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13-03-2005 22:58

In recent years, countries have successfully complained before The World Court that their citizens were sentenced to death by U.S. states without access to diplomats from their own nations. Withdrawal from the protocol means that the United States will not have to "bow" to the International Court of Justice, ever again.

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Dallas Court Reporting Centre, a 'point of disappearance' for asylum seekers.

13-03-2005 14:48

This is a report of the demonstration at Dallas Court Reporting Centre, South Langworthy Rd, Salford on Tuesday 8th March, 2005.

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Your DNA in a handy spray?

13-03-2005 09:26

Reports from Queensland , Australia speak of rising concerns about lax conditions in DNA testing labs. It is even suggested that when a small DNA sample is replicated many times to enable tests, the procedure is no more complex than making 'bathtub ecstasy'. In other words, anyone could cook up a batch of your DNA to spray around a crime scene...Can anyone confirm this is possible?

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Action against persecution of Basque youth in London

12-03-2005 19:44

Two activists displayed a banner on behalf of the Basque Youth in Buckingham Palace. The banner refers to the on-going trial of young people who were members of the Basque separatist youth organization Jarrai/Segi/Haika.

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G8Alternatives Apply for Permission for Gleneagles Demo

12-03-2005 03:11

The press have reported that G8Alternatives have today (11th march) applied for permission to hold their demonstration on the first day of the G8 Summit - starting from Gleneagles train station, passing by Gleneagles hotel, to end with a rally in the park at Auchterarder (the local village). The reports say that they think approval will be given with some conditions attached.

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Photograhs From Iraq: March 1 - 11, 2005

11-03-2005 19:02

Iraqis demand better security; US soldiers secure them to death; roadside bombs in Basra; sabotage, assassinations, carbombs...the freedom rolls on.

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Another Liverpool council estate is privatised!

11-03-2005 18:13

Another Liverpool Council Estate is about to slip quietly and without defiance into the private sector. This week plans were reported on Thursday 10th March in the Liverpool Echo (loyal propaganda agent for council housing privatisation over the past dacade) to push council tenants over to the ever expanding private housing market here in Liverpool.

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seclusion of psychiatric patients- call for assistance

11-03-2005 15:20

At the ESF 2006 (probably in Greece) we want to organise an international meeting to discuss the situation of psychiatric patients in institutes. There are alternatives for seclusion: locking up patients in isolation cells. And putting patients outside society in separate institutes is discussable. We want to speak out about these issues, which have remained in silence for yet much too long.

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Pictures from the Employment Ministers G8 Protest in London

11-03-2005 12:24

Set 1
Some small version pictures from the G8 Employment Ministers Protest in London on Thursday 11th March 05.

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H O U S I N G - is still - T H E B I G I S S U E !

11-03-2005 11:09

On Saturday 5th of March I found the following news item on TELETEXT ITV in the North West and it’s reproduced as I type copied it. I didn’t read about it in the local right wing rag the Liverpool Echo. (Liberal-Democrat controlled) Liverpool City Council is to spend £7,200,000 on private housing, £6000 on each, according to this news report, while it's own rent paying council tenants go without any improvements and backlog of repairs going back for years.

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the other WMD film about media manipulation

11-03-2005 04:08

There is going to be an attempt at a global launch screening of this timely and important film WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception we are showing at the duke of clrence , st georges theatre and other but are looking for other venue sreening date 20th march mail with help or offers to stand around in your local drinking beer showing a film to you mates contact

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Colombia update- san jose massacre

10-03-2005 21:02

9th march 2005
Latest news reports from the main dailies in Colombia
carry news which threatens the ideals and the very
geographical existence of the San Jose Peace Community
(recent victim of a massacre on 21st February).

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G8 Employment Ministers Protest In London (thurs 10th report)

10-03-2005 20:21

Today, Thursday 10 March 2005, a small group of around 25 activists gathered outside the Department of Trade and Industry in London to mark the G8 Employment Ministers meeting.

While the last G8 Summit in the UK in Birmingham in 1998 focused on ‘employability’ and economic restructuring, the result people see now in their daily lives is social cuts, privatisation and compulsory work schemes imposed throughout Europe and beyond.

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Morsgail Estate Strike Again

10-03-2005 17:09

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10-03-2005 14:18

Why do they use such big lenses, to compensate for a lack elsewhere?
They photograph us in the street but some of them don't like being photographed back.

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ACTION THURSDAY: Government launches New Deal for the Dead!!!

10-03-2005 03:39

A press release obtained by our overcover team of rapporteurs learns of the Government's next shocking move to tackle any remaining unproductive sectors of society... Meet: 12.00 @ Department of Trade & Industry, Victoria Street, London SW1 O St James Park, Thursday 10 March 2005

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Noble Cause Torture?

10-03-2005 02:31

The Opposition had signalled it would support the inquiry but after internal discussions, Labor says it does not think a Senate probe is an appropriate forum to investigate the allegations.

Then what is the appropriate forum?

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Hunger strike and information weekend on behalf of Iñigo Makazaga and other Basq

09-03-2005 20:34

Friday 18th – Sunday 20th March, London

From Friday 18th to Sunday 20th March, Basques living in the UK have planned a protest to highlight the lack of justice for prisoners and for their country,

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Statewatch Report on G8 and EU Counter Terrorism Plans

09-03-2005 20:01

Special Statewatch 12,000 worrd report on G8 and EU counter-terrorism plans, pulished today, 8th March 2005.

Also check the excellant Statewatch website for the latest news and analysis on the current UK Prevention of Terrorism Bill -

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Lobby The Welsh Labour Party in Swansea!

09-03-2005 19:17

Lobby the Welsh Labour Party in Swansea on friday the 18th March at midday.
There is money for the war in Iraq but nothing for pensions!
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