UK Repression Newswire Archive
SOCPA prosecution collapses in disarray
07-05-2009 22:20
The attempt to prosecute Milan Rai for participating in an unauthorized demonstration in the vicinity of Parliament failed today as the police and Crown Prosecution Service had failed to do their paperwork properly - within the time limits required.solidarity demo g20
07-05-2009 15:34
solidarity demo with the arrested in the g 20 URGENTDawn raids against activists in relation to Gaza demos
07-05-2009 13:14
This morning, 15 people were arrested across London and possibly other parts of the country under the Terrorism Act, apparently in relation to the demonstrations in support of Gaza in January this year.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Why the police riot? - part 11
06-05-2009 21:49

This is part 11 of a series, for parts 1-10 see:

NW // A positive critique of Smash EDO Brighton May Day
06-05-2009 18:04
A personal perspective of the Smash EDO May Day actions on 4th May 2009.Berlusconi's misterious teen speaks out. Full interview.
06-05-2009 16:22
This interview with mrs Noemi Letizia (18) has sparkled mr Berlusconi's wife reaction and her decision to divorce.Cleaning Barbara Follett's Windows
06-05-2009 12:40
So unless you've just come back from a far, far away land where politicians aren't self-serving careerists who line their own pockets with public money, you'll have heard about the latest slew of expenses scandals. One MP tried to claim for a Sauna, David Milliband wants a private jet and Baroness Uddin, a Labour peer appointed by Tony, has claimed about £100,000 in parliamentary expenses on a flat in Kent that neighbours say has been unoccupied and unfurnished for years.Report from Tamil 'free zone', Mullaitivu District
06-05-2009 11:20
Bomber aircrafts have resumed bombing raids since 4th May, 2009. This has increased the deaths and injuries manifold. This is an added atrocity apart from mayhem caused by artillery and canon fire.Famine is widespread. People are not eating for several days. The fainting incidents are common. Many reach the stage of stupor. If not taken any action they reach coma stage and die.
Free Hich! Day of Action: Thu 14th May
06-05-2009 10:24

"State terror in Sri Lanka - a Tamil perspective" at Resonance 104.4 FM
06-05-2009 01:02
"State terror in Sri Lanka - a Tamil perspective". Listen to the programme at Resonance 104.4 FM (, Wednesday 6th of May at 20.00.NW // Brighton May Day Smash Edo Photos and McDonalds Video 4/5/09
06-05-2009 00:26

Sorry but the pics aren't in any particular order..
SmashEDO Mayday! Mayday! Street Party 2009 (VIDEO)
05-05-2009 17:28
Video and Demo report from Smash EDO/ITT demo 4th May 2009.VIDEO:

Pictures of Cops on SmashEDO Street Party Demo
05-05-2009 10:57

Solidarity. Militancy. Dynamism. Action. Diversity
Mayday & police brutality march in Cambridge
04-05-2009 16:29

Anonymous provides tangible support for Blue Heart Campaign
04-05-2009 13:13

FIT Teams shut down in Brighton
04-05-2009 12:39
Reports have been received that FIT teams have been physically stopped from operating at the Shut ITT/EDO Mayday demoBrighton Mayday update
04-05-2009 09:36
Mounted police on the seafront - Madeira drive outisde Concorde.London road pigged out - at Cowley Club front and back, and at convergence. 15 cops in all.
Cops in city centre talking photos outside McDonalds on Western Rd
The Angola Three: Torture and Slavery in the US (in Spanish and English)
04-05-2009 02:32