UK Repression Newswire Archive
Police bullyboy tactics @ critical mass-25/08/06
29-08-2006 13:31
The police used imtimidatory tacticts at fridays critical mass,one police officer D360 was ready to use CS gas on a cyclist.Leaks to US media on alleged bomb threat
29-08-2006 13:27
Some interesting 'info' as we edge closer to the pogromsTo Build the Impossible Bomb
29-08-2006 08:19
No Muslim in his right mind would attempt what has been claimed, because he would know it can't be done - and, believe me, doing it under any circumstances would require a Muslim in his right mind. At best, the guy simply would kill himself, and do little damage to the plane's toilet. Regardless, nobody would be allowed the opportunity to spend hours in the toilet ... not aboard a jetliner.Why Do We Hate Them? - Fear and Loathing in the Occident
29-08-2006 07:28
Islamophobia is a mental and spiritual affliction. And our Western ruling elites bear the responsibility for inflicting it upon the psyches of the masses.Australians: Defend the right to strike! Aug 29 solidarity with CFMEU 107
29-08-2006 04:08

Australia: The torture of Jack Thomas
29-08-2006 00:48

Jack Thomas served with control order
28-08-2006 21:28

El Anexionismo....
28-08-2006 19:51
a raíz de conocerse la Proclama del compañero Fidel apareció, el siguiente proyecto: crear el Estado 51 de los Estados Unidos que se llamaría Havami (la mezcla de Havana y Miami)Hundreds of police from 5 counties bravely disperse 600 kids partying
28-08-2006 14:55
Does it really need 300+ police officers in full riot gear, dogs and helicopters to disperse a few hundred youngsters in a field?Urgent: 40+ Asylum Seekers to be Deported Back to Iraq on 5 Sep
27-08-2006 21:12
40+ Iraqi Kurds, locked up in Colnbrook detention centre near Heathrow, have received letters from the Home Office saying they will be forcefully removed to Northern Iraq on 5th September, 2006. Unconfirmed reports have it that there will be a 'charter flight' from Stanstead airport on that day.
The letters, in Kurdish, said that, when returned, deportees will receive a $100 'assistance' as well as accommodation for one month only. The faild Iraqi asylum seekers had been asked to sign 'voluntary return' agreements with the IOM but had refused to do so. There is also unconfirmed news that other Iraqis will be deported tomorrow, August 28th.
Bleeding Clowns
27-08-2006 16:42
Report on the events of Monday 21 August 2006What was to be a civilised cocktail party became a bloody mess as four clowns
from the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army became injured and started
dying whilst serving drinks outside the Foreign Office.
George Galloway - Live From Beirut
26-08-2006 23:08
Recordings of Galloway's debates, live from Beirut this evening.The Liquid Bomb Hoax: The Larger Implications
26-08-2006 09:18
The bomb plot political ploy fits the previous political pattern of sacrificing capitalist economic interests to serve domestic political and ideological positions. Foreign policy failures lead to domestic political crimes, just as domestic policy crises lead to aggressive military expansion.Anti-Deportation Picket in Solihull
26-08-2006 06:09

Seekin' that Ol' 911 Truth
25-08-2006 16:55
Before The Plant insults 911 Truth, he should read the last paragraph. It'll save us all some time ...Desperate times – desperate measures
25-08-2006 13:08
One thing is abundantly clear, the empire is in deep shit and like any cornered animal, they are extremely dangerous. The ‘terror alert’ is indicative of just how desperate they are risking even the destruction of the airline industry in order to put the frighteners on the populace. But has it worked? On one level, yes as the events on an aircraft from Spain bound for London reveal, with the xenophobic Brits refusing to travel on the plane with two people who looked “Middle Eastern” onboard.Asian MEP says he was 'treated like a terrorist while travelling'
25-08-2006 12:56
An Asian member of the European Parliament who claims he has repeatedly been treated as a suspected terrorist while travelling has warned the European Union against moving towards a system of "ethnic profiling" following the alleged plot to blow up transatlantic planes.Disarming Hezbollah: Setting the Israeli-American Trap
25-08-2006 07:46
As if to emphasis its role as obedient lap dog for Israel and the United States, the United Nations has changed its “rules of engagement” in Lebanon. “New rules of engagement for U.N. troops in Lebanon permit soldiers to shoot in self-defense, use force to protect civilians and resist armed attempts to interfere with their duties, a U.N. document says,” reports Reuters.Free in our Time…
24-08-2006 19:22
While we in this country are subjected to endless coverage of fake bomb plots and a ten year old dead white girl case, the 33 Day War has dramatically altered the Middle East and the World. The slaves of Lebanon took the full wrath of their master and did not blink. This is a powerful turning point in the balance of power and marks the beginning of the end of subjugation.