UK Repression Newswire Archive
UN urged to intercede on behalf of seven 'disappeared' Saharawi human rights adv
12-10-2009 20:40
The President of the SADR writes to the UN to highlight the arrest of seven Western Saharan human rights activists in MoroccoThe Moment Has Come for a New Constitution in Honduras
12-10-2009 20:29
“We reiterate our condemnation of the coup d’etat and call for national reconciliation, which is why we propose reforms to the Electoral Law and that political organizations convene a referendum so that the citizenry can vote on a new Constitution,” said Alvarez Casildo.“For black people, this is the moment the entire country finds itself in. It affects everyone. And it represents a historic opportunity to change the direction of Honduras so that the great majority benefit.”
Free Iran: 36 Ashraf Hostages in Iraq were released
12-10-2009 09:00

Many of the hostages, who were on a hunger strike, are seriously ill but in a very high spirit. They were immediately taken to Ashraf medical center for treatment.
Action needed to stop Nick Griffin speaking at BNP rally at Cleveleys
12-10-2009 08:04
Keep the BNP out!World boycott campaign to Chiquita for its support of the Coup d’ Etat in Honduras
12-10-2009 02:50

Peace Prize winner Obama: We will target al Qaeda wherever they take root
11-10-2009 19:29

As the US is preparing to expand the scale of its global reign of terror, we will be constantly bombarded with such insane propaganda until the time when even the most gullible people realize what is really going on.
Urgent! - Solidarity Demo for Amadeu Casellas, Oct 12, London
11-10-2009 17:45
Long-term anarchist prisoner Amadeu needs your solidarity and support!!He has been on hunderstrike for 85+ days and now is refusing water - this situation is urgent - for anyone who can make this demo in London, please attend!!
Athens: To live and die under socialism (migrant dead from police beating)
11-10-2009 11:05
from the "after the greek riots" blogFree Murad Akincilar! Stop the criminalisation of Turkish trade unionists!
10-10-2009 18:51

Complain and demo against Cleveleys BNP rally
10-10-2009 08:34
Nick Griffin coming to Cleveleys!Honduran coup leaders offer "dialogue"... (by Latuff)
09-10-2009 18:51

Calais quick update
09-10-2009 15:34
Destruction of migrants' camp and squats continuesSheffield Star Coverage of Pisghah House eviction
08-10-2009 15:50

Workshop on Animal Rights Activism in Britain at the Anarchist Bookfair 24 Oct
07-10-2009 22:50
A meeting to discuss the development of grassroots animal rights activism in the past 10 years since the closure of laboratory cat breeder Hillgrove Farm. This was widely seen as the beginning of a new phase in the struggle for animal rights and anti-vivisection but have the hopes of campaigners at the time been fully realised?No annual custody deaths rally this year!
07-10-2009 22:09

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Camp Ashraf Hunger Strikes 36 released, London - pictures.
07-10-2009 21:30

Press release on latest Calais evictions
07-10-2009 17:51
Groupe d'anarchistes de Lille press release on this morning's evictions in Calais:More migrant camps attacked & destroyed in Calais
07-10-2009 17:30
The destruction continues...Mother Palestine: RESISTANCE! (by Latuff)
07-10-2009 17:22

Squatting not yet banned in NL
07-10-2009 16:24
A quick note on the situation in the Netherlands today, where the ban on squatting was being discussed in Parliament. Apologies for any inaccuracies, I think I translated stuff right..