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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Gaza Protest at Egyptian Embassy, London, 2 January

02-01-2009 23:23

Around 500 people took part in a noisy demonstration outside the Egyptian Embassy in London this afternoon, Friday 2 January 2009, calling for greater support from Egypt for the people of Gaza and an immediate opening of the border. Pictures Copyright (C) 2008 Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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Riseup Radio January Show

02-01-2009 14:04

In this, the first show of the new year, we welcome Adam to our studio. He talks about his journey from Sudan to Nottingham, and his experiences along the way as well as his reception upon his arrival.

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(Video) Zurich - Voices from a Squatte Church

02-01-2009 08:58

Nobody is illegal
On Friday, 19 December 2008, around 150 Sans-Papiers and solidarity activists squatted the "Prediger" Church in Zurich, Switzerland.

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New Year in Greece celebrated

01-01-2009 16:01

New Year in Greece celebrated with demos (Athens; everywhere), prison visits (Korydallos, athens), tear gas? (Thessaloniki), Xmas tree burning (Larissa) and more!

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31-12-2008 21:49

Thirty-minute silent vigil for Gaza in the centre of Shrewsbury - the Square on Saturday 3 Jan.

Assemble at The Square, Shrewsbury Town Centre for 2pm.

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Netcu Watch // Thoughts on media hysteria post SHAC trial.

31-12-2008 13:11

I’m fed up with the histrionics, the exaggerations and the lies about SHAC and so this is my contribution to counter them.

(Put the kettle on - this is quite a read)

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2000 protest in Tel Aviv against the air strikes, 27th Dec

30-12-2008 18:28

Two-thousand Israeli activists demonstrated on 27th December in Tel Aviv against yesterday’s Israeli attacks on Gaza, which killed at least 270 Palestinians and injured some 700. The demonstration, initiated and organized by the Israeli Coalition against the Siege on Gaza, included a march of activists through central Tel Aviv, from the Cinemateque square to the Ministry of Defence.

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Israel FIRES on Free Gaza Ship

30-12-2008 07:00

URGENT! Israeli Navy Attacking Civilian Mercy Ship! TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY!

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Two Sides, One Story - Cageprisoners National Tour

29-12-2008 23:11


A national tour to mark seven years of unlawful detention, abuse and torture

January 11th 2009 - 4th February 2009

SAMI AL HAJ (Ex Guantanamo Detainee and Aljazeera Journalist)

CHRISTOPHER ARENDT (Ex-Guantanamo Guard)

MOAZZAM BEGG (Ex-Guantanamo Detainee, Spokesman for Cageprisoners)

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Photos: Hundreds Protest in Sheffield Against Gaza Massacre - 29th December

29-12-2008 19:03

Photos from the protest outside Sheffield Town Hall on Monday 29th December 2008 against the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel.

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Venezuela: Trade unionism between the servile bureaucracy and the hired killers

29-12-2008 16:03

The funeral of the trade unionists was a protest against the hired killers
* In the difficult times being experienced by the Venezuelan labour movement, perhaps the most dramatic issue have been the criminal acts that kills tens of trade unionists to the passivity of the pseudo-revolutionary government and the silence of his admirers from outside the country. It speaks about it this text of El Libertario # 55, January-February 2009.

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Cuba and Venezuela condemn Israeli terror and massacres in Gaza

29-12-2008 15:35

Cuba and Venezuela do what racist Britain has not done and condemned unequivocally the British and US-backed Israeli terror and massacre of over 300 Palestinian people.

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Sevilla Two need support after mass Supermarket Action.

29-12-2008 15:17

On 29 April 2006, more than hundred masqued precarious swarmed into the Plus supermarket in calle Arroyo, Sevilla. Among them, the Virgin of Precarity presented herself. For about one hour the partying precarious blocked the cash points, sang slogans calling for labour and social rights for all, and finally expropiated three trolleys packed with staple foods. Now the State is trying to frame and imprison two local union members for this collective action.

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National Anti-Vivisection Day of Action - Mon 19th Jan

29-12-2008 14:57

In solidarity with SHAC campaigners in court on this day for sentencing(and all other animal rights prisoners)

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NETCU - helping to facilitate protests!!!

29-12-2008 12:24

A letter to the Guardian from the National Coordinator Domestic Extremism

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Protest Against UK: Puppies for Queen's Hygiene?

29-12-2008 12:00

Two foot soldiers against religious extremism in southwest Asia, Hyrbyair Marri and Faiz Baluch, are being tried in London on the bidding of Pakistan army generals, though the civilian government in Islamabad wants the charges against the two dropped.

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Solidarity with Palestine Protest, Israeli Embassy - animate gif

29-12-2008 01:36

Solidarity with Palestine Protest, Israeli Embassy - animate gif
Solidarity with Palestine Protest, Israeli Embassy - animate gif

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Protest against Israeli Massacres of Palestinians

28-12-2008 23:18

Edinburgh saw a protest of around 100 people by the Royal Academy of Scotland near the foot of the Mound in the space between East and West Princes Street gardens. Against a background of dozens of Palestinian flags, banners and placards read `Israel stop bombing Gaza`, Boycott to stop Israeli war crimes`, and `End Israeli war crimes`. Speakers included Kevin Connor and solidarity’s Willie Black.
11 photos from the day are attached.

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demo tomorow

28-12-2008 18:17

demo tomorow against police brutality and the gaza atttack

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By Ewa Jasiewicz – Gaza City

28-12-2008 12:00

This is an on the spot report by freelance journalist Ewa Jasiewicz.
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