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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Exhibition of Pottery of Interned Prisoners

19-09-2005 15:12

Vase made by detainee B
Exhibition in London of pottery by men currently interned in Full Sutton and Long Lartin Prisons awaiting deportation and certain death and torture.

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Online petition: Support British Residents detained at Guantanamo

19-09-2005 14:47

Detainees in Guantanamo Bay on Hunger Strike.

At least 210 detainees have been on hunger strike since 11 August in protest at their conditions. An earlier hunger strike was stopped when the US authorities promised some changes. They reneged on these promises and the detainees have resumed their protest.

Anyone familiar with the Irish hunger strikes of the 1980s will realise that these detainees are at a critical stage – it’s a matter of life and death. Please contact your MP and urge him/her to press the British government to raise the matter with the American authorities as a matter of urgency.

Detainees have now been held at Guantanamo for over three years without proper access to a due process of law. Their families are refused access and they are not even allowed proper access to their legal representatives and where that access is allowed unreasonable restrictions are placed on the lawyers concerned.

This situation needs to be resolved and proper rule of law established in places that are used as prisons by the American administraion and its allies. Britain needs to use its so-called "special relationship" with USA for its residents currently held at Guantanamo and get the USA to honour internationally accepted norms on treatment of prisoners and the rule of law.

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George Fox Six on trial from 26th September!

19-09-2005 12:00

Pic of the George Fox 6
The six are up for Aggravated Trespass after handing out leaflets at a conference at Lancaster uni.

Join them at court on Monday to show solidarity and support Free Speech and "Education not Exploitation!"

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Hundreds attempt self-harm in detention

19-09-2005 03:30

Figures are appalling
"After people have been in detention for extended periods of time, almost all people that I've come across have harmed themselves in some way."

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more arrests at parliament square under soca law today

18-09-2005 18:29

five people were arrested late this afternoon for defying the ban on 'unauthorised protest' in parliament square under the new serious organised crime act legislation which became effective at the start of august this year

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Even more Dsei pics

18-09-2005 15:42

masons keep watch
More pictures from Tuesday and wednesday Dsei actions

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Reflections on the London terroristic attacks and their aftermath

18-09-2005 07:17

I'll show in my article, that in contrary to the declarations of the British prime-minister Blair and other Westerm politicians, there are evident causes for the London terrorist attacks dd 7-7. Further I also reflect on the aftermath of the attacks, especially regarding the newly proposed British terrorist-laws and the killing of the Brasilian de Menezes by the British policy.
I'll end with a remembreance poem of Eddie Woods concerning Jean de Menezes.

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UNITED Against Police Brutality - Strasbourg Euro Mobilisation (Nov)

17-09-2005 22:11

make the journey...
MOBILISATION - united forces of soundsystems !! 12 - 11 - 05

Various European organizers wish to make an European demonstration at the European Parliament of Strasbourg to ask a total recognition of the Free movement and for a minimal protection in order to prevent abuses as the ones in Czechtek to start again...

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Banned stun guns and leg irons were advertised at DSEi arms fair

17-09-2005 21:56

"Peacekeeping" Perhaps?

More news about DSEi - this from yesterday's Guardian:

Banned stun guns and leg irons advertised at arms fair,10674,1571455,00.html

Richard Norton-Taylor
Friday September 16, 2005
The Guardian

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Why cops failed to prevent disruption to DSEi

17-09-2005 19:13

What a week, so many cops, so many resources, so few of us, yet still they failed to stop us.

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Sweden saves some money - sends trade unionist to torture in Iran

17-09-2005 18:56

An Iranian trade union activist is to be deported to Iran. The Islamist government knows he is a fierce opponent, since an interview with him was broadcast in several countries. He was responsible for revealing the fact that the Iranian-Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi was killed in an Iranian prison. The Swedish authorities refuse to have the interview translated: "too expensive".

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UN World Leaders Summit

17-09-2005 15:28

The UN has failed in its attempt to define “terrorism” (in a universal sense) at the recent ‘world leaders’ summit – this attempt was doomed from the start. Terrorism remains an extremely valuable and useful term for propagandists due to its non-specificity. Right-wing governments and others utilise this term in order to impose draconian laws and constrictive social policies on domestic populations. In the unlikely event that a universal definition had been agreed upon the outcome would have been a number of ‘world leaders’ in the dock at the Hague ICC for crimes against humanity. I refer to the so-called “coalition of the willing” lead by Bush, Blair and Howard.

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John H.o.W.A.R.d line roars at Fascism Week

17-09-2005 14:29

Scott Parkin fined for illegal and degrading detention
Embellishments of all kinds -- detention, deportation, fines -- were evident on the dogwalks this week, as were masculine details such as ASIO, security risk, threats and new anti-liberty laws. Even those signs came off more like criminogenic intellectual slavery and less harsh than the nasty, over-the -top feelings of many suspected terrorists detained last season. That's a joke son!

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Stop the Corrib gas pipeline

17-09-2005 11:37

A consortium of Shell, Statoil and Marathon is building an experimental high-pressure natural gas pipeline through the village of Rossport in County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. Local people are opposing the pipeline on safety and ecological grounds. A UK solidarity group is forming.

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Late images from the G8 summit and counteractions in Scotland

17-09-2005 08:46

View from bus station to police line - early morning in edinburgh
Those images were made in Edinburgh and Auchterarder during the events around the G8 summit. Due to some bad experience there has to be a disclaimer: The Pictures may be used for other than private purpose, but not without prior authorization. Feel free to contact me.

more protest photography

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The Center for Constitutional Rights wrote:

17-09-2005 03:50

Bush Administration's illegal practices torture and detention
Now more than ever we need to put an end to the Bush Administration's illegal practices torture and detention. Here's how you can join the fight:

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ID Cards take action NOW for your right to be a person not data to be bought and

16-09-2005 20:13

D Cards - Never mind the financial cost - what about the cost of denying the basic human rights of individuals - what about the European Convention of Human Rights?

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Vigil tomorrow for Manuel Bravo, driven to suicide in Yarl's Wood

16-09-2005 15:42

Vigil to be held tomorrow in memory of Manuel Bravo, born 1970 - Died September 15th 2005

Another victim of the UK's "unjust and inhumane" immigration rules

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Notts NO2ID meeting

16-09-2005 15:14

Notts NO2ID meeting Thursday the 22nd of September at 7pm in the Malt Cross 16 St. James's Street Nottingham

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some pics from dorchester dinner protest

16-09-2005 14:52

pig city
police busy protecting the dinner of dsei delegates against angry protestors
park lane blocked for about half an hour
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