UK Repression Newswire Archive
S.O.S. - The Met are raiding and removing tents of supporters of Brian Haw
17-08-2007 12:44

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FitWatch faceup to FIT
17-08-2007 10:48

Climate Camper Arrested Under Terrorism Act
17-08-2007 09:50

SOCPA - parliament square GLA raid this morning!!!! URGENT
17-08-2007 09:48
urgent newsflashgla backed by 'flatcap' officers have arrived at parliament square. it seems they are going to attempt an eviction of the tents there.
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Media Wars - Thursday at the Climate Camp
16-08-2007 20:57

Police use anti-terror powers against environmental protest
16-08-2007 20:41
The Camp for Climate Action got under way Tuesday amidst a major police operation and provocative “terror” stories in the media.The Cuban Five: Mission against Terror and Hypocrisy
16-08-2007 19:31

CHEVRON to stand trial for complicity in murder of Nigerian protesters
16-08-2007 16:39
CHEVRON TO STAND TRIAL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES IN NIGERIAUS Federal Judge Finds Evidence that Chevron Was Complicit In Murder of Nigerian Villagers
Fascism of the Heart
16-08-2007 14:15
Tolerance is learned, not inate. The disabled have practically no lobby. Their interests and their rights are simply ignored. The logic of the National Socialist annihilation policy was the logic of the reduction of the person to his/her economic function.Russian Nazis execute two immigrants
16-08-2007 12:22

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URGENT: Don't Deport Pegah Emambakhsh
16-08-2007 11:23
Pegag Emambakhsh is an Iranian national who sought asylum in the UK in 2005. Her claim failed despite appeals and she was arrested in Sheffield on Monday 13th August and is being taken to Yarlswood detention centre from where she will be deported tomorrow, Thursday 16th August.small pics of police blunder at climate camp on tuesday
15-08-2007 21:03

Guantánamo detainee details years of torture
15-08-2007 17:25
A British resident, Omar Deghayes, detained at Guantánamo Bay as an alleged terrorist, reports that he has suffered years of torture, sexual abuse and death threats. Last week, Omar’s family released a dossier documenting his terrible ordeal, which he dictated to a lawyer visiting the United States-run military prison.Video of police trying to remove super-glue women from climate camp gate
15-08-2007 12:41

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No olympic in China until Tibet is free
15-08-2007 11:39
14 Tibetans were on hunger strike, in New Delhi (India) from the 8th of July to the 9th of August. Among their objectives, they wanted to convince international community to boycott the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in August-September 2008.EXECUTION ALERT: Kenneth Foster scheduled to die 30th August 07
15-08-2007 10:25

Oaxaca Street Art
15-08-2007 00:11

Video of attempted mass police incursion onto climate camp site
14-08-2007 23:52

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Stand off after police incursion at climate camp, tuesday evening.
14-08-2007 23:00

Unruly militias as British recede
14-08-2007 21:09
Hameed Hussain who fled the city recently says the Iraqi police and army are not in control of the city. "Practically, the militias have the city under their sway."