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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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UK Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support

18-07-2011 11:03

“Knowing there’s guys and girls like you on the outside supporting us makes such a difference...It’s really nice not to be forgotten and I’ll be eternally grateful to everyone.” – Ravi Gill

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WikiLeaks vs News Ltd: Jail Murdoch, not Assange

18-07-2011 07:23

When it comes to comparing the cases of two publishers of secret information — WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange and billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch — the hypocrisy from politicians and media is huge.

The key difference between the two is obvious — one seeks to challenge the establishment, the other exerts huge control over it.

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Freedom: Comrades Jailed

17-07-2011 17:41

Seven protestors have been jailed in the last couple of weeks in London and it is likely that more will follow soon.

Obviously they deserve our support and also we must do everything possible to avoid others being imprisoned.

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Thousands of prisoners on hunger strike in the U.S. for 3rd week

16-07-2011 11:21

protests spreading in solidarity with prisoners in California and the mass hunger strike entering its third week

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14 Juillet in Calais

15-07-2011 09:45

Yesterday, Bastille Day, a banner was hung along the main parade route reading "The Bastille has fallen, but not Fortress Europe." And every evening Calais No Borders are holding feasts of free food and music for migrants and all-comers in an open space near the town hall.

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RedWatch Photographer identified - Regan Hamilton

14-07-2011 19:31

Redwatch Photographer
Regan Hamilton - Known nazi and admin of the EDL facebook group.

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Leeds ABC Benefit Gig

14-07-2011 09:47

Sunday 24th July.

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Antifascist Benefit T-shirts

14-07-2011 09:38

“Knowing there’s guys and girls like you on the outside supporting us makes such a difference…It’s really nice not to be forgotten and I’ll be eternally grateful to everyone.” – Ravi Gill

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RedWatch Cameraman - Please help identify

13-07-2011 23:48

REDWATCH photographer
Captured at Plymouth anti-EDL protest 9th July 2011.

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Calais: three No Borders comrades acquitted

13-07-2011 12:14

Yesterday three of Calais No Borders walked away free from the court in Boulogne, after the judge found no evidence against them on charges of "rebellion" and "illegal occupation" connected with resistance to a police raid on Africa House on 21 April.

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Mass Arrestees during eviction in Amsterdam

13-07-2011 10:41

On tuesday 5th of July there were mass arrestees during the eviction wave in Amsterdam with 143 people being arrested

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Report/ Photos-Solidarity with Julian Assange outside the High Court/ London J12

13-07-2011 03:49

High Court/London Solidarity for Julian Assange Tuesday July 12

Read on for full report...

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Free Francis Fernie. Resist political sentencing

12-07-2011 16:48

Francis Fernie
Last week, a 20 year old man was given twelve months for violent disorder relating to protests on March 26th outside Fortnum and Masons. He threw two placard sticks, neither of which hurt anyone nor were capable of causing harm.

This man, pictured in one of Operation Malone's witch hunts, handed himself in, gave admissions in interview and plead guilty at the first available opportunity. In mitigation his barrister explained he travelled to the demo because felt strongly about the cuts, did a lot of voluntary work and was due to start university in September.

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The British security service is the elephant within the room in the Murdoch press hacking scandal

12-07-2011 11:38

The Guardian, along with the rest of the MSM have so far managed to ignore the elephant within the room in the Murdoch press hacking scandal. One would have thought given the latest revelations about Gordon Brown and his family, someone might have asked the question exactly what was the British Secret Intelligence Service doing whilst News International hacked into the British prime ministers private life.

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A critic replies to Chris Knight

12-07-2011 09:28

A response to Chris Knight's recent article "In Defence of Activism".

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America's dirty war on Islam

11-07-2011 11:18

America's dirty war, in fact, targets Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, political activists, and Muslims for their faith, ethnicity, and at times prominence and charity, exploiting them as "war on terror" scapegoats.

America's media ignore how unjustly it harms millions of disadvantaged people. Instead, they regurgitate spurious high-profile case accusations, always when Muslims are affected. Most often they're men, occasionally women, bogusly charged with terrorism or conspiracy to commit it, when, in fact, they're guilty only of being targets of choice and/or being in America at the wrong time.

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Follow the Money: Repression, Collectivization and Progress in Medellín, Colombi

11-07-2011 10:22

The focus of development discourse on technical solutions to rural development draws attention away from the real issue holding back small farmers from improving ther livlihoods: denial of their basic human rights highlighted by the murder of land activist Ana Fabricia Cordoba last month. This represents a dated tradition of displacing our problems to the 'third world' that must be dropped by politicians, academia, the press and me and you.

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Cyber Security a matter for MoD

10-07-2011 15:51

Who is in yellow tie?
An excerpt of a speech delivered in Sri Lanka by Liam Fox MP, Defence Secretary
"We face today the war of the invisible enemy.

That is why the United Kingdom is mainstreaming cyber security across all parts of Government at home, and why cyber security is regularly high on the agenda in discussions we have with partners in this region"

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Support Our Six Proud Antifascists

10-07-2011 13:19

“Knowing there’s guys and girls like you on the outside supporting us makes such a difference...It’s really nice not to be forgotten and I’ll be eternally grateful to everyone.” – Ravi Gill

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UK Antifascist Prisoners

08-07-2011 09:51

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