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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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10 Years of Afghan War: Guantánamo-related events to mark anniversary (London)

06-10-2011 12:40

Friday 7th October marks the 10th anniversary of the start of the war in Afghanistan on 7th October 2001. Before there was Guantánamo, there were black sites and torture prisons in Afghanistan where such practices continue to be carried out today. Nearly all the prisoners held at Guantánamo had been "processed" and held at the prisons at the Bagram Air Base, Kandahar and the Dark Prison in Kabul before being taken to Guantánamo Bay.

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'Occupy' Movement Scares US Ruling Class

05-10-2011 15:02

Marchers reach Brooklyn Bridge last weekend, before the mass arrest
As grassroots anger grows against the feeble facade that is democracy in the US, the 'Occupy' movement is gaining in popularity, and its massive online presence is being translated into boots - and tents - on the ground. After getting their start on Wall Street - the belly of the imperialist beast - the occupations have spread across the country.

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A few thank yous and fuck yous

04-10-2011 17:19

Having just been acquitted in the Antifa trial i would like to make some quick remarks.

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Baker’s Dirty Half-Dozen by Sean Cregan

04-10-2011 13:13

Antifascist prisoner Sean Cregan takes a satirical look at the Welling ‘conspiracy’ case.

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All Nine Antifascists Acquitted In Second Welling Trial!

03-10-2011 16:10

(But there are six already in jail who need support.)

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Solidarity with the comrades of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

03-10-2011 13:50

Solidarity statement from UK antifascist prisoner Thomas Blak.

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Ed Bauer bailed after 10 days in prison

03-10-2011 09:34

Solidarity demonstration last Monday
Ed was given bail by Birmingham Magistrates and released after 10 days in prison! Thank you to everyone for your support and all those who attended the solidarity demonstration last Monday! We are still very hacked off about the dis-proportionate and politicised use of criminal justice powers against Ed and now his rather harsh bail conditions. Hopefully the courts will see sense and drop the ridiculous case against all three banner droppers.

Speaking in support of his bail application in court John Hemming MP, a local Liberal Democrat member of parliament for Birmingham Yardley, said:
“Whilst I do not believe he should have put the banner there in the first place, the protest was peaceful and placid and I think it is dis-proportionate to keep him in prison any longer.”

Outside the court over 70 people attended a ‘solidarity’ demonstration. They chanted “free ed bauer” pretty loudly, which could be heard within the court room as the hearing started. Claire Lister, a student at Birmingham University attending the demonstration, said:
“I came here to show my support for Ed being granted bail today. I’m very happy that the magistrate has seen that he is not a danger to the public and there would be no reason to continue his imprisonment for what was basically peaceful protest against the government. He is an important member of the University community and has a lot of support amongst students and staff for the stand he has taken defending our education.”

Michael Chessum, a member of the National Executive Committee of the National Union of Students, commenting on the days events said:
“It is a farce that Ed Bauer has spent over a week in prison for a banner drop, and this can be seen as part of a broader attempt, along with kettles and political charges, to muzzle and intimidate student protest. We are determined not to allow this to stop us from fighting for the right to an education and for a better society.”

There is a press release here:
There are some great pictures of the solidarity demo here (thanks Jon!)

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Text from anarchist Vassilis Stergiou

30-09-2011 23:51

Vassilis Stergiou is revengefully persecuted by the Greek state for showing his solidarity with the student movement and for his long time participation in social struggles. He was arrested on 8th March 2007, following a massive demonstration against a university reformation law. He was imprisoned without a trial for 6 months.

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Stop deportation of Nadia Habib and her mother, Nazmin Habib

30-09-2011 14:10

Stop Nadia’s and Her Mother’s Deportation
An Open Letter from William Nicholas Gomes to the President of the United States of America

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Media Lens: Inciting Violence - Irony and the English Riots

28-09-2011 18:22

Ironies abound in the media reaction to the English riots that erupted between August 6-10.

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325#9 – Free PDF magazine of Social War & Anarchy

28-09-2011 13:21

The rebellious anarchist magazine is back with another 92 pages of resistance and revolution to keep you ticking. D.I.Y and not for profit, this magazine aims to be a voice from the uncontrollables.

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Release prisoner of conscience Nasser Abul and Lawrence al-Rashidi Immediately

26-09-2011 23:14

I want to remind you as a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Kuwait is bound by article 19(2) of that covenant, which states: “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.” Article 36 of Kuwait’s constitution protects freedom of speech and opinion, stating that: “Every person has the right to express and propagate his opinion verbally, in writing, or otherwise, in accordance with the conditions and procedures specified by law.”

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Solidarity Demonstration for Banner Drop Anti-Cuts Activist

26-09-2011 20:49

Our view of today's demonstration in Birmingham...

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USA: thrill killings in Afghanistan

25-09-2011 09:13

USA: thrill killings in Afghanistan
American soldier admits to thrill kill in Afghanistan .... An US soldier admitted to a judge yesterday that it was a “bad decision” to fire a machine gun at an unarmed teenager while serving in Afghanistan in 2010. Private Andrew Holmes, 21, pled guilty to the murder of a civilian yesterday, a year after initially proclaiming his innocence. Speaking in a military courtroom outside of Seattle, Washington on Thursday, Holmes took responsibility for the killing and also admitted to drug use and keeping a finger from the victim as a souvenir.

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This Border Kills: two years of police violence in Calais

24-09-2011 12:10

Over the past two years, activists in Calais have been intervening in and documenting police raids, arrests, beatings, evictions and destruction of property, as part of campaign of resistance against the war on migrants Calais.

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Dale Farm injunction extended to monday

23-09-2011 13:32

Breaking news: Dale Farm clearance delayed again, high court cannot conclude today so the injunction remains in place until at least monday. More legal challenges are racking up including requests for judicial review.

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Solidarity Protest for banner drop activist remanded in custody

22-09-2011 09:08

On Friday 16th September, 3 student activists dropped a banner reading "Traitors Not Welcome, Hate Clegg Love NCAFC" for the opening of the Liberal Democrat 2011 conference in Birmingham. All 3 activists were arrested and held in police cells over the weekend, charged with road traffic offenses. At their bail hearing on Monday 19th, 2 were released on bail, whilst the third individual was remanded in custody.

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Severe repression as migrants riot on Lampedusa

22-09-2011 01:37

Migrants fight back on Lampedusa

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Report by the Brigade of Observation and Solidarity with the Zapatista Communiti

21-09-2011 18:40

General Presentation by the Brigade of Observation and Solidarity with Zapatista Communities: great increase in acts of aggression, especially against autonomus schools
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