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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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The Plundered Iraq and Collaborationist Unions

17-11-2005 08:11

The imperialist assault of March-April 2003 has stolen the jobs, income, and lives of the Iraqi people. For the time being, the plunder takes mainly the form of contracts awarded. Meanwhile, the Iraqi labor organizations do not resist the invasion in a united manner.

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Rumsfeld in Adelaide

17-11-2005 02:53

US Secretary of Defence, Zionist and neo-con extraordinaire, Donald Rumsfeld, will visit Adelaide (of all places) to hold discussions with servile Australian politicians regarding Australia’s continuing involvement with the pariah nation of the world, the USA. Rumsfeld’s visit is timely, it coincides with nationwide dissent and protest against IR and draconian anti-terrorist laws recently implemented by leading US lackey and coward extraordinaire, John Howard.

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Bali trio scapegoats for state terror

17-11-2005 00:14

Scapegoat [File photo] (Rooters)
Now these men have been chosen as scapegoats for the State sanctioned terror and will be prosecuted under an anti-terror law that carries the death penalty for allegedly assisting the perpetrators of a bombing.

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Lying bastard Blair has to go

16-11-2005 21:01

Jean Charles de Menezes an innoncent
Ian Blair should resign now. There was never a debate before Blair's government murdered under shoot to kill. Ian Blair defends shoot to kill. Ian Blair is only asking for a debate because he is trying to distract attention from his corruptness. We can see he is a corrupt monster.

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16-11-2005 20:44

"The alleged interest in a free debate on the future of policing in the UK has already been distorted by diversionary bias against a free debate.

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Amman Radisson Owned by Palestinians

16-11-2005 19:20

The Radisson SAS is a Scandinavian chain and owned by Palestinian-Jordanians.The Radisson SAS was bombed by Mossad because it was considered a Palestinian target—and because blame could be pinned on the mythical al-Zarqawi.

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Iran may have executed two more gays...

16-11-2005 16:18

News has been released that Iran may have executed two more young gay men.

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Four anti-capitalists held in Uruguay

16-11-2005 15:13

Police represion
At dusk on Friday of last week, 3,000 protesters met in Plaza Libertad and marched through Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo, to demand the freedom of four activists detained under sedition charges. The four were arrested during a demonstration against the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) a week earlier.

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Chemical weapon use by US forces in Iraq confirmed

16-11-2005 11:34

Evidence of chemical weapon use by US forces in their attack on Fallujah is overwhelming.

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Political murder? Secret service critic gunned down

16-11-2005 10:30

In an article published two weeks ago Seveke - as a life long fighter against crime at the top and 'false flag' operations by special killing squads wrote: "If the government orchestrates terror, it should be more open about it."

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Stop Amir's detention - please read

16-11-2005 08:10

Dear all,

this email is being sent as an emergency measure to prevent the eviction of Brighton resident Amir-Hasam Nasabazadeh from the UK.

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Man to stand trial because police said he lied?

16-11-2005 04:56

Because authorities 'believed'?
So if the authorities believe someone you know poses a terrorist risk - then if they interview you in alleged connection to their belief - and if police believe that you lied about it - then you can follow old mate here and prove you didn't lie or go to jail? Or be refused bail anyway and go to jail until you prove otherwise - after being isolated in AAA maximum-security with no fresh air or sunlight 'indefinitely' and get drip-fed through the courts?

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Apologia of barbarity from the left intellectuals.

16-11-2005 01:53

“The state is a coldest of all monsters“
Fr. Nietzsche.
The publication on the Internet the staff of a public execution of criminals in the Peoples Republic of China has caused ambiguous comments from readers.

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US Prof's WTC Demolition Theories on MSNBC's Tucker Carlson - 9/11 Truth Hits Ma

15-11-2005 21:57

Unfortunately it appeared the Professor had never had such an interview before and was not prepared for the short time of the interview (5 min) or the fact that they wouldn't run the video he sent of the WTC collapse, or the types of questions being asked (i.e., don't you think this will be offensive to people to say that Muslims aren't to blame?). Nonetheless, he DID get some key points out there and has a great deal of courage and we should all thank him. Links at the bottom.

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India always suppressed Bhutan's Democratic Movement.

15-11-2005 20:53

India, so called the largest democratic country of the world never allowed democracy to be dawned in its immediate neighbour BHUTAN. Numerous peaceful movement launched by the Bhutanese people were brutally suppressed by India and worked to strengthened Bhutan's dictatorial regime.

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Call for Solidarity: Repression vs. Indigenous, Colombia

15-11-2005 19:30

Indymedia UK are currently getting reports of 2000 riot police and an unspecified army presence outside of a squat held by 500 people, mostly poor indigenous families, in Cauca, Colombia. Over the past few days, 1 person has been killed and 37 people have been injured by police beatings and bullets. The situation is tense and they are calling for solidarity emails, letter-writing and publicity because they are worried that without this the police and army will attack.

Guambianos, Kokonuko and Nasa indigenous people, as well as thousands of peasants that are demanding land, have occupied haciendas (a hacienda is a huge piece of rural property) in several parts of Cauca since the 12th of October.

They are protesting because the INCODER (Colombian Institute for Rural Development) is not given funds or legal power to achieve rural reform, in Cauca or in the rest of the country.

Despite being heavily tear-gassed and losing one boy (Belisario Camayo Huetoto, 16) dead to police bullets, the families on the occupied land are calling for letters, phone calls, emails, and faxes to the Colombian Embassy to make it politically more difficult for the government to allow the police and army to attack the settlement.

Communications can be addressed to:

The Embassy of Colombia
3 Hans Crescent
Sw1x Olr

Telephone: 009 44 171 5899177
Fax: 009 44 171 5811529

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Trashed towns and corrupt councils

15-11-2005 16:44

That a bunch of councillors against the wishes of the local community should choose to trash the historic heart of Bury St Edmunds comes as no surprise. It is happening in other towns too.

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Anti-hoWARd government rallies a success

15-11-2005 04:43

Anti-hoWARd government rally
Over 200,000 people have protested at the anti-hoWARd government rally in Melbourne, with at least 150,000 or more in other capital cities and in regional centres throughout Australia.

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Flagrant violation of human rights this morning alongside UN summit

14-11-2005 17:10

Under the incredulous eyes of the participants at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), journalists and human rights defenders were manhandled, insulted, and then violently beaten.

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Pictures from Free Tibet protest

14-11-2005 03:25

London protests against visit by Hu Jintao
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