UK Repression Newswire Archive
Attack on police stations in Kaisariani---Athens today 12:00
16-12-2008 13:40
Attack on Kaisariani police stations in AthensFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Student with banners in Greek state TV studio
16-12-2008 13:35
STUDENTS WITH BANNERS OCCUPYING GREEK STATE TV?Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Greek solidarity protest during German soccer match
16-12-2008 12:29

Prison Officers’ Association – in its own words
16-12-2008 11:09
The ‘left’ is divided on its view of the Prison Officers’ Association (POA). On the one side are George Galloway, Workers Power, other Trotskyists and the leaders of most unions, including the PCS and RMT who hail the POA as the vanguard of class struggle ; on the other are a mixture of groups: RCG/FRFI, the Sparticist League, IBT, Class War, most anarchists, who think the POA are class traitors.Free Bush shoe thrower Muntather Al Zaidi
16-12-2008 06:54
The man who threw the shoes at Bush has reportedly been badly beaten and tortured. Please mobilize to help him. From now on we know how to protest bad leaders!Solidarity with Whitechapel Anarchists! Brick Lane, London, Sun 14 Dec
15-12-2008 20:22

Solidarity with the Greek revolt in Asturias - Spain
15-12-2008 20:13
Demo in solidarity with the Greek anarchist "companeros".Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Solidarity with Revolt in Greece, Dalston, London, Sun 14 Dec
15-12-2008 19:29

Film Showing in Bradford Monday 22nd December - Rubber Jungle
15-12-2008 18:33
Rubber Jungle (70 mins 8.00 start) - the story of Chico Mendes and the rubber tappers of Brazil - When a big budget Warner Brother's movie project about slain Brazilian activist Chico Mendes goes bust, Bill Day, Terry Schwartz and Caito Martins head deep into the Amazon to find out who Chico Mendes really was and why Hollywood couldn't make a big budget film about him.Support site for French Tarnac 9 arrestees. Solidarity welcome!
15-12-2008 16:04
On November 11th 2008, French Anti-Terrorism Police arrested around twenty people, mostly in Tarnac, a small village in the Corrèze region of central France. Nine were subsequently accused of “criminal association for the purposes of terrorist activity” in connection with the sabotage of train lines which had caused delays on the French railways, five of them were released on bail and two remain in custody.Greek Solidarity demo DEC 20th? Will there be one?
15-12-2008 15:32
Time for some ideas back and forth for this international call-out?Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Greek activists occupy TV station
15-12-2008 13:04
When the news doesn't show your views..occupy the station. Thats what Greeks did. The video of the broadcast from the occupied station SuperB Patra, a major TV station of Western Greece from the Patra area.View You Tube video here:
He has been found. He serves in Akropolis Police station
15-12-2008 11:53

A collage on Greek riots
15-12-2008 03:27

Solidarity action near the Greek consulate in St. Petersburg, Russia
14-12-2008 22:19
small gesture of solidarity from St.PetersburgSolidarity with Revolt in Greece Demo - Photos
14-12-2008 20:25

New Tactics in Greece: Rioters Use Lasers to Blind Police
14-12-2008 19:52