UK Repression Newswire Archive
solidarity demo for Thessaloniki prisoners in Athens
11-07-2003 23:23

Demo against Ariel Sharon's visit to London - 14 July 2003
11-07-2003 20:24
There will be a demo against the Occupation and Ariel Sharons Visit to London on 14th of July 2003 (5.30 pm - 9pm). He will be meeting Tony Blair for Dinner at Downing Street. Please come along. Bring banners, placard, flags, whistles. The louder the better.LETTER FROM SIMON CHAPMAN
11-07-2003 16:39
Letter recived from Simon CHapman from Thessaloniki's prisonBVEJ News July 2003
11-07-2003 16:03
Latest BVEJ newsletter now on-line.BVEJ - BVEJ mail server - BVEJ website - Iraq -
DU munitions - 9-11 - Brian Downing Quig - Evian G8 -
Amazonian indigenous communities face violent military repression -
Wichi under threat - Argentina - Argentina Autonomist Project - Piquetera Tour -
Iceland - BP National Portrait Awards - Eight facts BP would rather you didn't know -
EU Food Supplements Directive - Vitamins can seriously damage your health -
EU Constitution - Criminal (in)Justice Bill - Farnborough Airport -
Farnborough town centre - Pavilion - Rotten Borough of Rushmoor
Baku-Ceyhan Campaign
11-07-2003 15:29
PROJECT ENTERS THE FUNDING PIPELINE : The countdown starts now! 120 days tostop banks using YOUR money to pay for big oil.
BP has now formally asked for funding from the World Bank (IFC) and the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for its controversial new Caspian
oil pipeline (BVEJ newsletters passim). This means there are just 120 days
before their decision is made. The banks call this 120 days the public
consultation period so we all get a chance let them know what we think of the
BTC pipeline.
Request for Info Re: Thessaloniki Solidarity Actions
11-07-2003 12:45
Please post info about actions that took place yesterday (Thursday 10th July) in solidarity with those imprisoned in Thessaloniki because of their alledged role in the actions against the EU Summit last month.Play WMD to feed starving children
11-07-2003 12:25

IDF Prevents Farmers from Accessing Crops Beyond the Apartheid Wall
11-07-2003 00:01
Despite Promises:IDF Prevents Farmers from Accessing Crops Beyond the Apartheid Wall:For more information on the Wall of Apartheid see
Congo Settling into Peaceful Routine, Hope Beginning to Rise
10-07-2003 21:25
After a civil war lasting nearly five years, involving seven foreign armies and producing up to 4.7 million deaths, it appears a lasting peace might be on the horizon.Palestine: ISM Update On Arrested Internationals
10-07-2003 20:21

report from 10, July 2003 3PM EST. 4min39sec
! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! ! - ! ! ! STOP THE PRESSES ! ! !
10-07-2003 19:34
Someone in the ""US Government", seems to think it would make a badimage if Democracy's bush and cheney, truly knew before hand, of the
ACTUAL evidence they repeatedly sited, but didn't tell US publicly of,
all so they then could steal billions in an attempt to destroy our
freedoms while killing The People as not represented in their decision
State terrorism and impunity: the murder of Santi Brouard
10-07-2003 16:38
On 20 November 1984 two gunmen walked into the medical practice where Santiago Brouard worked; he was a paediatrician and a leader of the political party Herri Batasuna. Right from the beginning, a sense that the murder had been committed by members of the state security forces under the acronym GAL (Antiterrorist Liberation Groups) was clear.Palestine (ISM) benefit - BRIXTON, WINDMILL, SUNDAY JULY 27th
10-07-2003 14:08
Details of an all day Palestine benefit for ISM (International Solidarity Movement) to be held on Sunday 27th July at the Windmill, Brixton. For more details go to the website
Help Build a "West Bank Wall" in Manchester to Expose Israeli Apartheid!
10-07-2003 11:42
WALL DOWN !Against the wall of silence
Against the apartheid wall
We raise our voices.
Demonstration Against the Israeli Apartheid Wall
Saturday 12th Albert Square 2pm Central Manchester
DEEPCUT officer Leslie Skinner charged with male rape and sexual abuse of recrui
09-07-2003 22:09
Following the mysterious deaths and suicides of DEEPCUT army recruits spanning over a decade. 45yr old Leslie Skinner has been charged with male rape and the sexual abuse, assault and harrassment of DEEPCUT army recruits.AN OPEN LETTER IN SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE OF IRAN FROM THE WEBLOGGING COMMUNITY
09-07-2003 20:20
Today is the fourth anniversary of the brutal repression of student protests by the mad mullahs of Iran. Many of the internal protests have apparently been called off after clear signs that the mullahs intended to create another Tiananmen-like massacre.Charges Dropped Against Alleged Coup Plotters
09-07-2003 15:37
Insufficient evidence exists to pursue charges against 16 military officers accused of inciting an uprising against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, reports South American media (Background Report).