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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Police powers increased by new London mayor

09-06-2008 17:24

The new Conservative mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has announced sweeping measures to ramp up police powers. After a series of highly publicised knifings in central London last month, the mayor called for a policy of “zero tolerance” and “immediate operational response.” This announcement neatly dovetailed with the launch of a £3 million public relations campaign funded by the Home Office.

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Solidarity actions for Dr Martin Balluch & Austrian activists

09-06-2008 16:28

"...I ask everyone who cares about animal protection and human rights to take action now to prevent this crime. This kind of police arbitrariness against NPOs is something we might recognize in dictatorships, but not in a democracy. Please stand up strong; stand against this outrageous injustice. My life depends on it."

- Dr Martin Balluch, Chairman of the Association against Animal Factories (VGT)

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Death threats against Colombian WRI affiliate Red Juvenil de Medellin

09-06-2008 16:16

Statement of the War Resisters' International Executive Committee

London, 9 June 2008

War Resisters' International is very concerned about the death threats received by its Colombian affiliate Red Juvenil de Medellin. Last week, Red Juvenil received death threats in the name of "Aguilas Negras" (Black Eagles) [1], a name widely used by groups of supposedly demobilised paramilitaries.
On Thursday 29 and Friday 30 May 2008, Red Juvenil de Medellín received the following message from "Death to anarchists disguised as a pacifists. No more concerts of drugs and communists. No further notice." The threats were directed at eight named members and close friends of Red Juvenil [2], and signed Aguilas Negras.

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Amdani Juma's deportation, Countdown, 2 days to go - St Peters Stall, Nottingham

08-06-2008 19:20

Amdani Juma's deportation has been postponed until Tuesday 10th June, but remains a real threat. There has already been a massive campaign in support of Amdani and a huge amount of pressure. A stall outside St.Peters Church, continued to inform passers-by about the issue, and to collect more signatures for the petition.

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"There is a Prison Awaiting All Dreamers" Eric McDavid flyer

07-06-2008 22:47

This text is being distributed and posted as a single-sheet flyer inside and on the streets of the Puget Sound area of Washington state. It is an attempt to communicate to anyone who is willing to contemplate and engage the growing prominence of repression in the glorious United States, breadbasket of fascistic democratic control.

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Statement from Tre Arrow, eco-activist pleading guilty to arson

07-06-2008 22:42

On the 4th June, a well known American eco-activist, Tre Arrow, pleaded guilty to two counts of arson. In exchange for his Guilty plea Tre is expected to be sentenced to six and a half years imprisonment. However the court will also acknowledge the four years he has already served on remand, in Canada, fighting his extradition to the USA.

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Anarchist in Kansai area (West Japan) arrested in G8 preparations- Solidarity ne

07-06-2008 20:58

Tabi Rounin, better known as 'Rebel_Jill' has been detained by police on minor charges in the run-up to the G8 in Japan, as the police attempt to investigate his international connections and disrupt his revolutionary activities. This is a known tactic of the Japanese political police, see the 325 magazine website for a similar case (Interview with Comrade 'M') and also see the interview with Tabi/Rebel Jill.

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FITwatching at the Carnival Against the Arms Trade

07-06-2008 15:00

FITwatching really take off at the carnival - and the FIT took off in response!

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Austrian animal protectionists remanded in custody 4 more weeks!

07-06-2008 09:26

Following a judicial review on the 6th June, all ten remanded Austrian animal protectionists are to remain in custody for another four weeks. The justice scandal worsens

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Amdani Juma's deportation, Countdown, 4 day to go - St Peters Stall, Nottingham

06-06-2008 21:13

Amdani Juma's deportation has been postponed until Tuesday 10th June, but remains a real threat. There has already been a massive campaign in support of Amdani and a huge amount of pressure. A stall outside St.Peters Church, continued to inform passers-by about the issue, and to collect more signatures for the petition.

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Sierra Leone Movement Under Attack!

06-06-2008 19:20

Chernoh Alpha M. Bah
Slanderous news media has appeared in a government linked newspaper and a campaign of rumors has been initiated, obviously designed to undermine and isolate the Africanist Movement and its director, Chernoh Alpha M. Bah. Sierra Leone’s neocolonial government is apparently moving to criminalize the Africanist Movement in order to justify jailing and/or otherwise destroying these courageous leaders of our struggle for African self-determination.

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Berlin - In Chaos!

06-06-2008 13:50

A personal report from last week's action days for autonomous spaces in Berlin. This report reflects the thoughts and opinions of the authors, not of any campaign, although these opinions may be shared by others.

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Break the chains – 14 June

06-06-2008 08:58

Break the chains – International solidarity with the political prisoners of imperialism!

SATURDAY 14 JUNE, 12 – 3pm


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Saved from landfill or stolen? Garden chair update

06-06-2008 08:52

Has the farcical police investigation into the alleged theft of four unwanted green plastic garden chairs from a skip destined for landfill been abandoned yet? Of course not! A file on the case is currently with the Crown Prosecution Service for their consideration.

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EU Court of Auditors Fraud: Shooting the Messenger

06-06-2008 07:27

An EU official blows the whistle about the Secretary General and President of the European Court of Auditors reacting to his reporting fraud and blackmail suspicions and evidence with a disciplinary procedure against...the official!

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Compare Language in “Hitler’s Laws” with Pending U.S. Senate Bill S.1959

06-06-2008 02:16

Americans might ask Senators McCain and Obama if they support S.1959.

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Binyam Mohamed, British torture victim in Guantánamo: an update

06-06-2008 02:15

Andy Worthington, author of “The Guantánamo Files”, reports on the latest news about British resident Binyam Mohamed, who has just been put forward for trial by Military Commission at Guantánamo, at the same time that a UK court has made a ruling in his favour regarding his demand that the UK government reveal evidence of what it knew about his rendition to torture.

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Amnesty International position on Austrian hunger strikers

05-06-2008 21:57

Statement by Amnesty Internatioinal in response to the repressive police action against Austrian animal rights campaigners

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International call for actions against "anti-terrorist" repression In France

05-06-2008 20:29

You'll find below a letter from jail as well as an international call for
action and solidarity with 4 people locked up in french jails since a few
months. They are accused of planning terrorist activity (sometimes just because
they were going to a demonstration with DIY smoke bombs) or taking part in
sabotage actions. They, amongst others, are pointed out as symbolic figures of
the « the resurging threat of anarcho-terrorists preparing for armed
struggle ». The french State is trying to build up this myth as a reaction to
ongoing revolts (migrants', workers', students', struggles against jails...).
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