UK Repression Newswire Archive
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Photographer arrested over 'weapon' near Drax
01-09-2006 13:33
I've copied this from comments as it's important that it is seen. The media have been feed bullshit statements by the police about weapons being found on protesters and the story below is from one of those people (not a protester at all in this case). It's important to counter the deliberate misinformation coming from the police about weapons. Their press statements have resulted for example in a Reuters piece saying that the majority of those arrested were for possesion of weapons or crimnal damage which simply isn't true. The two arrests for weapons include the photograper below and a cyclist who had a screwdriver in his tool kit that the police said was an offensive weapon! Both these people have been released without charge and yet the police and media are still quoting these arrests as if they are indicative of violent intent by protesters....(Would the author of the article below please contact either the legal or media team at the climate camp ASAP)
Doubtful justice in Lodhi sentencing
01-09-2006 06:33

Climate Camp - On the Ground: Suicide farmers found in Yorkshire
31-08-2006 21:25
One minute I am choking on fumes in smog and heat-ridden Central London, the next it's raining, it's cold, it's northern and I am only armed with a mountaineering helmet and a camera.Report: 11 Hour Blockade of Israeli Company
31-08-2006 19:59

what about the Brough Noise Demo
31-08-2006 17:31
So what about the Brough BAe noise demo?This posting, made a while ago, has asked for support for a noise demo against a large, power using, weapon making factory(hawk jets - for the UK government/military) tomorrow, Friday 1st September.
Police Prevent Essential Supplies From Reaching Activists
31-08-2006 15:46
During Climate Camp's Day of Mass Action at Drax Power Station fellow activists attempted to get water and food to dehydrated activists stood on the perimeter fence. However, police refused access to the nessecery footpath meaning the supplies couldn't reach them. It demonstrates the heavily unreasonable police presence during the whole camp.Architecture and war in palestine
31-08-2006 10:54
En eye opening review of the israeli army tactics in urban warfare. Israelis capitalize on Deleuze, Guattari, Derrida and even Guy Debord in order to figure out the best possible way to fight in hostile streets. The scientific way to kill an entire city.FSLN
Indymedia Athens.
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Police seize weapons at 'green' camp!
31-08-2006 08:46
Police are justifying draconian stop and search activity around the Camp for Climate Action by telling press that they have arrested people for posession of weapons....US military escalates confrontation with Shiite militia in Iraq
31-08-2006 06:14

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Wednesday's climate camp goings on
31-08-2006 01:32

Four Palestinians were killed in Nablus, Palestine
30-08-2006 20:53

Protest by Baloch commuinity against Pakistan on Killing of Nawab Bugti
30-08-2006 19:07

Times Blocks Phony Terror Scare Investigation Article to U.K. Web Readers
30-08-2006 19:02
This is a first. Usually it's the US media blocking European news from reaching the minds of its citizens ... Something to hide, Phony?Garden Party for Palestine
30-08-2006 17:36
Fundraiser for Nottingham Jenin Friendship Group and to support work of Palestinian Solidarity Campaign.DEMONSTRATION! DEFEND HALIMA AND BAILEY JR!
30-08-2006 11:30

On Monday 4th September, at 9am
at the Immigration Tribunal office, Mosley St, Manchester
near Piccadilly Plaza and Mosley St. Tram
Alarm in Washington over deepening disaster in Afghanistan
30-08-2006 09:26

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New unlawful 'stop & search' tactics used this weekend.
29-08-2006 20:45
Over the weekend, I experienced a new variation on unlawful police 'stop and search' tactics in London. They looked like a trial run for Israeli-style 'check-points' being used in Britain, setting a worrying precedent.Draconian scapegoat orders 'stacked against' Thomas
29-08-2006 20:37

How to Organise a Major Terrorist Scare
29-08-2006 13:52
How easy is it to organise a major terrorist scare like the one that’s currently gridlocking the world’s airports? Dead easy. If you follow a few simple points you can panic the populace and stampede the media with virtually no risk of getting caught. All it takes is a little confidence.