006 10:22

Thursday at dawn, Israeli F-16 fighters fired several missiles at areas in Gaza city and in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, Palestinian sources reported.


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Israeli Troops Arrest Palestinian Legislators and Ministers

29-06-2006 10:18

Israeli soldiers raided the West Bank Wednesday at midnight, arresting the head of the Palestinian Legislative Council, at least nine Legislators, seven ministers, the mayor of Qalqilia and his deputy. All of the arrestees are members of the democratically elected Hamas movement.


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NatWest Three: protest march today against extradition to USA

29-06-2006 03:05

Three British citizens who used to work for the Nat West bank, could have FBI snatch squads knocking on their doors any time from now, after their appeal to the European Court of Human Rights against being extradited to the USA was rejected on Monday.

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socpa challenge march next sunday

28-06-2006 17:50

edwin and friend with banner in the square
ex-sergeant major edwin will be accompanied by a piper, some sambaistas and some jugglers as he begins his freedom march at parliament square on sunday 2nd july at 2pm

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Palestine Today

28-06-2006 17:37

Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Wednesday June 28th 2006

Homes shelled in Rafah as Israeli army forces residents out, while army arrests one resident form Farkhah village, and invades Jenin and the nearby villages of Qabatia and Kofer Ra'e. Those stories and more coming up stay tuned

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new socpa madness - illegal to carry a magazine article

28-06-2006 17:36

henry porter, london editor of 'vanity fair' magazine, has written to met commissioner sir ian blair, asking for his assurance that it is safe to carry a copy of his magazine article on freedom and civil rights within the socpa zone.

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Breaking the siege - video about events in Atenco / Mexicon 2006

28-06-2006 15:57

romper el cerco
San Salvador Atenco, May 2006. A small town in the suburbs of Mexico City. Two months before the presidential elections, a conflict for land and rights escalates between the population of Atenco and the Mexican government.
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