UK Repression Newswire Archive
Protesting for the right to protest
21-01-2008 17:53

Proof from cases of how Peter Hain and DWP force poverty on people
21-01-2008 13:45
As Rupert Murdoch ['SUN'] 'clears' Peter Hain's wife 'Dr' Elizabeth Heywood from any involvement in Hain's sleaze, it may be only a matter of time before the others also 'clear' Hain of any wrongdoing.The Gaza Strip's People are dying, Help us!
20-01-2008 22:58
The Gaza Strip's power plant has completely shut down on Sunday because it no longer has the fuel needed to keep running. One of the plant's two electricity-generating turbines had already shut down by noon.PDC fact sheet: Mumia is Innocent! Free Him Now!
20-01-2008 22:28
Partisan Defence Committee Fact SheetMurdered by Mumia: Big Lies in the Service of Legal Lynching
Mumia is Innocent! Free Him Now!
Read the PDC factsheet that debunks the renewed lies of the prosecution and those who want to see Mumia Abu-Jamal, death row class-war political prisoner, revolutionary black journalist, the "Voice of the Voiceless" silenced by legal lynching.
Brighton F.T.P Demo and film
20-01-2008 16:05

That was the uncompromising message delivered by Brighton activists on Saturday 18th on the Freedom to Protest march.
IPCC to investigate taser incident
20-01-2008 14:51
Bradford police use use taserBangkok Gastech 2008 10-13March 2008 - Join the Global warming party!!
20-01-2008 11:07
PTT corporation of Thailand and other global bedfellows with the Burmese Military junta will be greasing palms at Bangkok Gastech 2008. Joined by evil corporations from around the world it could be the perfect opportunity to infiltrate, disrupt and do some good all at the same time.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Support the Sequani Six (SOCPA defendants)
20-01-2008 01:14
A member of Coventry Animal Alliance has written the following appeal, on behalf of the 6 defendants currently on trial(at Birmingham Crown Court) for taking part in peaceful protests outside Sequani, an animal testing lab in Ledbury. This was originally written primarily for the attention of animal rights groups, but it is of equal relevance to any group or individual who has an interest in justice.Canada Puts US, Israel on Torture List-But Then Apologizes
19-01-2008 22:26
The Neo-Conservative Canadian (Alliance) Government has placed both the US and Israel, which are known to engage in routine torture, on a list of countries known to engage in torture. However, when pressed by the countries' Lobby groups, they relented, apologized, and vowed to alter the lists.I guess they don't want their siplomats acting in accordance with the facts afterall ...
Home Office intimidation of voluntary asylum workers
19-01-2008 20:12
The Border and Immigration Agency is now threatening 'unqualified' people who write letters on behalf of asylum seekers with prosecution, as part of their latest campaign to deprive them of any form of representation.Right to protest march considered succesful.
19-01-2008 18:44
Brighton freedom to protest demonstration goes ahead despite the comical efforts of Sussex police to impose order.How to be a seriously organised animal rights criminal - Section 145 SOCPA.
19-01-2008 14:41
Our hypothetical campaign situation resulting in a civil liberties cluster-fuck happy reading…Haiti: FRAPH Founder Toto Constant Opts For A Trial In Mortgage Fraud Case
19-01-2008 13:09

next Campaign for Free Assembly meeting tomorrow @LSE
19-01-2008 12:19
Campaign for Free Assembly public meetingSunday January 20th 2pm-4pm
London School of Economics room H216, Connaught House

Marylebone Rd protest against Total Oil support for Burma junta
19-01-2008 01:19

DC Protest For Sea Shepherd Hostages Video
18-01-2008 22:10
Yesturday, activists from NYC banded together with activists from Washington D.C. to protest the kidnapping and hostage taking of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society members Giles Lane (UK) and Benjamin Potts (Australia). At the end of yesterday's protest activists received the call: The Sea Shepherd heroes had just been released.Lack of Cooperation May Kill the Whales
18-01-2008 19:36
"With "allies" like the Australian government and Greenpeace, it is becoming increasing difficult to keep the Japanese fleet from killing whales," said Captain Paul Watson. "Australian Customs deliberately led us away from the fleet and Greenpeace is guarding the coordinates like the crown jewels to prevent us re-locating the fleet."Sea Shepherd Hostages Return Back to Steve Irwin
18-01-2008 19:32

Institutionalized Spying on Americans
18-01-2008 15:52
This article reviews two police state tools (among many in use) in America. One is new, undiscussed and largely unknown to the public. The other was covered in a December article by this writer called Police State America. Here it's updated with new information.
Full article | 5 additions | 9 comments
"How non-violence protects the state" - Tour starts Jan 23rd 'til Feb 2nd
18-01-2008 12:17

Jan 23rd - Feb 2nd 2008
*Gandhi said it's better to resist violently than to use nonviolence to
hide your passivity. Meanwhile, Bono, the Burmese military, and 9 out of
10 humanitarian NGOs agree, peaceful resistance is the best!*