UK Repression Newswire Archive
81 States and the European Commission sign UN Disability Convention
03-04-2007 16:02
Today at UN Headquarters in the General Assembly plenary room, the UNConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional
Protocol were formally opened for signature, marking the first opportunity
for States to become signatures and start the process to become States
The Return of la Otra
03-04-2007 11:43
The Zapatistas Have a Diagnosis and Map of Social and Political Conflicts in the Country that Is Not Possessed by Any Other Type of Political ForceBy Luis Hernández Navarro
La Jornada
Video concerning SOCPA ban on Critical Mass sound systems.
03-04-2007 07:57

31/03/07: Video, report and a few home truth's - Reclaiming The Future
03-04-2007 00:42

Letter to comic releif
02-04-2007 23:49
This is an email I sent to comic releif, weeks after Blair appeared. I simply can not put it behind me.Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show?
02-04-2007 21:34
Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, ourelite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their
flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for
clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like
immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil.
Hundreds Defy th checkpoints in Nablus
02-04-2007 17:41
This one of a series of reports from a Brighton based activist from Occupied PalestineI will be here for the next month making links with grassroots groups in the Tubas/Jordan Valley Region with other activists from the Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group ( and working with the International Solidarity Movement (
I will be sending short reports about the effect of the Israeli occupation on everyday life and Palestinian resistance to the occupation…
Stop Deportations of Darfurians! Stop All Deportations!
02-04-2007 13:49
Called by the Darfurian Community in ManchesterDemonstration: Thursday 5th April at 12:00 noon
Dallas Court Enforcement Unit, South Longworthy Road, Salford Quays, Salford M50 2GF
Congolese, Zimbabwean, Iraqi, Afghan, Somali asylum seekers of other nationalities stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Sudanese, the latest targets of the Home Office's most shameful, vile attacks.
Newsflash: The Ant remanded2 Wandsworth 4 non-arrestable public order offence???
02-04-2007 13:28
ANOTHER BENT JUDGE: Dj Tubbs sat in courtroom 1 for today's kangaroo court - 02/03/2007A wanton cover-up: No British soldiers found guilty in murder of Iraqi worker
02-04-2007 13:24
On September 14, 2003, Baha Musa, a 26-year-old hotel receptionist and father of two, was detained along with several others in a raid by the Queens Lancashire Regiment in the Haitham Hotel in Basra. Over the course of the next 36 hours, Musa was humiliated, starved, robbed, forced to drink his own urine, choked and repeatedly pummeled by perhaps dozens of British soldiers. He died as a result of the sadistic abuse.London Protest Over West Bengal Massacre
02-04-2007 13:20
At 4.00pm-5.30pm on Monday April 2, environmental campaigners, anti-capitalists and South Asian activists in Britain will be picketing outside the Indian High Commission in London in protest at the massacre of peasant farmers in West Bengal by state forces earlier this month.Media Workers Against War Scotland - Launch Meeting
02-04-2007 11:40
Launch details and speakers Media Workers Against War Scotland.Carnival Against The Pipeline
02-04-2007 02:07

Machinery occupied near anti-pipeline camp
02-04-2007 01:47
Activists have once again climbed on machinery to delay work on National Grid's 200 mile gas pipeline. Work was stopped near the anti-pipeline tree camp for several hours on two consecutive days.Organized Chaos in Oaxaca
01-04-2007 23:34
The PFP Evicts Farmers to Construct Wind Park on the Isthmus of TehuantepecBy Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca
March 28, 2007
The PFP Evicts Farmers to Construct Wind Park on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec
By Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca
March 28, 2007
|Paramilitarism in Chiapas: Report from the zapatistic community Bolom Ajaw |
01-04-2007 16:24
HERMANN BELLINGHAUSEN , CorrespondentLa Jornada, March 9, 2007
Lets organise a demonstration at Islington Nick for RTF
01-04-2007 12:20
The worst thing we can do after the agression by police at RTF is stay silent.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
RTF4 pics
01-04-2007 03:03

University project wants YOU to help spot suspicious behaviour on CCTV
31-03-2007 13:44

"Absolutely anyone is suitable to undertake the experiment". "WHY NOT SEE IF YOU ARE UP TO THE CHALLENGE"