UK Repression Newswire Archive
Genocide in Canada: The Untold Story
31-12-2006 04:58
An overview of the history and ongoing practice of genocide in canada.Akiner:Cultural Learnings of SOAS for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Uzbekistan
31-12-2006 00:07

More raids of migrants and deportations from Morocco
31-12-2006 00:05
Hundreds were rounded up during the Chrismas festivities, and abandoned in the desert at the border with Algeria.Israeli journalist: "Sharon planned the assassination of Arafat"
30-12-2006 20:13
Uri Dan, an Israeli journalist who died recently, and was close to the former Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, published, before his death, a book in which he accuses Sharon of planning the assassination of the late Palestinian president, Yasser Arafat.The book was published in France and the author states that Arafat was poisoned by a direct decision from Sharon who had a phone call with the U.S president George W. Bush in April 2004, and decided to assassinate Arafat after the call.
The story of a Oaxacan movement prisoner
30-12-2006 14:46

21/12/06 - London Colombian Embassy Picket
30-12-2006 14:16

Thursday 21 December 2006: A letter was delivered to the Colombian Embassy expressing international concern at Student and Trade Union leaders yet again being targeted by death squads, this time the Aguilas Negras (Black Eagles), for daring to criticise Coca Cola, Nestlé and other private corporations.
Against the repression in Oaxaca, Anti-capitalist class struggle!
30-12-2006 12:08
For several months the town of Oaxaca, capital of the Mexican State of the same name, has been the center (of a movement) of important struggles which have undergone (or suffered) repeated attacks by the forces of repression (police, army and paramilitary) with many victims: at the end of November the toll was 22 dead and 34 disappeared.
Hanging Saddam is inhuman and illegal - Who's next?
30-12-2006 08:40
Hanging Saddam? George Bush as Texas governor was named 'Texecutionor' as the biggest Serial Killer with 155 victims. Compared to Bush's 655.000 estimated deaths in Iraq, Saddam Hussein is a bad apprentice. But, murder is murder: whoever does it.Defend the Freedom of Information
30-12-2006 03:17
The UK government is currently debating changes to the Freedom of Information Act. In short, these changes will make it even harder to get politically inconvenient information into the public domain. Changes to costing, and limitations to the number of requests an organisation may submit, threaten to make the act totally unusable for public purposes.Anti-Wall Activists Beaten and Shot with Rubber Bullets in Bil'in Protest
30-12-2006 02:55

660 Palestinians Killed in 2006
30-12-2006 02:20
B'TSELEM, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, has published its 2006 annual statistics. In a press release, the human rights group, which was established in 1989 to document human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, said this past year has witnessed "a deterioration in the human rights situation in the Occupied Territories, particularly in the increase in civilians killed and the destruction of houses and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip." At the same time, it added, "there was an improvement regarding violations of the right to life of Israeli civilians."Home Secretary Used Flawed Data to Privatise Probation Service
30-12-2006 01:41
The National Association of Probation Officers has accused the Home Secretary John Reid of using "flawed data" to justify the privatisation of the Probation Service. NAPO said only 53% of people on probation re-offended within two years and not 60%, as the Home Office said. The government is claiming that the Probation Service should be broken up because performance is bad and re-offending rates are too high.Somalia: US Foreign Policy and Gangsterism + Leaked MI6 emails
29-12-2006 21:39
The failed UN/US intervention of 1993 led directly to the triumph of the warlords, who plundered, raped, and murdered their way through the streets of Mogadishu, the Somalian capital, and reduced the country to Mad Max territory. The same deadly chaos - made in the US - now again foments more hate. Tax paid MI6 'helps'...Basic Espionage/Warfare for Intelligence Agents
29-12-2006 14:53
According to its own mouthpiece, ABC news, the Australian spy agency (ASIO) has embarked on a recruitment drive:Thursday, December 28, 2006. 11:37am (AEDT)
“The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) is looking to recruit at least 170 people this financial year.
The number of ASIO officers from non-english speaking backgrounds has more than doubled since 2004, and the organisation is looking for people with diverse backgrounds to conduct counter-terrorism and counter-espionage work.
The intelligence organisation spent more than $2 million on recruitment advertising in 2005-6.
The Federal Attorney-General, Phillip Ruddock, says funding for ASIO has also increased considerably.
"I think we have now something of the order of 1,200 staff and that's double the number it had in 2000-2001 and we are continuing with a very active program that will expand the organisation in the near future to reach something in the order of 1,500-1,600 people," he said.

Angela Davis Speaks Out on Prisons
29-12-2006 09:21

22/12/06: Solidarity for Oaxaca, Mexico - London, UK
28-12-2006 18:06

The UK Ambassador's agenda in Russia
28-12-2006 16:05

Pakistan secretly holds hundreds in prisons
28-12-2006 14:37

Rawalpindi, Pakistan - December 28, 2006
FOR THE LOVE OF BRAD (In 2 Parts) Videos and One Poem
27-12-2006 20:44

CIA with Ethiopia vs Somalia: another U.S. proxy war
27-12-2006 13:25
US: "The press must not be allowed to make this about Ethiopia, or Ethiopia violating the territorial integrity of Somalia,” The same violations as the US junta is guilty of in neighboring Sudan which still refuses an invasion by twenty-two-thousand (22.000) US troops, so called "peace keepers"